This index is divided into two sections: Author/Subject Index and Alphabetical List of Essay Titles. In both sections, names of the authors appear in plain text. Subject headings appear in boldface. The name of the author in the Alphabetical List of Essay Titles is in parentheses following the title, unless listed otherwise. The Impressions issue number is in boldface, followed by the year of publication and the first page number of the text. For example, Impressions 26 (2004): 23 is abbreviated 26 2004: 23.

Titles that begin with “A,” “An,” “The” and the like are alphabetized by the first descriptive word. For example: “The Functional Beauty of the Japanese Box (Johnson), 42 Part 1 2021: 37 is alphabetized under “F” for “Functional.” Titles of other works and words that are not part of the English lexicon are in italics in the index.

“Impressions of Japan” in citations refers to the short feature essays that conclude selected issues of Impressions.

The index will be updated with each new issue. Found a past article, essay or interview of interest? Order the back issue!

Author / Subject Index


Abe Hitoshi

Hitoshi Abe. By Naomi Pollock; review by Jonathan Reynolds, 31 2010: 188

Abé Ryūichi

Women and the Heike nōkyō: The Dragon Princess, the Jewel and the Buddha, 40 2019: 99

Actors. See also Kabuki

Edo Kabuki: The Actor’s World (Samuel L. Leiter), 31 2010: 117

The Fragrance of Female Immortals: Celebrity Endorsement from the Afterlife (Ellis Tinios), 27 2005–06: 43

The Ghost of Oiwa in Actor Prints: Confronting Disfigurement (Shimazaki Satoko), 29 2007–08: 77

Heroes of the Kabuki Stage. By Arendie and Henk Herwig; review by Laurence R. Kominz, 27 2005–06: 124

Ichikawa Ebizō XI at Carnegie Hall (Samuel L. Leiter), 38 2017: 123

Kabuki—Spooky and Kooky—Returns to New York (Samuel L. Leiter), 36 2015: 123

In Memoriam: Ichikawa Danjūrō XII (1946–2013) (Watanabe Shimotsu; translated and adapted by Samuel L. Leiter), 35 2014: 222

Memorial Portraits of Kabuki Actors: Fanfare in the Floating World (Christine Guth), 27 2005–06: 23

Pas de Trois: An Artist, An Actor & A Ballerina—Iacovleff, Utaemon and Pavlova (Evgeny Steiner), 44 Part 1 2023: 105

Tsukioka Kōgyo’s Noh Prints: Revival and Performance (Katherine Saltzman-Li), 37 2016: 53

Wild Boars and Dirty Rats: Kyōka Surimono Celebrating Ichikawa Danjūrō VII as Arajishi Otokonosuke (John T. Carpenter), 28 2006–07: 41

Addiss, Stephen

Ishinosuke Mizutani (1920–2006): An Appreciation, 29 2007–08: 148

Letter to the Editor, 27 2005–06: 128

Notes on Zen Calligraphy: The Daitoku-ji and Ōbaku Traditions, 41 2020: 143

Ainsworth, Mary A.

Mary A. Ainsworth: Pioneer American Woman Collector of Japanese Prints (William Green), 12 Summer 1986: 1


Ainu Robes for the Minneapolis Institute of Art; Impressions of Japan, 41 2020: 200

Akagi, Douglas

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): The Last Trip to Tokyo, 44 Part 1 2023: 149

Allen, Laura W.

Seduction: Japan’s Floating World––The John C. Weber Collection. By Allen, with essays by Julia Meech, Eric C. Rath and Melinda Takeuchi; review essay by Catherine Bae, “Seducing Mind and Body in the World of Commerce, Theater and Literacy,” 37 2016: 168

Alonso, Maria Goretti Mieites

Kimono Under the Microscope: Japanese Fashion at the Cusp of the Chemical Revolution (Nobuko Shibayama, Alonso, Kristine Kamiya, Monika Bincsik and Marco Leona), 44 Part 2 2023: 91

Altman, Benjamin

Benjamin Altman’s Little-Known Collection of Japanese Lacquers (Monika Binscik), 36 2015: 61

Amemiya Toshiko

Snowflakes, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 172

American Occupation of Japan (1945–1952) and Military Presence, 1950s

A Precious Life: Eulogy for the Poets of Sugamo (Midori Sato), 35 2014: 35

Sugamo Life: Prison Arts Under American Occupation, 1945–52 (Bill Barrette), 34 2013: 55

The Lost Art of Resistance (Linda Hoagland), 33 2012: 31

Amherst College

William Green and Amherst College: A Perfect Match (Julia Meech), 39 Part 2 2018: 65

Andrei, Talia

The Visual Narratives of the Kumano Nun: Picturing Anxiety and Promising Hope, 45 Part 1 2024: 59

Animal Imagery

Japanese Animal Prints (William Harkins), 15 Summer 1989: 10

A Japanese Menagerie: Animal Pictures by Kawanabe Kyōsai. By Rosina Buckland, Timothy Clark and Shigeru Oikawa; review by John Stevenson, 29 2007–08: 196

Shijō Bird, Animal and Flower Prints in the Meiji Period (William Harkins), 12 Summer 1986: 10

Antiquarians, Japanese

Lessons from the One-Mat Room: Piety and Playfulness among Nineteenth-Century Japanese Antiquarians (Henry D. Smith II), 33 2012: 55

Appraisal of Art

Appraising the Frank Lloyd Wright Collection: A Personal Memoir (O[rrell] P. Reed Jr), 24 2002: 93

Arajishi Otokonosuke

Wild Boars and Dirty Rats: Kyōka Surimono Celebrating Ichikawa Danjūrō VII as Arajishi Otokonosuke (John T. Carpenter), 28 2006–07: 41

Architecture, Japanese

Edward S. Morse’s Writings on Japanese Vernacular Architecture as Ethnography (Jonathan Reynolds), 35 2014: 137

Art Collectors. See Collectors and Collecting

Art Dealers

Boney, Alice

  See Ellsworth, Discovery

Egenolf, Herbert

Herbert Egenolf (1938–2002) (Veronica Miller), 24 2002:108

Ellsworth, Robert Hatfield

Discovery. By Robert Hatfield Ellsworth. Edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver, with Anita Christy, 38 Companion Issue 2017

Robert Hatfield Ellsworth (Anita Christy, 37 2016:150; and Robert Poster, 37 2016: 160)

Freeman, James

Just One Thing After Another (James Freeman), 39 Part 1 2018: 67

Hagurodō: Training Ground for Ukiyo-e Painting Dealers (Asano Shūgō), 37 2016: 141

Hirama Mika

A Woman of Parts: In Conversation with Mika, 45 Part 1 2024: 137

Imadegawa Tomoki

Imadegawa Tomoki: Love the Art More than Money (2023; interviewed by Amemiya Toshiko), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 281


A Woman of Parts: In Conversation with Mika, 45 Part 1 2024: 137

Mizutani Ichinosuke

Ishinosuke Mizutani (1920–2006): An Appreciation (Stephen Addiss), 29 2007–08: 148

Naumann, Klaus F.

“Still Learning”: A Conversation with Klaus F. Naumann, Collector and Dealer, 40 2019: 37

Packard, Harry

Harry Packard’s Japanese Pots (Louise Cort), 32 2011: 115

Rare Correspondence: Letters from Harry Packard to Edwin Grabhorn 1950–64. Edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver, 36 Companion Issue 2015

Who Was Harry Packard? (Julia Meech), 32 2011: 83

Rikardson, Anders

Anders Rikardson (1953–2020): A Lifelong Devotion to Art (Geoffrey Oliver), 42 Part 1         2021: 171

Sakamoto Gorō

Eight Parts Full: A Life in the Tokyo Art Trade. By Sakamoto Gorō, Special Issue 2011

Sawers, Robert

Swiss Bliss [on dealings with Swiss collectors] (Robert Sawers), 25 2003: 71

Sneider, Lea

Lea Sneider (1925–2020): Art Lover (David Sneider), 42 Part 1 2021:177

Setsu Yoshihira

Recollections of My Father, Setsu Yoshihira (1932–2017) (Setsu Tadashi), 40 2019: 185

Tajima Mitsuru

The Story of a Tokyo Art Dealer (Tajima Mitsuru), 38 2017: 71

Tōbi Art Fair

Special Tōbi Art Fair 2020: Looking Forward and Back (Kawashima Tadashi), 41 2020: 127

Wright, Frank Lloyd

Appraising the Frank Lloyd Wright Collection: A Personal Memoir (O[rrell] P. Reed Jr), 24 2002: 93

Yabumoto Sōshirō

Yabumoto Sōshirō: The Way of an Art Dealer (Leighton R. Longhi), 32 2011: 65

Yamanaka & Co.

The Enemy Trader: The United States and the End of Yamanaka (Yuriko Kuchiki), 34 2013: 33

Yanagi Family

Yanagi: A Family of Art Dealers in Kyoto (edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver), Yanagi Special Issue 2025

Yanagi Hiroshi

A Few Treasures from Yanagi Shigehiko and Yanagi Hiroshi, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 256

Yanagi Kōichi

Yanagi Kōichi (1965–2022): Nothing but the Best (2019), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 187

Yanagi Kōji

Yanagi Kōji: Next Chapter (2022; interviewed by Melissa M. Rinne, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 195

Yanagi Kunio

My Affection for Two of the Yanagi Brothers (James Freeman), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 251

Yanagi Kunio’s Favorite Neighborhood: Shinmonzen Street (1995), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 269

Yanagi Shigehiko

A Few Treasures from Yanagi Shigehiko and Yanagi Hiroshi, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 256

My Affection for Two of the Yanagi Brothers (James Freeman), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 251

Overwhelmed by a Yanagi (Julia Meech), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 249

Yanagi Shigehiko and His Brothers: A Collector’s Appreciation (Robert Feinberg), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 23

Yanagi Shigeyuki

Yanagi Shigeyuki: Beware of Lucky Breaks (2024; interviewed by Amemiya Toshiko), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 259

Yanagi Takashi

Memorable Works from Yanagi Takashi, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 174

Yanagi Takashi: An Interview Cut Short (2018; interviewed by Melissa M. Rinne), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 105

Yanagi Takashi: Bio in Brief, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 45

Yanagi Takashi in Conversation with Aoyagi Keisuke (2007; excerpted with permission from Aoyagi Keisuke; photos courtesy of Shinchōsha), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 53

Yanagi Takashi on Failure and Success, in Bessatsu Taiyō (Winter 1990; republished with permission of Heibonsha, Tokyo), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 41

Yanagi Takashi: Thirteen Personal Tributes, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 115

Yanagi Tomoo

Yanagi Tomoo: Second Generation on Shinmonzen (2023), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 275

Art Education in United States and Japanese Prints

Marketing Koson in America (Kendall H. Brown), 43 Part 1 2022: 129

The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Washington, DC

“Hokusai”; review essay by Elizabeth Swinton, “Hokusai: Still Making Waves,” 28 2006–07: 122

“Masters of Mercy: Buddha’s Amazing Disciples”; exhibition review by Andrew Pekarik, 34 2013: 184

Asai Chū

Asai Chū and Ikebe Yoshikata: A Unique Collaboration (Donald Jenkins), 39 Part 1 2018: 35

Asian Influence on American Artists

Marketing Koson in America (Kendall H. Brown), 43 Part 1 2022: 129

Asano Shūgō

Hagurodō: Training Ground for Ukiyo-e Painting Dealers, 37 2016: 141

An Oversize Surimono (Timothy Clark, translator), 20 1998: 17

Asato Ikeda

Art and War in Japan and Its Empire, 1931–1960. Edited by Ikeda, Aya Louisa McDonald and Ming Tiampo; review by Catherine Bae, 35 2014: 247

Mirroring the Japanese Empire: The Male Figure in Yōga Paintings, 1930­–1950. By Maki Kaneko; review by Asato, 37 2016: 200

The Politics of Painting: Fascism and Japanese Art during the Second World War. By Asato Ikeda; review by Stephanie Su, 42 Part 1 2021: 185

Asian Influence on American Artists

The Third Mind; review essay by Ryan Holmberg of The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860–1989. By Alexandra Munroe, 31 2010: 142

Atkins, Jaqueline M.

The Brittle Decade: Visualizing Japan in the 1930s. By John Dower, Anne Nishimura Morse, Atkins and Frederic A. Sharf; review by Catherine Bae, 34 2013: 199

Auctions and Auctioneers

Behind the Gavel: The Auctioneer’s Personal Viewpoint (Neil Davey), 42 Part 2 2021: 123

Avitabile, Gunhild (1941–2021)

Passione per la Vita: In Memory of Gunhild Avitabile (1941–2021) (Stephan von der Schulenberg), 43 Part 1 2022: 155

Gunhild Avitabile (1941–2021): Never in the Slow Lane (Julia Meech), 43 Part 1 2022: 163

Avant, Jacqueline (1940–2021)

Jacqueline Avant (1940–2021): A Life in Black and Gold (Monika Bincsik, Robert Hori, Erik Thomsen, Sharon S. Takeda & Hollis Goodall), 43 Part 2 2022: 59


Awards to Impressions. See Impressions



Bae, Catherine

Art and War in Japan and Its Empire, 1931–1960. Edited by Asato Ikeda, Aya Louisa McDonald and Ming Tiampo; review by Bae, 35 2014: 247

The Brittle Decade: Visualizing Japan in the 1930s. By John W. Dower, Anne Nishimura Morse and Frederic A. Sharf; review by Bae, 34 2013: 199

Deco Japan: Shaping Art & Culture, 1920–1945. By Kendall H. Brown; review by Bae, 34 2013: 199

Seducing Mind and Body in the World of Commerce, Theater and Literacy; review essay by Bae of the exhibition “Seduction: Japan’s Floating World—The John C. Weber Collection,” Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, and the eponymous catalogue by Laura W. Allen, with essays by Julia Meech, Eric C. Rath and Melinda Takeuchi, 37 2016:168

Baekeland, Joan D.

Peter F. Drucker (1908–2005): Ahead of the Curve, 29 2007–08: 140

Bairei. See Kōno Bairei

Balcer, Carolyn-Hsu

Japanese Smoking Accoutrements in the Carolyn Hsu-Balcer Collection (Martin Barnes Lorber), 38 2017: 171

Balcer, René C.

Kawase Hasui: Collecting a Versatile Modern Master, 34 2013: 109

Water and Shadow: Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints. [Carolyn and René Balcer Collection, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts]. Edited by Kendall H. Brown; review by Elizabeth deSabato Swinton, 37 2016: 192

Barnet, Sylvan

Giving Away Our Collection, 36 2015: 31

Thinking about Pictures: Reflections on Segments of a Medieval Illustrated Handscroll (Barnet and William Burto), 29 2007–08: 59

Barrette, Bill

Sugamo Life: Prison Arts Under American Occupation, 1945–52, 34 2013: 55

Berman, Merrill C.

Collecting Japanese Posters: Merrill C. Berman in Conversation with Erin Schoneveld, 45 Part 2 2024: 62

Berry, Paul

Always at Another Level, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 155

Bickford, Lawrence R.

Coincidence and Chance: Becoming a Collector in the 1960s, 25 2003: 93

Daidōzan, 15 Summer 1989: 1

The Katsukawa, 14 Spring 1988: 1

Likenesses and Signatures, 13 Spring 1987: 1

The Pigment Story, 7 Autumn 1982: 1

Rejoiner: The Pigment Story Revisited, 9 Spring 1984: 12

Sumo and the Japanese Print Artists, 2 October 1978: 1

Three Aspects of Ukiyo-e Woodblock Printmaking: I. Prussian (Berlin) Blue; II. Concerning the Ukiyo-e Quartet Theory; III. A Much-Revised Shunshō Print, 18 Autumn 1994: 1

Ukiyo-e Print History, 17 Summer 1993: 6

van Biema, Anne

Masterful Illusions: Japanese Prints in the Anne van Biema Collection. By Ann Yonemura; review by David Waterhouse, 25 2003: 138

Bijin-ga, in title

The Bijin-ga of Utagawa Kunisada (Sebastian Izzard), 3 Spring 1979: 1

Bincsik, Monika

An Appreciation of Nabeshima, 37 2016: 35

Benjamin Altman’s Little-Known Collection of Japanese Lacquers, 36 2015: 61

Glass Flowing Like Water: Monika Bincsik Introduces a Kyoto Artist; Impressions of Japan, 42 Part 1 2021: 195

Kimono Under the Microscope: Japanese Fashion at the Cusp of the Chemical Revolution (Nobuko Shibayama, Maria Goretti Mieites Alonso, Kristine Kamiya, Bincsik and Marco Leona), 44 Part 2 2023: 91

Jacqueline Avant (1940–2021): A Life in Black and Gold, 43 Part 2 2022: 59

Japanese Exported Lacquer: Reassessments and Summary of Sources; review essay of “Japan––Makie / Export Lacquer: Reflection of the West in Black and Gold Makie,” Kyoto National Museum and Suntory Museum, 31 2010: 158

Kimono Style: John C. Weber in Conversation with Monika Bincsik, 43 Part 1 2022: 75

The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated, by John T. Carpenter and Melissa McCormick, with Bincsik and Kyoko Kinoshita; review by Rosina Buckland, 41 2020: 191

Binnie, Paul

Impressions of Japan, 33 2012: 148


Marketing Koson in America (Kendall H. Brown), 43 Part 1 2022: 129

A Note on Kōno Bairei’s Birds (William Harkins), 13 Spring 1987: 7

Shijō Bird, Animal and Flower Prints in the Meiji Period (William Harkins), 12 Summer 1986: 10

“And the bird’s beak became a bird”: Watanabe Seitei’s Pigeons at Sensō-ji (Kit Brooks), 42 Part 1 2021: 149

Blakemore, Frances

An American Artist in Tokyo: Frances Blakemore. By Michiyo Morioka; review by Elizabeth deSabato Swinton, 32 2011: 193


Prostitute as Bodhisattva: The Eguchi Theme in Ukiyo-e (Timothy Clark), 22 2000: 37

Bodin, Anne-Laure

Dietrich Seckel’s Private Photos: An Archive at Heidelberg University, 39 Part 2 2018: 11

Bogel, Cynthea J.

Pilgrimage and Buddhist Art. Edited by Adriana Proser; review by Bogel, 32 2011: 180

With a Single Glance: Buddhist Icon And Early Mikkyō Vision. By Bogel; review by David Waterhouse, 33 2012: 137

Boney, Alice. See Ellsworth, Discovery

Books, Japanese

The Art of Hokusai in Book Illustration. By Jack Hillier; review by Matthi Forrer, 6 Autumn                        1981: 6

Ehon: The Artist and the Book in Japan. By Roger S. Keyes; review by Donald Jenkins, 29 2007–08: 184

   The History of Japanese Printing and Book Illustration. By David Chibbett; review by Stanley L. Wallace, 3 Spring 1979: 5

Hokusai and His Age: Ukiyo-e Painting, Printmaking and Book Illustration in Late Edo Japan. Edited by John T. Carpenter; review essay by Donald Jenkins, 28 2006–07, 113

How and Why the Arthur and Charlotte Vershbow Collection of Japanese Illustrated Books Came to The Metropolitan Museum of Art (John T. Carpenter), 36 2015: 145

Visiting Arthur Vershbow, 36 2015 (Edmond Freis and Allison Tolman): 163

Book Reviews

An American Artist in Tokyo: Frances Blakemore. By Michio Morioka; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 32 2011: 193

The Art and Life of Fukuda Kodōjin: Japan’s Great Poet and Landscape Artist. By Andreas Marks, with an essay by Paul Berry, and translations of Chinese poems by Jonathan Chaves; review by Hollis Goodall, 45 Part 1 2024: 193

Art and War in Japan and Its Empire, 1931–1960. Edited by Asato Ikeda, Aya Louisa McDonald and Ming Tiampo; review by Catherine Bae, 35 2014: 247

The Art of Hokusai in Book Illustration. By Jack Hillier; review by Matthi Forrer, 6 Autumn 1981: 6

Art of the Japanese Postcard: The Leonard A. Lauder Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts,  Boston. By Anne Nishimura Morse, J. Thomas Rimer and Kendall H. Brown; review by Brian D. Moeran, 26 2004: 127

Art of the Surimono. By James T. Kenny and Fukimo Togasaki; review by Donald Jenkins, 4 Winter–Spring 1980: 7

The Artistic Journey of Yasuo Kuniyoshi. By Tom Wolf; review by Susan G. Lewis, 38 2017: 197

The Artist’s Touch The Craftsman’s Hand: Three Centuries of Japanese Prints from the Portland Art Museum. Edited by Maribeth Graybill; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 34 2013: 219

The Beauty of the Moment: Women in Japanese Woodblock Prints. Edited by Katherina Epprecht; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 35 2014: 282

Behold the Buddha: Religious Meanings of Japanese Buddhist Icons. By James C. Dobbins; review by Melinda Takeuchi, 43 Part 1 (2022): 189

The Brittle Decade: Visualizing Japan in the 1930s. By John W. Dower, Anne Nishimura  Morse, Jacqueline Atkins and Frederic A. Sharf; review by Catherine Bae, 34 2013: 199

The Buddhist Goddess Marishiten: A Study of the Evolution and Impact of Her Cult on the Japanese Warrior. By David A. Hall; review by David Waterhouse, 36 2015: 252

Ch’aekkðri Painting: A Korean Jigsaw Puzzle. By Kay E. Black; review by Eleanor Soo-ah Hyun, 42 Part 2 2021: 139

Chigusa and the Art of Tea. Edited by Louise Allison Cort and Andrew M. Watsky; review by Andrew Pekarik, 36 2015: 213

Chikanobu: Modernity and Nostalgia in Japanese Prints. By Bruce A. Coats; review by Roxane Witke, 29 2007–08: 191

The Commercial and Cultural Climate of Japanese Printmaking. Edited by Amy Reigle Newland; review by David Pollack, 27 2005–06: 114

Conflicts of Interest: Art and War in Modern Japan. Edited by Philip Hu; review by Alison J. Miller, 39 Part 1 2018: 225

The Dawn of the Floating World (1650–1765): Early Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Timothy Clark, Anne Nishimura Morse and Louise E. Virgin, with Allen Hockley; review by Helen M. Nagata, 24 2002: 99

Deco Japan: Shaping Art & Culture, 1920–1945. By Kendall H. Brown; review by   Catherine Bae, 34 2013: 199

A Dictionary of Japanese Artists. By Laurance P. Roberts; review by William Harkins, 2 October 1978: 5

Egoyomi and Surimono. By Matthi Forrer; review by Donald Jenkins, 4 Winter–Spring 1980: 7

Ehon: The Artist and the Book in Japan. By Roger S. Keyes; review by Donald Jenkins, 29 2007–08: 184

Eirakuya Tōshirō, Publisher at Nagoya: A Contribution to the History of Publishing in 19th Century Japan. By Matthi Forrer; review by William Harkins, 12 Summer 1986:                                    9

Envisioning The Tale of Genji: Media, Gender, and Cultural Production. Edited by Haruo Shirane; review by Melinda Takeuchi, 31 2010: 171

An Exhibition of Prints, Paintings and Lacquer by Shibata Zeshin. By Milne Henderson; review by William Harkins, 2 October 1978: 5

An Exhibition of Prints and Paintings on Netsuke Subjects: Zeshin and Related Artists. By Milne Henderson; review by William Harkins, 2 October 1978: 5

The Face of Jizō: Image and Cult in Medieval Japanese Buddhism. By Hank Glassman; review by Yui Suzuki, 34 2013: 253

Flowers in the Art from East and West. By Paul Hulton and Lawrence Smith; review by William E. Harkins, 5 Spring 1981: 8

A Word on “Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints,” collector’s comments by Jack Lantz of Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints, by Andreas Marks and contributors, 41 2020: 165

Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Paulette and Jack Lantz Collection. By Andreas Marks, with contributions from Bruce A. Coats, Michael Emmerich, Susanne Formanek, Sepp Linhart and Rhiannon Paget; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 43 Part 1 2022: 203

Gutai: Splendid Playground. By Alexandra Munroe and Ming Tiampo; review essay, “Gutai at the Guggenheim,” by Susan G. Lewis, 35 2014: 259

Handmade Culture: Raku Potters, Patrons, and Tea Practitioners in Japan. By Morgan Pitelka; review essay, “The Collected Secrets of Raku Ceramics,” by Peter Dailey, 29 2007–08: 175

The Harunobu Decade: A Catalogue of Woodcuts by Suzuki Harunobu and His Followers in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By David Waterhouse; review by Donald Jenkins, 36 2015: 243

Heaven Has a Face; So Does Hell: The Art of the Noh Mask. By Stephen E. Marvin; review by Melinda Takeuchi, 33 2012: 129

Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama Mandara: Painting and Religious Practice at a Japanese Mountain. By Caroline Hirasawa; review by Akiko Walley, 35 2014: 288

Heroes of the Grand Pacification: Kuniyoshi’s Taiheki eiyū den. By Elena Varshavskaya; review by Merlin C. Dailey, 28 2006–07: 128

Heroes of the Kabuki Stage. By Arendie and Henk Herwig; review by Laurence R. Kominz, 27 2005–06: 124

A Hidden Treasure. By S. Kita; review by Julie Nelson Davis, 19 1997: 72

The History of Japanese Printing and Book Illustration. By David Chibbett; review by Stanley L. Wallace, 3 Spring 1979: 5

Hitoshi Abe. By Naomi Pollock; review by Jonathan Reynolds, 31 2010: 188

Hokusai. By Gian Carlo Calza, with essays by Roger S. Keyes, Matthi Forrer, John M. Rosenfield, Richard Lane, Asano Shūgō, Tsuji Nobuo and Kobayashi Tadashi; review essay by Donald Jenkins, 27 2005–06: 120

Hokusai. By Ann Yonemura, with essays by Nagata Seiji, Kobayashi Tadashi, Yonemura and Asano Shūgõ; catalogue entries by Timothy Clark, Asano, Naitō Masato and  Yonemura; review essay by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, “Hokusai Still Making Waves,” 28 2006–07: 122

Hokusai and His Age: Ukiyo-e Painting, Printmaking and Book Illustration in Late Edo  Japan. Edited by John T. Carpenter; review essay by Donald Jenkins, 28 2006– 07: 113

 Hokusai’s Great Wave: Biography of a Global Icon. By Christine M. E. Guth; review by Bruce Coats, 37 2016: 186

 The Hundred Poets Compared: A Print Series by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. By Henk J. Herwig and Joshua S. Mostow; review by Andreas Marks, 29 2007–08: 188

 Icons and Iconoclasm in Japanese Buddhism: Kūkai and Dogen on the Art of Enlightenment. By Pamela D. Winfield; review by David Waterhouse, 35 2014: 285

 Images from the Floating World. By Richard Lane; review by David Waterhouse, 6  Autumn 1981: 5

 Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923.  By Gennifer Weisenfeld; review by Donald Jenkins, 35 2014: 243

Japan: Courts and Culture. Edited by Rachel Peat; review by Hollis Goodall, 44 Part 1 2023: 183

Japanese Cloisonné Enamels: The Steven W. Fisher Collection. By Robert Mintz; review by Fredric T. Schneider, 32 2011: 197

Japanese Drawings of the 18th and 19th Centuries. By Jack R. Hillier; review by William E. Harkins, 5 Spring 1981: 8

A Japanese Menagerie: Animal Pictures by Kawanabe Kyōsai. By Rosina Buckland; Timothy Clark and Shigeru Oikawa; review by John Stevenson, 29 2007–08: 196

Japanese Prints: 300 Years of Albums and Books. By Jack Hillier and Lawrence Smith; review by William E. Harkins, 5 Spring 1981: 8

Japanese Screens: Through a Break in the Clouds. Under the direction of Anne-Marie Christin; edited by Claire-Akiko Brisset and Torahiko Terada; review by Rosina Buckland, 43 Part 2 2022: 139

Japanese Smoking Accoutrements in the Carolyn Hsu-Balcer Collection (Martin Barnes Lorber), 38 2017: 171

Japanese Woodblock Printing. By Rebecca Salter; review by Irwin Weinberg, 25 2003:    142

Kabuki at the Crossroads: Years of Crisis, 1952–1965. By Samuel L. Leiter; review by Katherine Saltzman-Li, 36 2015: 225

Kabuki’s Nineteenth Century: Stage and Print in Early Modern Edo. By Jonathan E. Zwicker; review by Samuel L. Leiter  45 Part 2 2024: 162

Kamoda Shōji—The Art of Change. By Yokobori Satoshi  and Aaron Rio; review by Samuel C. Morse, 43 Part 2 2022: 157

Kawase Hasui: The Complete Woodblock Prints, by Kendall H. Brown; review essay, “Hasui’s True Views,” by Peter Dailey, 25 2003: 117

Kimono: A Modern History. By Terry Satsuki Milhaupt; review by Joyce Denney, 36 2015: 203

Kuniyoshi: From the Arthur R. Miller Collection. By Timothy Clark; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 31 2010: 185

Late Hokusai: Society, Thought, Technique, Legacy. Edited By Timothy Clark; review by Elizabeth Lillehoj, 45 Part 2 2024: 148

The Lens within the Heart: The Western Scientific Gaze and Popular Imagery in Later Edo Japan. By Timon Screech; review by David Waterhouse, 25 2003: 127

Listening to Clay: Conversations with Contemporary Japanese Ceramic Artists. By Alice North, Halsey North and Louise Allison Cort; review by Bert Winther-Tamaki, 44 Part 1 2023: 173

Manga from the Floating World: Comicbook Culture and the Kibyōshi of Edo Japan. By Adam I. Kern; review essay, “Ephemera for Insiders,” by Melinda Takeuchi, 29 2007–08: 165

Masterful Illusions: Japanese Prints in the Anne van Biema Collection. By Ann Yonemura; review by David Waterhouse, 25 2003: 138

Medicine Master Buddha: The Iconic Worship of Yakushi in Heian Japan. By Yui Suzuki; review by Mark Schumacher, 34 2013: 234

Meiji Kabuki: Japanese Theatre through Foreign Eyes. Edited by Samuel L. Leiter; review by William D. Fleming, 45 Part 2 2024: 170

Mirroring the Japanese Empire: The Male Figure in Yōga Painting, 1930–1950. By Maki Kaneko; review by Asato Ikeda, 37 2016: 200

Netsuke: 100 Miniature Masterpieces from Japan. By Noriko Tsuchiya; review by Bruce Coats, 36 2015: 250

Picturing the Floating World: Ukiyo-e in Context. By Julie Nelson Davis; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 43 Part 2 2022: 147

Pilgrimage and Buddhist Art. Edited by Adriana Proser; review by Cynthea Bogel, 32 2011: 180</>

The Politics of Painting: Fascism and Japanese Art during the Second World War. By Asato Ikeda; review by Stephanie Su, 42 Part 1 2021: 185

Portraits of Chōgen: The Transformation of Buddhist Art in Early Medieval Japan. By John M. Rosenfield; review by Chari Pradel, 34 2013: 243

The Prints of Isoda Koryūsai: Floating World Culture and Its Consumers in Eighteenth- Century Japan. By Allen Hockley; review by Donald Jenkins, 25 2003: 133

Reading Surimono: The Interplay of Text and Image in Japanese Prints. Edited by John T. Carpenter; review by Joshua Mostow, 31 2010: 180

Reading the Tale of Genji: Its Picture–Scrolls, Texts and Romance. Edited by Richard Stanley-Baker, Murakami Fuminobu and Jeremy Tambling; review by Kristopher L. Reeves, 36 2015: 260

Reinventing Tokyo: Japan’s Largest City in the Artistic Imagination. Edited by Samuel C. Morse; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 35 2014: 274

Saitō Kiyoshi: Graphic Awakening. By Rhiannon Paget; review by Hollis Goodall, 43 Part 1 2022: 209

Seduction: Japan’s Floating World––The John C. Weber Collection. By Laura Allen, with essays by Julia Meech, Eric C. Rath and Melinda Takeuchi; review essay by Catherine Bae, “Seducing Mind and Body in the World of Commerce, Theater and Literacy,” 37 2016: 168

Seishun no ukiyoe-shi Suzuki Harunobu––Edo no kararisuto tōjō / Suzuki Harunobu,  Ukiyo-e Master of the Springtime of Youth: Entry on Stage of the Edo Colorist, catalogue of an exhibition at Chiba City Museum and Hagi Uragami Museum; review essay, “Harunobu in Chiba,” by David Waterhouse, 26 2004: 118

Selected Readings on the Art and Times of Ukiyo-e, Ukiyo-e Society of America; review by Rochelle Strauss, 1 March 1976: 4

Seven Masters: 20th–Century Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Wells Collection. By Andreas Marks and contributors; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 38 2017: 189

A Shoal of Fishes (Hiroshige); review by Stanley L. Wallace, 7 Autumn 1982: 8

Shunga: Erotic Art in Japan. By Rosina Buckland; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 33 2012: 134

Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art. Edited by Timothy Clark, C. Andrew Gerstle, Aki Ishigami and Akiko Yano; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 36 2015: 232

The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated. By John T. Carpenter and Melissa McCormick, with Monika Binscik and Kyoko Kinoshita; review by Rosina Buckland, 41 2020: 191

The Tale of Genji: A Visual Companion, by Melissa McCormick; review by Rosina Buckland, 41 2020: 191

Terrific Tokyo: A Panorama in Prints from the 1860s to the 1930s. By Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton; review by Donald Jenkins, 26 2004: 132

The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860–1989. By Alexandra Munroe; review essay, “The Third Mind,” by Ryan Holmberg, 31 2010: 142

Tōkaidō Texts and Tales: Tōkaidō gojūsan tsui by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. Edited by Andreas Marks with contributions by Laura W. Allen and Ann Wehmeyer; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 38 2017: 189

Tokyo, The Imperial Capital: Woodblock Prints by Koizumi Kishio, 1928–1940. By Marianne Lamonaca, James T. Ulak and Frederic A. Sharf; review by Donald Jenkins, 26 2004: 134

Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan. By Melissa McCormick; review by Donald Jenkins, 32 2011: 189

Ukiyo-e Prints and Paintings from the Early Masters to Shunsho: Edoardo Chiossone Civic Museum of Oriental Art, Genoa. By Luigi Bernabò Brea and Eiko Kondo; translated by Máire McHugh Barisone; review by Roger Keyes, 6 Autumn 1981: 6

Water and Shadow: Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints. Edited by Kendall  H. Brown; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 37 2016: 192

With a Single Glance: Buddhist Icon and Early Mikkyō Vision. By Cynthea J. Bogel;  review by David Waterhouse, 33 2012: 137

The Women of the Pleasure Quarters. Edited by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton; review by Julie Nelson Davis, 19 1997: 72

Worldly Pleasures, Earthly Delights: Japanese Prints from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. By Matthew Welch and Yuiko Kimura-Tilford; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 34 2013: 219

Yoshitoshi: Masterpieces from the Ed Freis Collection. By Chris Uhlenbeck and Amy Reigle Newland; review by Donald Jenkins, 34 2013: 227

Boxes, Japanese

The Functional Beauty of the Japanese Box (Shirley Johnson), 42 Part 1 2021: 37

Brandt, Kim

“There Was No East or West When Their Lips Met”: A Movie Poster for Japanese War Bride as Transnational Artifact, 30 2009: 119

Brinker, Helmut

Anointing with Eyes, Raiment and Relic: Insights from the Cologne Jizō, 34 2013: 151

Brinker, Helmut

Helmut Brinker (1939–2012): Spreading Enlightenment (Klaus Naumann), 34 2013: 170

Brooklyn Museum

Cardozo and Rosanjin: The Brooklyn Connection (Joan Cummins), 43 Part 1 2022: 53

Museum Collections in the New York Area: The Brooklyn Museum (William Harkins), 3 Spring 1979: 8

Brooks, Kit

“And the bird’s beak became a bird”: Watanabe Seitei’s Pigeons at Sensō-ji, 42 Part 1 2021: 149

Brown, Kendall H.

Art of the Japanese Postcard: The Leonard A. Lauder Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Anne Nishimura Morse, J. Thomas Rimer and Brown; review by Brian D. Moeran, 26 2004: 127

Deco Japan: Shaping Art & Culture, 1920–1945. By Brown; review by Catherine Bae, 34 2013: 199

Kawase Hasui: The Complete Woodblock Prints. By Brown; review essay by Peter Dailey, 25 2003: 117

Lilian Miller: An American Artist in Japan, 27 2005–06: 81

Marketing Koson in America, 43 Part 1 2022: 129

Out of the Dark Valley: Japanese Woodblock Prints and War, 1937–1945, 23 2001: 65

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): An Appreciation, 44 Part 1 2023: 147

Postscript [Fredric T. Schneider], 43 Part 1 2022: 13

Water and Shadow: Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints. Edited by Brown; review by Elizabeth deSabato Swinton, 37 2016: 192

Buckland, Rosina

A Japanese Menagerie: Animal Pictures by Kawanabe Kyōsai. By Buckland, Timothy Clark and Shigeru Oikawa; review by John Stevenson, 29 2007–08: 196

Japanese Screens: Through a Break in the Clouds. Under the direction of Anne-Marie Christin; edited by Claire-Akiko Brisset and Torahiko Terada; review by Buckland, 43 Part 2 2022: 139

Jeffrey W. Pollard: A Collection Growing in Scotland, 42 Part 1 2021: 101

Shunga: Erotic Art in Japan. By Buckland; review by Elizabeth deSabato Swinton, 33 2012: 134

The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated. By John T. Carpenter and Melissa McCormick, with Monika Binscik and Kyoko Kinoshita; review by Buckland, 41 2020: 191

The Tale of Genji: A Visual Companion, by Melissa McCormick; review by Buckland, 41 2020: 191

Buddha, Buddhism. See also Chōgen, Jizō Marishiten, Kannon, Nirvana Painting, Yakushi Buddha

Behold the Buddha: Religious Meanings of Japanese Buddhist Icons. By James C. Dobbins; review by Melinda Takeuchi, 43 Part 1 (2022): 189

Burying Anxiety and Preserving Hope in the Age of the Final Dharma (D. Max Moerman), 45 Part 1 2024: 51

“Colorful Realm” and “Masters of Mercy”: Two Exhibitions in Washington, DC; exhibition review by Andrew Pekarik of “Colorful Realm: Japanese Bird-and-Flower Paintings by Itō Jakuchū,” National Gallery of Art and “Masters of Mercy: Buddha’s Amazing Disciples,” The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, 34 2013: 184

Dying Like the Buddha: Intervisuality and the Cultic Image (D. Max Moerman), 29 2007–08: 25

Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama Mandara: Painting and Religious Practice at a Japanese Mountain, by Caroline Hirasawa; review by Akiko Walley, 35 2014: 288

Hell’s Kitchen and the Joy of Cooking: Culinary Themes in Kumano kanjin jikkai mandara (Eric Rath), 37 2016: 107

Icons and Iconoclasm in Japanese Buddhism: Kūkai and Dōgen on the Art of Enlightenment, by Pamela D. Winfield; review by David Waterhouse, 35 2014: 285

The Miraculous Descent of Amida Buddha (Miriam Chusid), 45 Part 1 2024: 75

Pilgrimage and Buddhist Art. Edited by Adriana Proser; review by Cynthea Bogel, 32 2011: 180

Thinking about Pictures: Reflections on Segments of a Medieval Illustrated Handscroll (Sylvan Barnet and William Burto), 29 2007–08: 59

An Unusual Reliquary at The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Impressions of Japan (Miriam Chusid), 43 Part 1 2022: 220

The Weber Jizō: A Vision of Grace in a Tumultuous Age (Hank Glassman), 45 Part 1 2024: 97

With a Single Glance: Buddhist Icon And Early Mikkyō Vision. By Cynthea Bogel; review by David Waterhouse, 33 2012: 137

Women and the Heike nōkyō: The Dragon Princess, the Jewel and the Buddha (Abé), 40 2019: 99

Burke, Mary Griggs

Following Her Bliss: Mary Griggs Burke (1916–2012) (Julia Meech); and four additional tributes by others delivered at memorial service, 35 2014: 201

Burto, William

Thinking about Pictures: Reflections on Segments of a Medieval Illustrated Handscroll (Burto and Sylvan Barnett), 29 2007–08: 59

Burto, William Charles

William Charles Burto (1921–2013): Bowing with Respect (Elizabeth Grotenhuis), 35 2014: 219

Bushell, Raymond

To Donate or Not to Donate, 42 Part 2 2021: 101



Cahill, James

Tales from 419A: As Told by James Cahill’s Students, 36 2015: 187

Calza, Gian Carlo

Hokusai. By Gian Carlo Calza, with essays by Roger S. Keyes, Matthi Forrer, John M. Rosenfield, Richard Lane, Asano Shūgō, Tsuji Nobuo and Kobayashi Tadashi; review by Donald Jenkins, 27 2005–06:120

Calligraphy. Also see Zen Calligraphy

The Vogue for Tekagami: Calligraphy Albums and Appraisers of the Edo Period (Akiko Walley), 44 Part 1 2023: 81

Cameras. See Photography

Cardozo, Sidney Benjamin (1916–2002)

Cardozo and Rosanjin: The Brooklyn Connection (Joan Cummins), 43 Part 1 2022: 53

Carpenter, John T.

Calling on Red Shōki, the Demon Queller, in Times of Death and Disease, 43 Part 2 2022: 170

Hokusai and His Age: Ukiyo-e Painting, Printmaking and Book Illustration in Late Edo Japan. Edited by Carpenter; review essay by Donald Jenkins, 28 2006–07: 113

How and Why the Arthur and Charlotte Vershbow Collection of Japanese Illustrated Books Came to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 36 2015: 145

Reading Surimono: The Interplay of Text and Image in Japanese Prints. Edited by Carpenter; review by Joshua Mostow, 31 2010: 180

The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated. By Carpenter and Melissa McCormick, with Monika Binscik and Kyoko Kinoshita; review by Rosina Buckland, 41 2020: 191

Wild Boars and Dirty Rats: Kyōka Surimono Celebrating Ichikawa Danjūrō VII as Arajishi Otokonosuke, 28 2006–07: 41

Castile, Rand

Letter to the Editor, 27 2005–06: 127

Remembering the Japan Society, 28 2006–07: 77

Ceramics. See also Raku Pottery

An Appreciation of Nabeshima (Monika Binscik), 37 2016: 35

Cardozo and Rosanjin: The Brooklyn Connection (Joan Cummins), 43 Part 1 2022: 53

Charles Lang Freer and Japanese Ceramics (Louise Cort), 39 Part 1 2018: 131

Chigusa and the Art of Tea. Edited by Louise Allison Cort and Andrew M. Watsky; review by Andrew Pekarik, 36 2015: 213

A Chinese Green Jar in Japan: Source of a New Color Aesthetic in the Momoyama Period (Louise Cort), 30 2009: 32

Creating Chigusa (Louise Cort), 32 2011: 135

Documenting Mashiko in 1934: Minagawa Masu (Marty Gross), 36 2015: 84

An Exploration of Finality: Conservator and Curator Examine the Ceramic Sculpture of Nishida Jun (Abigail Hykin and Anne Nishimura Morse), 35 2014: 85

Halsey Miller North (1947–2022): Advocate of Arts, Cuisine, Conversation & Clay; tribute by Louise Allison Cort & Alice North, 44 Part 2 2023: 179

Harry Packard’s Japanese Pots (Louise Cort), 32 2011: 115

An Innovative Takatori Dish for Chanoyu (Andrew Maske), 42 Part 1 2021: 125

Kitaōji Rosanjin in New York (Meghen Jones), 43 Part 1 2022: 63

Listening to Clay: Conversations with Contemporary Japanese Ceramic Artists. By Alice North, Halsey North and Louise Allison Cort; review by Bert Winther-Tamaki, 44 Part 1 2023: 173

Representation in the Nonrepresentational Arts: Poetry and Pots in Sixteenth-Century Japan (Andrew Watsky), 34 2013: 141

Rosanjin: Creating His Image (Louise Allison Cort), 43 Part 1 2022: 39


Ch’aekkðri Painting: A Korean Jigsaw Puzzle. By Kay E. Black; review by Eleanor Soo-ah Hyun, 42 Part 2 2021: 139

Chanoyu. See also Ceramics and Tea

An Innovative Takatori Dish for Chanoyu (Andrew Maske), 42 Part 1 2021: 125


Chigusa and the Art of Tea. Edited by Louise Allison Cort and Andrew M. Watsky; review by Andrew Pekarik, 36 2015: 213

Creating Chigusa (Louise Cort), 32 2011: 135

Chikanobu. See Yōshū Chikanobu

Chinese Subjects

Kuniyoshi and Chinese Subjects: Pushing the Boundaries (Ellis Tinios), 31 2010: 89


Portraits of Chōgen: The Transformation of Buddhist Art in Early Medieval Japan. By John M. Rosenfield; review by Chari Pradel, 34 2013: 243

Christy, Anita

Discovery. By Robert Hatfield Ellsworth. Edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver, with Anita Christy), 38 Companion Issue 2017

Robert Hatfield Ellsworth Remembered, 37 2016: 150


The Double Identity of Chūshingura: Theater and History in Nineteenth-Century Prints (Chelsea Foxwell), 26 2004: 23

Chusid, Miriam

The Miraculous Descent of Amida Buddha, 45 Part 1 2024: 75

An Unusual Reliquary at The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Impressions of Japan, 43 Part 1 2022: 220

Clark, Timothy T.

A Japanese Menagerie: Animal Pictures by Kawanabe Kyōsai. By Clark, Rosina Buckland and Shigeru Oikawa; review by John Stevenson, 29 2007–08: 196

The Dawn of the Floating World (1650–1765): Early Ukiyo-e Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Clark, Anne Nishimura Morse and Louise E. Virgin, with Allen Hockley; review by Helen Nagata, 24 2002: 99

Kuniyoshi: From the Arthur R. Miller Collection. By Clark; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 31 2010: 185

Late Hokusai: Society, Thought, Technique, Legacy. Edited By Clark; review by Elizabeth Lillehoj, 45 Part 2 2024: 148

Mitate-e: Some thoughts and a Summary of Recent Writings, 19 1997: 6

An Oversize Surimono (Asano Shūgō; Clark, translator), 20 1998: 17

Prostitute as Bodhisattva: The Eguchi Theme in Ukiyo-e, 22 2000: 37

Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art. Edited by Clark, C. Andrew Gerstle, Aki Ishigami and Akiko Yano; review by Elizabeth deSabato Swinton, 36 2015: 232

Clark, Willard G.

How and Why the Clark Collection Moved to Minneapolis (Clark and Matthew Welch), 35 2014: 181

Cloisonné Enamel

Collecting in a Specialized Field: A Conversation with Fredric T. Schneider, 43 Part 2 2022: 13

Japanese Cloisonné Enamels: The Steven W. Fisher Collection. By Robert Mintz; review by Fredric T. Schneider, 32 2011: 197

Coats, Bruce

Chikanobu: Modernity and Nostalgia in Japanese Prints. By Coats; review by Roxanne Witke, 29 2007–08: 191

Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Paulette and Jack Lantz Collection. By Andreas Marks, with contributions from Coats, Michael Emmerich, Susanne Formanek, Sepp Linhart and Rhiannon Paget; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 43 Part 1 2022: 203

Hokusai’s Great Wave: Biography of a Global Icon. By Christine M. E. Guth; review by Coats, 37 2016: 186

Netsuke: 100 Miniature Masterpieces from Japan. By Noriko Tsuchiya; review by Coats, 36 2015: 250

Cohen, Joan Lebold

To the Editor, 37 2016: 208

Collectors and Collections

Ainsworth, Mary A.

Mary A. Ainsworth: Pioneer American Woman Collector of Japanese Prints (William Green), 12 Summer 1986: 1

Altman, Benjamin

Benjamin Altman’s Little-Known Collection of Japanese Lacquers (Monika Bincsik), 36          2015: 61

Balcer, René

Kawase Hasui: Collecting a Versatile Modern Master (René Balcer), 34 2013: 109

Water and Shadow: Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints. [Balcer Collection] Edited by Kendall H. Brown; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 37 2016: 192

Barnet, Sylvan

Giving Away Our Collection (Sylvan Barnet), 36 2015: 31

Thinking about Pictures: Reflections on Segments of a Medieval Illustrated Handscroll (Sylvan Barnet and William Burto), 29 2007–08: 59

Bickford, Lawrence

Coincidence and Chance: Becoming a Collector in the 1960s (Lawrence Bickford), 25   2003: 93

van Biema, Anne

Masterful Illusions: Japanese Prints in the Anne van Biema Collection. By Ann Yonemura; review by David Waterhouse, 25 2003: 138

Brooklyn Museum

Museum Collections in the New York Area: The Brooklyn Museum (William Harkins), 3 Spring 1979: 8

Burke, Mary

Following Her Bliss: Mary Griggs Burke (1916–2012); (Julia Meech); and four additional tributes by others delivered at memorial service, 35 2014: 201

Burto, William

Giving Away Our Collection (Sylvan Barnet), 36 2015: 31

Thinking about Pictures: Reflections on Segments of a Medieval Illustrated Handscroll (Sylvan Barnet and William Burto), 29 2007–08: 59

William Charles Burto (1921–2013): Bowing with Respect; tribute by Elizabeth ten Grotenhuis, 35 2014: 219

Bushell, Raymond

To Donate or Not to Donate (Raymond Bushell), 42 Part 2 2021: 101

Chong, Ooi Chong

Jeffrey W. Pollard: A Collection Growing in Scotland [Pollard and Chong Collection]   (Rosina Buckland), 42 Part 1 2021: 101

Clark, Willard G.

How and Why the Clark Collection Moved to Minneapolis (Willard G. Clark and Matthew       Welch), 35 2014: 181

Collectors, multiple

The Early Years of Japanese Print Collecting in North America: The Early Years; The   Collectors: Brief Biographies (1860s–1950s) (Julia Meech), 25 2003: 15

Swiss Bliss [on Swiss collectors] (Robert Sawers), 25 2003: 71

Cowles, Cheney

Cheney Cowles: A Seattle Collector Makes A Statement, 41 2020: 37

Drucker, Peter F.

Peter F. Drucker (1909–2005: Ahead of the Curve (Joan Baekeland), 29 2007: 140

Edson, Catherine Halff

Catherine Halff Edson (1938–2010): Remembering an Esteemed Collector (Sebastian   Izzard), 32 2011: 177

Ehrman, Edith

In Memory of Edith Ehrman, 1 March 1976: 3

Ellsworth, Robert Hatfield

Discovery. By Robert Hatfield Ellsworth. Edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver, with Anita Christy, 38 Companion Issue 2017

Robert Hatfield Ellsworth: A Lifetime of Friendship and Loyalty (Robert Poster), 37 2016: 160

Robert Hatfield Ellsworth Remembered (Anita Christy), 37 2016: 150

To the Editor [on a painting by Ellsworth] (Luis Virata), 39 Part 2 2018: 104

Feinberg, Robert and Betsy

A Promised Gift (Robert and Betsy Feinberg), 36 2015: 49

Field, Hamilton Easter

Hamilton Easter Field (1873–1922): Artist from Brooklyn and Early Connoisseur of Japanese Prints (William Green), 8 Summer 1983: 4

Fishbein, Richard

Collecting Hakuin (Richard Fishbein), 33 2012: 111

Collecting Kannon (Richard Fishbein), 35 2014: 177

Fisher, Stephen W.

Japanese Cloisonné Enamels: The Steven W. Fisher Collection. By Robert Mintz; review by Fredric T. Schneider, 32 2011: 197

Dirks, Lee E.

Lee E. Dirks: In Print (Dirks), 42 Part 1 2021: 65

Enequist, Robert

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Ichikawa Danjūrō VIII in the      Shibaraku role (Robert Enequist), 6 Autumn 1981: 8

Freis, Edmond

Yoshitoshi: Masterpieces from the Ed Freis Collection. By Chris Uhlenbeck and Amy Reigle Newland; review by Donald Jenkins, 34 2013: 227

Freer, Charles Lang

Charles Lang Freer and Japanese Ceramics (Louise Cort), 39 Part 1 2018: 131

Gitter, Kurt A.

Reflections of a Collector (Kurt A. Gitter), 39 Part 1 2018: 169

Grabhorn, Edwin

Edwin Grabhorn: Printer and Print Collector (Julia Meech), 25 2003: 55

Rare Correspondence: Letters from Harry Packard to Edwin Grabhorn 1950–64 (Edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver), 36 Companion Issue 2015

Green, William

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Boy at Play by Ishikawa Toyomasa (William Green), 2 October 1978: 5

William Green and Amherst College: A Perfect Match (Julia Meech), 39 Part 2 2018: 65

The Grolier Club

The Grolier Club and Ukiyo-e (Jean Horblit), 10 Autumn 1984: 4

Gund, George III

Reflections: George Gund III (1937–2013) (Leighton R. Longhi), 35 2014: 229

Harkins, William

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: The Young Flute Player by Toyonobu (William Harkins), 9 Spring 1984: 7

Hettena, Ran

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Fuzoku Shiki Kassen [Seasonal Poems in Contemporary Settings] (Ran Hettena), 4 Winter–Spring 1980: 6

Honolulu Museum of Art

Why So Much Shunga at the Honolulu Museum of Art? (Shawn Eichman and Stephen Salel), 36 2015: 133

Hsu-Balcer, Carolyn

Japanese Smoking Accoutrements in the Carolyn Hsu-Balcer Collection (Martin Barnes Lorber), 38 2017: 171

Water and Shadow: Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints. [Carolyn and René Balcer Collection]. Edited by Brown; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 37 2016: 192

Johnson, Shirley Z.

Shirley Z. Johnson (1940–2021): A Focused Collector (Julia Meech and Jan Stuart with Louise Allison Cort), 43 Part 1 2022: 179

Kitaev, Sergei

The Kitaev Collection of Japanese Art in the Pushkin Museum: Historia Calamitatum   (Evgeny Steiner), 32 2011: 37

Lane, Richard

Richard Lane (1926–2002), Scholar and Collector (Julia Meech), 26 2004: 107

Lantz, Paulette and Jack

Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Paulette and Jack Lantz Collection. By Andreas Marks, with contributions from Bruce A. Coats, Michael Emmerich, Susanne Formanek, Sepp Linhart and Rhiannon Paget; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 43 Part 1 2022: 203

A Word on “Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints,” (Jack Lantz), 41 2020: 165

Ledoux, Louis Vernon

Louis V. Ledoux: Collector of Japanese Textiles (Julia Meech), 43 Part 1 2022: 99

Lieberman, William S.

William S. Lieberman (1923–2005): Curator and Collector (Julia Meech), 28 2006–07: 105

Mann, H. George

Passionate Pursuit: My Adventures in Ukiyo-e (H. George Mann), 25 2003: 77

Matsuura Takeshirō

The Stuff of Dreams: Kawanabe Kyōsai’s Nirvana Painting of Matsuura Takeshirō (Henry D. Smith II), 35 2014: 97

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

How and Why the Arthur and Charlotte Vershbow Collection of Japanese Illustrated Books Came to The Metropolitan Museum of Art (John Carpenter), 36 2015: 145

Beneath the Blue: A Scientific Analysis of Kōrin’s Irises at Yatsuhashi [in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum] (Leona and Jennifer Perry), 37 2016: 129

Miller, Arthur R.

Kuniyoshi: From the Arthur R. Miller Collection. By Timothy Clark; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 31 2010: 185

Minneapolis Institute of Art

How and Why the Clark Collection Moved to Minneapolis (Willard G. Clark and Matthew Welch), 35 2014: 181

Ainu Robes for the Minneapolis Institute of Art; Impressions of Japan, 41 2020: 200

Worldly Pleasures, Earthly Delights: Japanese Prints from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, by Matthew Welch and Yuiko Kimura-Tilford; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 34 2013: 219

Muller, Robert O.

A Tribute to Robert O. Muller (1911–2003) (Joan Mirviss), 25 2003: 109

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Art of the Japanese Postcard: The Leonard A. Lauder Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Anne Nishimura Morse, J. Thomas Rimer and Kendall H. Brown; review by Brian D. Moeran, 26 2004: 127

The Dawn of the Floating World (1650–1765): Early Ukiyo-e Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, (review by Helen M. Nagata), 24 2002: 99

The Harunobu Decade: A Catalogue of Woodcuts by Suzuki Harunobu and His Followers in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By David Waterhouse; review by Donald Jenkins, 36 2015: 243

Naumann, Klaus F.

“Still Learning”: A Conversation with Klaus F. Naumann, Collector and Dealer, 40 2019: 37

New York Public Library

An Appreciation: The Japanese Print Collection of the New York Public Library (William Green), 9 Spring 1984: 1

Nezu Museum

Kōrin’s Iris Screens: An Exhibition at the Nezu Museum, exhibition review by Nakamachi Keiko, 34 2013: 194

North, Halsey Miller

Halsey Miller North (1947–2022): Advocate of Arts, Cuisine, Conversation & Clay; tribute by Louise Allison Cort & Alice North, 44 Part 2 2023: 179

Packard, Harry

Harry Packard’s Japanese Pots (Louise Cort), 32 2011: 115

Rare Correspondence: Letters from Harry Packard to Edwin Grabhorn 1950–64 (Edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver), 36 Companion Issue 2015

Who Was Harry Packard? (Julia Meech), 32 2011: 83

Patchowsky, Borys

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Cranes by Toyohiro (Borys Patchowsky), 1 March 1976: 4

Perry, Lilla S.

Collecting Japanese Prints in America: Adventures of Lilla S. Perry (1882–1971) (William       Green), 14 Spring 1988: 7

Introduction to a Catalogue: The Perry Collection of Japanese Prints (E. Caswell Perry), 14 Spring 1988: 8

Lilla S. Perry: A Retrospective (E. Caswell Perry), 14 Spring 1988: 12

Pollard, Jeffrey

Jeffrey W. Pollard: A Collection Growing in Scotland (Rosina Buckland), 42 Part 1 2021: 101

Portland Art Museum

The Artist’s Touch The Craftsman’s Hand: Three Centuries of Japanese Prints from the Portland Art Museum, edited by Maribeth Graybill; review by Elizabeth deSabato Swinton, 34 2013: 219

Pushkin Museum

The Kitaev Collection of Japanese Art in the Pushkin Museum: Historia Calamitatum (Evgeny Steiner), 32 2011: 37

Vanished Grandeur of the Kitaev Collection (Evgeny Steiner), 44 Part 2 2023: 153

Rettich, Jon

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Mono Saizuri, an album of kyōka poetry (Jon Rettich), 3 Spring 1979: 6

Robinson, Basil William

B. W. Robinson (1912–2005): Curator and Collector (David Waterhouse), 28 2006–07: 101

Salmon, Patricia Ann

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): Plenty of Charm and Taishō Chic (Julia Meech, with Michael Dunn, Mary Ann Rogers, Stephen Little, Kendall H. Brown and Douglas Akagi), 44 Part 1 2023: 125

Schneider, Fredric T.

Collecting in a Specialized Field: A Conversation with Fredric T. Schneider, 43 Part 2 2022: 13

Spencer, Edson W.

Remembering Edson W. Spencer (1926–2012) (Matthew Welch), 34 2013: 176

Statler, Oliver Hadley

Oliver Hadley Statler (1915–2002) (Donald Jenkins), 24 2002: 108

Uragami Toshirō

The Legacy of Uragami Toshirō (1926–2020) (Satō Mitsunobu), 42 Part 2 2021: 131

Utterberg, David Scott

David Scott Utterberg (1946–2019): A Very Private Collector (Meech), 42 Part 2 2021: 77

Vershbow, Arthur

“Chance favors the prepared mind”: Memories of Arthur (1922–2012) and Charlotte (1924– 2000) Vershbow (Roger S. Keyes), 36 2015: 158

How and Why the Arthur and Charlotte Vershbow Collection of Japanese Illustrated Books      Came to The Metropolitan Museum of Art (John Carpenter), 36 2015: 145.

Visiting Arthur Vershbow (Edmond Freis and Allison Tolman), 36 2015: 163

Vershbow, Charlotte

“Chance favors the prepared mind”: Memories of Arthur (1922–2012) and Charlotte      (1924– 2000) Vershbow (Roger S. Keyes), 36 2015: 158

How and Why the Arthur and Charlotte Vershbow Collection of Japanese Illustrated Books      Came to The Metropolitan Museum of Art (John Carpenter), 36 2015: 145

Vever, Henri, auctions at Sotheby’s, London

Behind the Gavel: The Auctioneer’s Personal Viewpoint (Neil K. Davey), 42 Part 2 2021: 123

Wallace, Stanley L.

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Uozukushi Ayu [river trout] by Hiroshige (Stanley L. Wallace), 5 Spring 1981: 7

Weber, John C.

An Innovative Takatori Dish for Chanoyu [in the John C. Weber Collection] (Andrew Maske), 42 Part 1 2021: 125

Kimono Style: John C. Weber in Conversation with Monika Bincsik, 43 Part 1 2022: 75

Seduction: Japan’s Floating World––The John C. Weber Collection. By Laura W. Allen, with essays by Julia Meech, Eric C. Rath and Melinda Takeuchi; review essay by Catherine Bae, “Seducing Mind and Body in the World of Commerce, Theater and Literacy,” 37 2016: 168

Wells, Frederick

Seven Masters: 20th–Century Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Wells Collection, by Andreas Marks and contributors; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 38 2017: 189

Weston, Roger

Roger Weston: Unlocking New Doors (Janice Katz), 32 2011: 129

The Weston Collection Paints the Floating World in Chicago (Janice Katz), 39 Part 2 2018: 95

Wright, Frank Lloyd

Appraising the Frank Lloyd Wright Collection: A Personal Memoir (O[rrel] P. Reed, Jr), 24 2002: 93

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Water and Shadow: Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints. [Carolyn and René Balcer Collection, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts]. Edited by Kendall H. Brown; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 37 2016: 192

Cologne Jizō

Anointing with Eyes, Raiment and Relic: Insights from the Cologne Jizō (Helmut Brinker), 34 2013: 151

Color Aesthetics

A Chinese Green Jar in Japan: Source of a New Color Aesthetic in the Momoyama Period (Louise Cort), 30 2009: 32

Conant, Ellen P.

Cut from Kyoto Cloth: Takeuchi Seihō and His Artistic Milieu, 33 2012: 71

Letter to the Editor, 30 2009: 164


Conservation of Japanese Woodblock Prints: Display, Storage and Treatment (Betty J. Fiske), 28 2006–07: 61

The Role of Discovery in Conservation: Reading History from Japanese Prints (Elizabeth I. Coombs), 21 1999: 71

Contemporary Japanese Art

Artistic Remix: Contemporary Takes on Timeless Prints (Matthew Welch), 34 2013: 123

Listening to Clay: Conversations with Contemporary Japanese Ceramic Artists. By Alice North, Halsey North and Louise Allison Cort; review by Bert Winther-Tamaki, 44 Part 1 2023: 173

Visions of Tokyo in Japanese Contemporary Art (Adrian Favell), 35 2014: 69


Hell’s Kitchen and the Joy of Cooking: Culinary Themes in Kumano kanjin jikkai mandara (Rath), 37 2016: 107

Coombs, Elizabeth I.

The Role of Discovery in Conservation: Reading History from Japanese Prints, 21 1999: 71

Cort, Louise Allison

Charles Lang Freer and Japanese Ceramics, 39 Part 1 2018: 131

Chigusa and the Art of Tea. Edited by Cort and Andrew M. Watsky; review by Andrew Pekarik, 36 2015: 213

A Chinese Green Jar in Japan: Source of a New Color Aesthetic in the Momoyama Period, 30 2009: 32

Creating Chigusa, 32 2011: 135

Halsey Miller North (1947–2022): Advocate of Arts, Cuisine, Conversation & Clay (Cort and Alice North), 44 Part 2 2023: 179

Harry Packard’s Japanese Pots, 32 2011: 115

Listening to Clay: Conversations with Contemporary Japanese Ceramic Artists. By Alice North, Halsey North and Louise Allison Cort; review by Bert Winther-Tamaki, 44 Part 1 2023: 173

A Person of Culture, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 117

Rosanjin: Creating His Image, 43 Part 1 2022: 39

Shirley Z. Johnson (1940–2021): A Focused Collector, 43 Part 1 2022: 179


The Cosmetic Mystique of Old Japan (Edna Levine and William Green), 4 Winter–Spring 1980: 1

Cowles, Cheney

Cheney Cowles: A Seattle Collector Makes A Statement, 41 2020: 37

A Faux Pas (Cheney Cowles), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 152

Creative Prints (sōsaku hanga)

Onchi’s Portrait of Hagiwara Sakutarō: Emblem of the Creative Print Movement for American Collectors (Noriko Kuwahara), 29 2007–08: 121

Saitō Kiyoshi: Graphic Awakening. By Rhiannon Paget; review by Hollis Goodall, 43 Part 1 2022: 209

Cunningham, Michael

Letter to the Editor, 34 2013: 261

Cummins, Joan

Cardozo and Rosanjin: The Brooklyn Connection (Joan Cummins), 43 Part 1 2022: 53




Daidōzan (Lawrence Bickford), 15 Summer 1989: 1

Dailey, Merlin C.

Heroes of the Grand Pacification: Kuniyoshi’s Taiheki eiyū den. By Elena Varshavskaya; review by Dailey, 28 2006–07: 128

Dailey, Peter

The Collected Secrets of Raku Ceramics; review essay by Dailey of Handmade Culture: Raku Potters, Patrons, and Tea Practitioners in Japan, by Morgan Pitelka, 29 2007–08: 175

Hasui’s True Views; review essay by Dailey of Kawase Hasui: The Complete Woodblock Prints, by Kendall H. Brown, 25 2003: 117

Journey to the Land of Rosetsu: Jack Hillier’s Letters from Japan, 1970. Edited by Mary Hillier and Peter Dailey, 20 1998: 83


Notes on Zen Calligraphy: The Daitoku-ji and Ōbaku Traditions (Stephen Addiss), 41 2020: 143

Dance. See also Kabuki Theater

Dancing in Japan: Doors Once Open—Open Again Even Wider (Lonny Gordon), 38 2017: 93

Danziger, Peggy

A Memorable First Visit, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 115

Danziger, Richard

Kōichi Yanagi (1965–2022): Nothing but the Best, 43 Part 2 2022: 77


An Ukiyo-e Database for Everyone (John Resig), 38 2017: 149

Davey, Neil K.

Behind the Gavel: The Auctioneer’s Personal Viewpoint, 42 Part 2 2021: 123

Davis, Julie Nelson

A Hidden Treasure. By S. Kita; review by Davis, 19 1997: 72

A Letter from Munakata, 38 2017: 129

The Women of the Pleasure Quarters. Edited by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton; review by Davis, 19 1997: 72

Dawn of the Floating World

The Dawn of the Floating World (1650–1765): Early Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Timothy Clark, Anne Nishimura Morse and Louise E. Virgin, with Allen Hockley; review by Helen M. Nagata, 24 2002: 99

Dedicatory Objects

Revealing the Unseen: The Master Sculptor Unkei and the Meaning of Dedicatory Objects in Kamakura-Period Sculpture (Samuel C. Morse), 31 2010: 25

An Unusual Reliquary at The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Impressions of Japan (Miriam Chusid), 43 Part 1 2022: 220

Denney, Joyce

Kimono: A Modern History. By Terry Satsuki Milhaupt; review by Denney, 36 2015: 203

Designers, 21st-century in Japan

Japan’s New, New Thing: Young Designers Invigorating Aging Industries (Naomi Pollock); 39 Part 1 2018: 201

Designed for Pleasure

Exhibition Labels: “Designed for Pleasure: The World of Edo Japan in Prints and Paintings, 1680–1860,” 30 2009: 168–203


The Longevity of a Dirty Little Dictionary (Miriam Wattles), 30 2009: 59

Dirks, Lee E.

Lee E. Dirks: In Print, 42 Part 1 2021: 63

Letter to the Editor, 34 2013: 265


The Ghost of Oiwa in Actor Prints: Confronting Disfigurement (Shimazaki Satoko), 29 2007–08: 77

Dishes. See Ceramics

Dobbins, James C.

Behold the Buddha: Religious Meanings of Japanese Buddhist Icons. By Dobbins; review by Melinda Takeuchi, 43 Part 1 (2022): 189


A Response to Kinoshita Naoyuki: Foreign Perspectives on “Living Dolls” at Asakusadera (Allen Hockley), 32 2011: 167

Kisaburō, Kuniyoshi and the “Living Doll” (Kinoshita Naoyuki), 31 2010: 101

Domon Ken

Domon Ken’s Murōji (Alice Y. Tseng), 30 2009: 114

Donations of Art. See also Collectors and Collecting

To Donate or Not to Donate (Raymond Bushell), 42 Part 2 2021: 101

A Promised Gift (Robert and Betsy Feinberg), 36 2015: 49

Dower, John

The Brittle Decade: Visualizing Japan in the 1930s, by Dower, Anne Nishimura Morse, Jacqueline M. Atkins and Frederic A. Sharf; review by Catherine Bae, 34 2013: 199

Dowling, Judith

Meeting in Boston, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 167

Drama. See also Kabuki and Noh

Drama in the Surimono Style Prints of Hokuei (John Fiorillo), 20 1998: 61

Tsukioka Kōgyo’s Noh Prints: Revival and Performance (Katherine Saltzman-Li), 37 2016: 53


Reimagining the Imagined: Depictions of Dreams and Ghosts in the Early Edo Period (Kenji Kajiya), 23 2001: 87

The Stuff of Dreams: Kawanabe Kyōsai’s Nirvana Painting of Matsuura Takeshirō (Henry D. Smith II), 35 2014: 97

Drucker, Peter F.

Peter F. Drucker (1908–2005): Ahead of the Curve (Joan Baekeland), 29 2007–08: 140

Dunn, Michael

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): Memories of Patricia, 44 Part 1 2023: 138

Duus, Peter

Japan’s First Modern Manga Magazine, 21 1999: 31



Earthquake, Japan

Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923. By Gennifer Weisenfeld; review by Donald Jenkins, 35 2014: 243

Edo and Edo Period, in titles

The Aesthetics of Rayskin in Edo-period Japan: Materials, Making and Meaning (Christine Guth), 37 2016: 89

Bridging Edo and Meiji: Shōsai Ikkei’s Comic Views of Early Tokyo (Jonathan Solomon), 21 1999: 43

The Cultural Environment of Edo Shunga (David Pollack), 31 2010: 73

Edo Kabuki: The Actor’s World (Samuel L. Leiter), 31 2010: 117

Exhibition Labels: “Designed for Pleasure: The World of Edo Japan in Prints and Paintings, 1680–1860,” 30 2009: 168–203

Hokusai and His Age: Ukiyo-e Painting, Printmaking and Book Illustration in Late Edo Japan. Edited by John T. Carpenter; review essay by Donald Jenkins, 28 2006–07: 113

Making Mountains: Mini-Fujis, Edo Popular Religion and Hiroshige’s One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Melinda Takeuchi), 24 2002: 25

The Pigment Story (Lawrence Bickford), 7 Autumn 1982: 1

Reimagining the Imagined: Depictions of Dreams and Ghosts in the Early Edo Period (Kenji Kajiya), 23 2001: 87

Ukiyo and Ukiyo-e (Yoshiaki Shimizu), 16 Summer 1991: 11

The Vogue for Tekagami: Calligraphy Albums and Appraisers of the Edo Period (Akiko Walley), 44 Part 1 2023: 81

Edson, Catherine Halff

Catherine Halff Edson (1938–2010): Remembering an Esteemed Collector (Sebastian Izzard), 32 2011: 177

Egenolf, Herbert

Herbert Egenoff (1938–2002) (Veronica Miller), 24 2002: 108


Prostitute as Bodhisattva: The Eguchi Theme in Ukiyo-e (Timothy Clark), 22 2000: 37

Ehon. See Books, Japanese

Ehrman, Edith

In Memory of Edith Ehrman, 1 March 1976: 3

Eichman, Shawn

Why So Much Shunga at the Honolulu Museum of Art? (Eichman and Stephen Salel), 36 2015: 133

Eight Views

Dressing Up, Dressing Down: Poetry, Image and Transposition in the Eight Views (Haruo Shirane), 31 2010: 51

Ellsworth, Robert Hatfield

Discovery. By Ellsworth. Edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver, with Anita Christy, 38 Companion Issue 2017

Robert Hatfield Ellsworth: A Lifetime of Friendship and Loyalty (Robert Poster), 37 2016: 160

Robert Hatfield Ellsworth Remembered (Anita Christy), 37 2016: 150

Virata, Luis, on a painting by Ellsworth, To the Editor, 39 Part 2 2018: 104

Ema. See Votive Plaques

Emmerich, Michael

Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Paulette and Jack Lantz Collection. By Andreas Marks, with contributions from Bruce A. Coats, Emmerich, Susanne Formanek, Sepp Linhart and Rhiannon Paget; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 43 Part 1 2022: 203

Enequist, Robert

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Ichikawa Danjūrō VIII in the Shibaraku role, 6 Autumn 1981: 8

Epprecht, Katharina

The Beauty of the Moment: Women in Japanese Woodblock Prints. Edited by Epprecht; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 35 2014: 282

Erotica. See Sexual Imagery, shunga


Edward S. Morse’s Writings on Japanese Vernacular Architecture as Ethnography (Jonathan Reynolds), 35 2014: 137

Exhibition Labels

“Designed for Pleasure: The World of Edo Japan in Prints and Paintings, 1680–1860,” Asia Society, New York, 2008, 30 2009: 168–203

Exhibition Reviews, see also Book Reviews

“Bye Bye Kitty!!!”; exhibition review by Midori Yoshimoto of “Bye Bye Kitty!!! Between Heaven and Hell in Contemporary Japanese Art,” Japan Society, New York, 33 2012: 119

Colorful Realm; review by Andrew Pekarik of “Colorful Realm: Japanese Bird-and-Flower Paintings by Itō Jakuchū,” National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 34 2013: 184

“The Dawn of the Floating World (1650–1765): Early Ukiyo-e Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston”; review by Helen M. Nagata, 24 2002: 99

The Ephrussi Netsuke: Roots and Remnants; review by Evgeny Steine of “The Hare With Amber Eyes,” Jewish Museum, New York, 43 Part 2 2022: 109

Gutai at the Guggenheim; review essay by Susan G. Lewis of “Gutai: Splendid Playground,” Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 35 2014: 259

Harunobu in Chiba; review essay by David Waterhouse of catalogue and exhibition, “Seishun no ukiyoe-shi Suzuki Harunobu—Edo no kararisuto tōjō / Suzuki Harunobu, Ukiyo-e Master of the Springtime of Youth: Entry on Stage of the Edo Colorist,” Chiba City Museum and Hagi Uragami Museum, 26 2004: 118

Heavenly Horses of the Heart; exhibition review by Melinda Takeuchi of “Tenba—shiruku roodo o kakeru yume no uma / Pegasus and the Heavenly Horses: Thundering Hoofs on the Silk Road,” Nara National Museum, 30 2009: 159

Hiroshige Fans in Paris; exhibition review by Evgeny Steiner of “Hiroshige et l’éventail, voyage dans le Japon du 19e siècle,” Musée national des arts asiatiques Guimet, Paris, 45 Part 1 2024: 209

Hokusai Still Making Waves; review essay by Elizabeth Swinton of “Hokusai,” The Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Washington, DC, 28 2006–07: 122

Japanese Exported Lacquer: Reassessments and Summary of Sources; review essay by Monika Bincsik of “Japan—Makie / Export Lacquer: Reflection of the West in Black and Gold Makie,” Kyoto National Museum and Suntory Museum, 31 2010: 158

Kōrin’s Iris Screens: An Exhibition at the Nezu Museum; exhibition review by Nakamachi Keiko, 34 2013: 194

“Masters of Mercy: Buddha’s Amazing Disciples,” The Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Washington, DC; exhibition review by Andrew Pekarik, 34 2013: 184

“Saitō Kiyoshi: Graphic Awakening,” The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art; exhibition review by Hollis Goodall, 43 Part 1 2022: 209

Seducing Mind and Body in the World of Commerce, Theater and Literacy; review essay by Catherine Bae of “Seduction: Japan’s Floating World—The John C. Weber Collection,” Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, 37 2016: 168

Seeking the Modern in Meiji-period Arts; exhibition and catalog review by Hollis Goodall of Meiji Modern: Fifty Years of New Japan, Asia Society, 45 Part 2 2024: 194

Seifū Yohei III: Master of Finesse; exhibition and catalog review by Hollis Goodall of Colors of Kyoto: The Seifū Yohei Ceramic Studio, The Cleveland Museum of Art, 45 Part 2 2024: 178

“The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; review by Andrew Pekarik, 41 2020: 173

The Third Mind, review essay by Ryan Holmberg of “The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860–1989,” Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 31 2010: 142

Two Exhibitions and Catalogues on Yōkai: Making Sense of Weird Beings; review by Hollis Goodall, 43 Part 2 2022:117

Water and Shadow: Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints” [Carolyn and René Balcer Collection], Virginia Museum of Fine Arts; review by Elizabeth deSabato Swinton, 37 2016: 192



Facial Posture

A Note on Facial Posture in Japanese Prints (William Harkins), 16 Summer 1991: 15

Fagioli, Marco

Some Notes on Kuniyoshi, the Projected Shadow, and Yoshitsune (Fagioli and Mario Materassi), 11 Summer 1985: 1


Hiroshige Fans in Paris; review by Evgeny Steiner, 45 Part 1 2024: 209

The Japanese Fan in Japanese Prints (William Harkins), 18 Autumn 1994: 10

Fasciscm and Japanese Art, World War II

The Politics of Painting: Fascism and Japanese Art during the Second World War. By Asato Ikeda; review by Stephanie Su, 42 Part 1 2021: 185

Favell, Adrian

Visions of Tokyo in Japanese Contemporary Art, 35 2014: 69

Feinberg, Robert

Yanagi Shigehiko and His Brothers: A Collector’s Appreciation, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 239

Feinberg, Robert and Betsy

A Promised Gift, 36 2015: 49

Feltens, Frank

Ogata Kōrin: Stumbling Into His Artistic Legacy, 40 2019: 163

Field, Hamilton Easter

Hamilton Easter Field (1873–1922): Artist from Brooklyn and Early Connoisseur of Japanese Prints (William Green), 8 Summer 1983: 4

Film, see Movie Poster

Fiorillo, John

Drama in the Surimono Style Prints of Hokuei, 20 1998: 61

Fishbein, Richard

Collecting Hakuin, 33 2012: 111

Collecting Kannon, 35 2014: 177

Fiske, Betty J.

Conservation of Japanese Woodblock Prints: Display, Storage and Treatment, 28 2006–07: 61

Fleming, William D.

Meiji Kabuki: Japanese Theatre through Foreign Eyes. Edited by Samuel L. Leiter; review by Fleming, 45 Part 2 2024: 170

Floating World, in titles

The Dawn of the Floating World (1650–1765): Early Ukiyo-e Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, by Timothy Clark, Anne Nishimura Morse and Louise S Virgin, with Allen Hockley; review by Helen M. Nagata, 24 2002: 99

Memorial Portraits of Kabuki Actors: Fanfare in the Floating World (Christine Guth), 27 2005–06: 23

Moronobu Anniversary: Three Centuries of the Floating World (Richard Lane), 18 Autumn 1994: 8

Seducing Mind and Body in the World of Commerce, Theater and Literacy; review essay by Catherine Bae of the exhibition “Seduction: Japan’s Floating World––The John C. Weber Collection,” Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, and the eponymous catalogue by Laura W. Allen, with essays by Julia Meech, Eric C. Rath and Melinda Takeuchi, 37 2016: 168

The Weston Collection Paints the Floating World in Chicago (Janice Katz), 39 Part 2 2018: 95

Flowers, in title

Shijō Bird, Animal and Flower Prints in the Meiji Period (William Harkins), 12 Summer 1986: 10

Formanek, Susanne

Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Paulette and Jack Lantz Collection. By Andreas Marks, with contributions from Bruce A. Coats, Michael Emmerich, Formanek, Sepp Linhart and Rhiannon Paget; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 43 Part 1 2022: 203

Forrer, Matthi

The Art of Hokusai in Book Illustration. By Jack Hillier; review by Forrer, 6 Autumn 1981: 6

Foxwell, Chelsea

The Double Identity of Chūshingura: Theater and History in Nineteenth-Century Prints, 26 2003: 23

Frank Lloyd Wright Collection

Appraising the Frank Lloyd Wright Collection: A Personal Memoir (O[rrell] P. Reed Jr), 24 2002: 93

Frankfurt Museum für Kunsthandwerk

Passione per la Vita: In Memory of Gunhild Avitabile (1941–2021) (Stephan von der Schulenberg), 43 Part 1 2022: 155

Gunhild Avitabile (1941–2021): Never in the Slow Lane (Julia Meech), 43 Part 1 2022: 163

Freeman, James

Just One Thing After Another, 39 Part 1 2018: 67

My Affection for Two of the Yanagi Brothers, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 251

Freer, Charles Lang

Charles Lang Freer and Japanese Ceramics (Louise Cort), 39 Part 1 2018: 131

Freer Gallery of Art; National Museum of Asian Art, Smithsonian Institution,           Washington, DC

Shirley Z. Johnson (1940–2021): A Focused Collector (Julia Meech and Jan Stuart with Louise Allison Cort), 43 Part 1 2022: 179

Freis, Edmond

Visiting Arthur Vershbow (Freis and Allison Tolman), 36 2015: 163

Friese, Klaus J.

Kamikaze-gō: The Plane That Sold Newspapers, Kimonos and National Pride, 45 Part 1 2024: 107

Propaganda Textiles Reconsidered, 44 Part 1 2023: 61

Fukuda Kodōjin

Startled Bamboo and Wizened Mountains: Through the Eyes of Kodōjin, the “Old Daoist”; review by Hollis Goodall, 45 Part 1 2024: 193

Funada Gyokuju

Funada Gyokuju; Complex and Compulsive; Impressions of Japan (Andreas Marks), 42 Part 2 2021: 144


The Kodera Family Folding Table (Jordan Sand), 30 2009: 98

Fūryū Yatsushi

Harunobu and the Stylishly Informal: “Fūryū Yatsushi” as Aesthetic Convention (Alfred Haft), 28 2006–07: 23



Gallant, Aprile

Homage to Shinoda Tōkō (1913–2021); Impressions of Japan, 42 Part 2 2021: 148

Genji, in titles. See also The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari)

A Country Genji: Kunisada’s Single-Sheet Genji Series (Andreas Marks), 27 2005–06: 59

Envisioning The Tale of Genji: Media, Gender, and Cultural Production. Edited by Haruo Shirane; review by Melinda Takeuchi, 31 2010: 171

Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Paulette and Jack Lantz Collection. By Andreas Marks, with contributions from Bruce A. Coats, Michael Emmerich, Susanne Formanek, Sepp Linhart and Rhiannon Paget; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 43 Part 1 2022: 203

A Word on “Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints” (Jack Lantz), 41 2020: 165

The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated, review by Andrew Pekarik, 41 2020: 173


Envisioning The Tale of Genji: Media, Gender, and Cultural Production. Edited by Haruo Shirane; review by Melinda Takeuchi, 31 2010: 171

Gerstle, Andrrew

Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art. Edited by Timothy Clark, Gerstle, Aki Ishigami and Akiko Yano; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 36 2015: 232


The Fragrance of Female Immortals: Celebrity Endorsement from the Afterlife (Ellis Tinios), 27 2005–06: 43

The Ghost of Oiwa in Actor Prints: Confronting Disfigurement (Shimazaki Satoko), 29 2007–08: 77

Reimagining the Imagined: Depictions of Dreams and Ghosts in the Early Edo Period (Kenji Kajiya), 23 2001: 87

Two Exhibitions and Catalogues on Yōkai: Making Sense of Weird Beings; review by Hollis Goodall, 43 Part 2 2022: 117

Gitter, Kurt A.

Reflections of a Collector, 39 Part 1 2018: 169

Gizan, Katō

Kōichi Yanagi (1965–2022): Nothing but the Best, 43 Part 2 2022: 77


Glass Flowing Like Water: Monika Binscik Introduces a Kyoto Artist; Impressions of Japan (Monika Bincsik), 42 Part 1 2021: 195

Glassman, Hank

The Face of Jizō: Image and Cult in Medieval Japanese Buddhism. By Glassman; review by Yui Suzuki, 34 2013: 253

The Weber Jizō: A Vision of Grace in a Tumultuous Age, 45 Part 1 2024: 97

Glossary of Print Terms, 23 2001: 108; 25 2003: 149; 26 2004: 139; 27 2005–06: 130; 28 2006–07: 133; 29 2007–08: 199; 31 2010: 191


Godzilla: A Monster in Midtown (Gregory M. Pflugfelder), 36 2015: 115

Goodall, Hollis

Jacqueline Avant (1940–2021): A Life in Black and Gold, 43 Part 2 2022: 59

Saitō Kiyoshi: Graphic Awakening. By Rhiannon Paget; review by Goodall, 43 Part 1 2022: 209

Seeking the Modern in Meiji-period Arts; review by Goodall, 45 Part 2 2024: 194

Seifū Yohei III: Master of Finesse; review by Goodall, 45 Part 2 2024: 178

Startled Bamboo and Wizened Mountains: Through the Eyes of Kodōjin, the “Old Daoist” [The Art and Life of Fukuda Kodōjin: Japan’s Great Poet and Landscape Artist. By Andreas Marks, with an essay by Paul Berry, and translations of Chinese poems by Jonathan Chaves]; review by Goodall, 45 Part 1 2024: 193

Two Exhibitions and Catalogues on Yōkai: Making Sense of Weird Beings; review by Goodall, 43 Part 2 2022: 117

Japan: Courts and Culture. Exhibition catalogue edited by Rachel Peat; review by Goodall, 44 Part 1 2023: 183

Gordon, Lonny Joseph

Dancing in Japan: Doors Once Open—Open Again Even Wider, 38 2017: 93

Grabhorn, Edwin

Edwin Grabhorn: Printer and Print Collector (Julia Meech), 25 2003: 55

Rare Correspondence: Letters from Harry Packard to Edwin Grabhorn 1950–64. Edited by Meech and Jane Oliver, 36 Companion Issue 2015

Graybill, Maribeth

The Artist’s Touch The Craftsman’s Hand: Three Centuries of Japanese Prints from the Portland Art Museum. Edited by Graybill; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 34 2013: 219

Green, William

An Appreciation: The Japanese Print Collection of the New York Public Library, 9 Spring 1984: 1

Collecting Japanese Prints in America: Adventures of Lilla S. Perry (1882–1971), 14 Spring 1988: 7

The Cosmetic Mystique of Old Japan (with Edna Levine), 4 Winter–Spring 1980: 1

Editorial Chats: At Long Last, 1 March 1976: 2

Hamilton Easter Field (1873–1922): Artist from Brooklyn and Early Connoisseur of Japanese Prints, 8 Summer 1983: 4

Mary A. Ainsworth: Pioneer American Woman Collector of Japanese Prints, 12 Summer 1986: 1

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Boy at Play by Ishikawa Toyomasa, 2 October 1978: 5

Reflections and Random Notes on an Uncommon Surimono, 11 Summer 1985: 2

Ukiyo-e Society Enters Third Year of Activity, 1 March 1976: 1

Green, William

William Green and Amherst College: A Perfect Match (Julia Meech), 39 Part 2 2018: 65

Grilli, Peter

Dana Levy (1936–2017): An Appreciation, 39 Part 1 2018: 213

Grolier Club

The Grolier Club and Ukiyo-e (Jean Horblit), 10 Autumn 1984: 4

Gross, Marty

Documenting Mashiko in 1934: Minagawa Masu, 36 2015: 84

Grotenhuis, Elizabeth Ten

William Charles Burto (1921–2013): Bowing with Respect, 35 2014: 219

Gund, George III

Reflections: George Gund III (1937–2013) (Leighton R. Longhi), 35 2014: 229

Gutai, artist group, 1950s and 1960s

Gutai: Splendid Playground. By Alexandra Munroe and Ming Tiampo; review essay, “Gutai at the Guggenheim,” by Susan G. Lewis, 35 2014: 259

Guth, Christine M. E.

The Aesthetics of Rayskin in Edo-period Japan: Materials, Making and Meaning, 37 2016: 89

Hokusai’s Great Wave: Biography of a Global Icon, by Guth; review by Bruce Coats, 37 2016: 186

Memorial Portraits of Kabuki Actors: Fanfare in the Floating World, 27 2005–06: 23



Hafferty, Philip K.

Kōichi Yanagi (1965–2022): Nothing but the Best, 43 Part 2 2022: 77

New Year’s Tea, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 192

Haft, Alfred

Harunobu and the Stylishly Informal: “Fūryū Yatsushi” as Aesthetic Convention, 28 2006–2007: 23

Hagurodō, Tokyo gallery

Hagurodō: Training Ground for Ukiyo-e Painting Dealers (Asano Shūgō), 37 2016: 141

Hakkō Ichiu™

Hakkō Ichiu™: Projecting “Greater East Asia” (R. W. Purdy), 30 2009: 106

Hakuin Ekaku

Collecting Hakuin (Richard Fishbein), 33 2012: 111

Hall, David A.

The Buddhist Goddess Marishiten: A Study of the Evolution and Impact of Her Cult on the Japanese Warrior. By David A. Hall; review by David Waterhouse, 36 2015: 252

Ham, Lesley

To the Editor, 40 2019: 195

Handscrolls, in titles

Thinking about Pictures: Reflections on Segments of a Medieval Illustrated Handscroll (Sylvan Barnet and William Burto), 29 2007–08: 59

Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan. By Melissa McCormick; review by Donald Jenkins, 32 2011: 189

Harkins, William E.

A Dictionary of Japanese Artists. By Laurance P. Roberts; review by Harkins, 2 October 1978: 5

Eirakuya Tōshirō, Publisher at Nagoya: A Contribution to the History of Publishing in 19th Century Japan. By Matthi Forrer; review by Harkins, 12 Summer 1986: 9

An Exhibition of Prints, Paintings and Lacquer by Shibata Zeshin. By Milne Henderson; review by Harkins, 2 October 1978: 5

An Exhibition of Prints and Paintings on Netsuke Subjects: Zeshin and Related Artists. By Milne Henderson; review by Harkins, 2 October 1978: 5

Flowers in the Art from East and West. By Paul Hulton and Lawrence Smith; review by Harkins, 5 Spring 1981: 8

Japanese Animal Prints, 15 Summer 1989: 10

Japanese Drawings of the 18th and 19th Centuries. By Jack R. Hillier; review by Harkins, 5 Spring 1981: 8

The Japanese Fan in Japanese Prints, 18 Autumn 1994: 10

Japanese Prints: 300 Years of Albums and Books. By Jack Hillier and Lawrence Smith; review by Harkins, 5 Spring 1981: 8

Museum Collections in the New York Area: The Brooklyn Museum, 3 Spring 1979: 8

A Note on Facial Posture in Japanese Prints, 16 Summer 1991: 15

A Note on Kōno Bairei’s Birds, 13 Spring 1987: 7

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: The Young Flute Player by Toyonobu, 9 Spring 1984: 7

Posthumously Published Print Album by Kuniyoshi (Harkins and Gary Levine), 11 Summer 1985: 5

Shijō Bird, Animal and Flower Prints in the Meiji Period, 12 Summer 1986: 10

The Shijō Surimono, 6 Autumn 1981: 1

The Shijō Surimono and the New Year Festival, 17 Summer 1993: 1

Ukiyo-e Prints and Non-Ukiyo-e Styles, 11 Summer 1985: 7

The Woodblock Print in the Meiji Era, 7 Autumn 1982: 5

Harunobu. See Suzuki Harunobu

Hasui. See Kawase Hasui

Heike nōkyō

Women and the Heike nōkyō: The Dragon Princess, the Jewel and the Buddha (Abé Ryūichi), 40 2019: 99


Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama Mandara: Painting and Religious Practice at a Japanese Mountain. By Caroline Hirasawa; review by Akiko Walley, 35 2014: 288

Hell’s Kitchen and the Joy of Cooking: Culinary Themes in Kumano kanjin jikkai mandara (Eric Rath), 37 2016: 107

Herwig, Arendie and Hank

Heroes of the Kabuki Stage. By Arendie and Henk Herwig; review by Laurence R. Kominz, 27 2005–06: 124

The Hundred Poets Compared: A Print Series by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. By H. Herwig and Joshua S. Mostow; review by Andreas Marks, 29 2007–08: 188

Hettena, Ran

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Fuzoku Shiki Kassen [Seasonal Poems in Contemporary Settings], 4 Winter–Spring 1980: 6

Hillier, Jack

Biographical Sketch, 4 Winter–Spring 1980: 7

Journey to the Land of Rosetsu: Jack Hillier’s Letters from Japan, 1970. Edited by Mary Hillier and Peter Dailey, 20 1998: 83

A Second Look at Utamaro, 19 1997: 48

Hillier, Mary

Journey to the Land of Rosetsu: Jack Hillier’s Letters from Japan, 1970. Edited by Mary Hillier and Peter Dailey, 20 1998: 83

Hirama Mika

A Woman of Parts: In Conversation with Mika, 45 Part 1 2024: 137

Hirasawa, Caroline

Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama Mandara: Painting and Religious Practice at a Japanese Mountain. By Hirasawa; review by Akiko Walley, 35 2014: 288

Hiroshige. See Utagawa Hiroshige

Hishikawa Moronobu

The Hishikawa Mode (David Waterhouse), 31 2010: 43

Moronobu Anniversary: Three Centuries of the Floating World (Richard Lane), 18 Autumn 1994: 8

Hoaglund, Linda

Behind Things Left Behind: Ishiuchi Miyako, 34 2013: 85

The Lost Art of Resistance, 33 2012: 31

Hockley, Allen

Cameras, Photographs and Photography in Nineteenth-Century Japanese Prints, 23 2001: 43

The Prints of Isoda Koryūsai: Floating World Culture and Its Consumers in Eighteenth-Century Japan. By Hockley; review by Donald Jenkins, 25 2003: 133

A Response to Kinoshita Naoyuki: Foreign Perspectives on “Living Dolls” at Asakusadera, 32 2011: 167

The Dawn of the Floating World (1650–1765): Early Ukiyo-e Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Timothy Clark, Anne Nishimura Morse and Louise E. Virgin, with Hockley; review by Helen Nagata, 24 2002: 99

The Zenning of Munakata Shikō, 26 2004: 77

Hokkei. See Totoya Hokkei

Hokusai. See Katsushika Hokusa

Hokusai Sōri. See Katsushika Hokusai

Holmberg, Ryan

The Third Mind, review essay by Holmberg of The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860–1989, by Alexandra Munroe, 31 2010: 142

Honolulu Museum of Art

Why So Much Shunga at the Honolulu Museum of Art? (Shawn Eichman and Stephen Salel), 36 2015: 133

Horblit, Jean

The Grolier Club and Ukiyo-e, 10 Autumn 1984: 4

Hori, Robert

Jacqueline Avant (1940–2021): A Life in Black and Gold, 43 Part 2 2022: 59

Hsu-Balcer, Carolyn

Japanese Smoking Accoutrements in the Carolyn Hsu-Balcer Collection (Martin Barnes Lorber), 38 2017: 171

Water and Shadow: Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints. [Carolyn and René Balcer Collection, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts]. Edited by Kendall H. Brown; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 37 2016: 192

Hykin, Abigail

An Exploration of Finality: Conservator and Curator Examine the Ceramic Sculpture of Nishida Jun (Hykin and Anne Nishimura Morse), 35 2014: 85

Hu, Philip

Conflicts of Interest: Art and War in Modern Japan. Edited by Hu; review by Alison J. Miller, 39 2018: 225

Hyun, Eleanor Soo-ah

Ch’aekkðri Painting: A Korean Jigsaw Puzzle. By Kay E. Black; review by Hyun, 42 Part 2 2021: 139



Ichikawa Danjūrō VII

Wild Boars and Dirty Rats: Kyōka Surimono Celebrating Ichikawa Danjūrō VII as Arajishi Otokonosuke (John T. Carpenter), 28 2006–07: 41

Ichikawa Danjūrō VIII

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Ichikawa Danjūrō VIII in the Shibaraku role (Robert Enequist), 6 Autumn 1981: 8

Ichikawa Danjūrō XII

In Memoriam: Ichikawa Danjūrō XII (1946–2013) (Watanabe Tamotsu; translated and adapted by Samuel L. Leiter), 35 2014: 222

Ichikawa Ebizō XI

Ichikawa Ebizō XI at Carnegie Hall (Samuel L. Leiter), 38 2017: 123

Icons, Buddhist. See Buddha, Buddhism

Ishigami, Aki

Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art. Edited by Timothy Clark, C. Andrew Gerstle, Ishigami and Akiko Yano; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 36 2015: 232

Ikebe Yoshikata

Asai Chū and Ikebe Yoshikata: A Unique Collaboration (Donald Jenkins), 39 Part 1 2018: 35

Ikeda, Asato

Mirroring the Japanese Empire: The Male Figure in Yōga Painting, 1930–1950. By Maki Kaneko; review by Asato Ikeda, 37 2016: 200

Immortals, in title

The Fragrance of Female Immortals: Celebrity Endorsement from the Afterlife (Ellis Tinios), 27 2005–06: 43

Impressions, The Journal of the Japanese Art Society of America

American Graphic Design Award, 2021, awarded by Graphic Design USA to Impressions 42, Parts 1 and 2, 2021

American Graphic Design Award, awarded to Impermanent Press for Impressions 41 (2020), 42 Part 2 2021: 9Chips off the Block (column), 1 March 1976: 5

Donald Keene Prize for the Promotion of Japanese Culture, awarded to Impressions by Columbia University, 2010, 32 2011: 24

Folio: Eddie and Ozzie Awards, Eddies Honorable Mention for Editorial Excellence, 37 2016; Ozzies Honorable Mention for Design Excellence, Rare Correspondence: Letters from Harry Packard to Edwin Grabhorn: 1950–64 2016; Eddies Honorable Mention for Editorial Excellence 38 2017; Ozzie s Honorable Mention for Design Excellence 38 2017

Editorial Chats: At Long Last (William Green), 1 March 1976: 2

Indexes, Impressions Nos. 1–20 (1976–1998); compiled by William Pearl, 20 1998: 100

Reflections of the President (Thomas Kessler), 1 March 1976: 1

Impressions of Japan, short features that conclude selected issues of Impressions

Ainu Robes for the Minneapolis Institute of Art, 41 2020: 200

Balcer, René: Kyoto 2009, from the photo project Sea of Meanings: A Monster Walks the Earth, 32 2011: 204

Binnie, Paul, 33 2012: 148

Carpenter, John T., Calling on Red Shōki, the Demon Queller, in Times of Death and Disease, 43 Part 2 2022: 170

Gallant, Aprile: Homage to Shinoda Tōkō (1913–2021), 42 Part 2 2021: 148

Glass Flowing Like Water: Monika Bincsik Introduces a Kyoto Artist, 42 Part 1 2021: 195

Katoh, Amy: Otafuku Origins, 39 Part 1 2018: 235

Kawada Kikuji: Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, 38 2017: 207

Levy, Dana, 34 2013: 266

Marks, Andreas: Funada Gyokuju; Complex and Compulsive, 42 Part 2 2021: 144

Mori, Mariko, 35 2014: 298

A Painting by Shinoda Tōkō, 40 2019: 198

Spangenberg, Kristin: Darkness Over, Matsushima, 39 Part 2 2018: 108

Tanaka Sao: A Primordial Landscape, 2020, 42 Part 2 2021: 147

Ueda, Mai, 36 2015: 279

An Unusual Reliquary at The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Impressions of Japan (Miriam Chusid), 43 Part 1 2022: 220


Japan’s New, New Thing: Young Designers Invigorating Aging Industries (Naomi Pollock), 39 Part 1 2018: 201

Ise Monogatari (Tales of Ise)

Ukiyo-e Memories of Ise Monogatari (Nakamachi Keiko; translated and adapted by Henry D. Smith II and Miriam Wattles), 22 2000: 55

Ishikawa Toyomasa

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Boy at Play by Ishikawa Toyomasa (William Green), 2 October 1978: 5

Ishikawa Toyonobu

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: The Young Flute Player by Toyonobu (William Harkins), 9 Spring 1984: 7

Ishiuchi Miyako

Behind Things Left Behind: Ishiuchi Miyako (Linda Hoaglund), 34 2013: 85

Fragility and Resilience: The Memory Fabric of Ishiuchi Miyako, Photo Weaver (Motoko Shimizu), 45 Part 2 2024: 12

Isoda Koryūsai

The Prints of Isoda Koryūsai: Floating World Culture and Its Consumers in Eighteenth-Century Japan. By Allen Hockley; review by Donald Jenkins, 25 2003: 133

Itō Jakuchū

Colorful Realm; review by Andrew Pekarik of “Colorful Realm: Japanese Bird-and-Flower Paintings by Itō Jakuchū,” National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 34 2013: 184

Iwasaki Family

Snapshots from the Iwasaki Family Album: The Founders of Mitsubishi (Kumiko Makihara), 44 Part 1 2023: 33

Izzard, Sebastian

The Bijin-ga of Utagawa Kunisada, 3 Spring 1979: 1

Catherine Halff Edson (1938–2010): Remembering an Esteemed Collector, 32 2011: 177

Courtesan Emerging from a Mosquito Net: A Late Painting by Kunisada, 19 1997: 68

Hokusai’s Chie No Umi, “The Oceans of Wisdom,” 9 Spring 1984: 8

A New Actor Painting by Utagawa Kunisada, 20 1998: 79

To the Editor, 37 2016: 208



Japan Society, New York

Gunhild Avitabile (1941–2021): Never in the Slow Lane (Julia Meech), 43 Part 1 2022: 163

Passione per la Vita: In Memory of Gunhild Avitabile (1941–2021) (Stephan von der Schulenberg), 43 Part 1 2022: 155

Remembering the Japan Society (Rand Castile), 28 2006–07: 77

Japanese Art Society of America (JASA), formerly Ukiyo-e Society of America

JASA at the Forefront: The 2014 Fortieth-Anniversary Colloquium (Julia Meech), 36 2015: 131

JASA’s Fiftieth Anniversary: An Appreciation to Members, 45 Part 2 2024: 252

Life and Customs of Edo: The Society’s First Print Exhibition, 2 October 1978: 6

Print Auction Happy Fund Raising Event, 1 March 1976: 2

Reflections of the President (Thomas Kessler), 1 March 1976: 1

Ukiyo-e Society Enters Third Year of Activity (William Green), 1 March 1976: 1

The Ukiyo-e Society of America: Approaching Thirty-Five (Julia Meech and Ann Yonemura), 27 2005–06: 99

Jenkins, Donald

Art of the Surimono. By James T. Kenny and Fukimo Togasaki; review by Jenkins, 4 Winter–Spring 1980: 7

Asai Chū and Ikebe Yoshikata: A Unique Collaboration, 39 Part 1 2018: 35

Egoyomi and Surimono. By Matthi Forrer; review by Jenkins, 4 Winter–Spring 1980: 7

Ehon: The Artist and the Book in Japan. By Roger S. Keyes; review by Jenkins, 29 2007–08: 184

The Harunobu Decade: A Catalogue of Woodcuts by Suzuki Harunobu and His Followers in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By David Waterhouse; review by Jenkins, 36 2015: 243

Hokusai. By Gian Carlo Calza, with essays by Roger S. Keyes, Matthi Forrer, John M. Rosenfield, Richard Lane, Asano Shūgō, Tsuji Nobuo and Kobayashi Tadashi; review by Jenkins, 27 2005–06: 120

Hokusai on the World Stage; review essay by Jenkins of Hokusai and His Age: Ukiyo-e Painting, Printmaking and Book Illustration in Late Edo Japan, edited by John T. Carpenter, 28 2006–07: 113

Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923. By Gennifer Weisenfeld; review by Jenkins, 35 2014: 243

Oliver Hadley Statler (1915–2002), 24 2002: 105

The Prints of Isoda Koryūsai: Floating World Culture and Its Consumers in Eighteenth-Century Japan. By Allen Hockley; review by Jenkins, 25 2003: 133

Terrific Tokyo: A Panorama in Prints from the 1860s to the 1930s. By Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton; review by Jenkins, 26 2004: 132

Tokyo, The Imperial Capital: Woodblock Prints by Koizumi Kishio, 1928–1940. By Marianne Lamonaca, James T. Ulak and Frederic A. Sharf; review by Jenkins, 26 2004: 134

Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan. By Melissa McCormick; review by Jenkins, 32 2011: 189

Yoshitoshi: Masterpieces from the Ed Freis Collection. By Chris Uhlenbeck and Amy Reigle Newland; review by Jenkins, 34 2013: 227

Jingo-ji Temple

Reassessing the Jingo-ji Portraits: Personages and Period (Yonekura Michio), 39 Part 2 2018: 11


Adapting to the Times: Jizō Statues Along the Kamakura Pilgrimage Route (Mark Schumacher), 35 2014: 153

Anointing with Eyes, Raiment and Relic: Insights from the Cologne Jizō (Helmut Brinker), 34 2013: 151

The Face of Jizō: Image and Cult in Medieval Japanese Buddhism. By Hank Glassman; review by Yui Suzuki, 34 2013: 253

The Weber Jizō: A Vision of Grace in a Tumultuous Age (Hank Glassman), 45 Part 1 2024: 97

Johnson, Shirley Z.

The Functional Beauty of the Japanese Box, 42 Part 1 2021: 37

Sekiya Shirō: Master & Mentor,  44 Part 2 2023: 13

Johnson, Shirley Z. (1940–2021)

Shirley Z. Johnson (1940–2021): A Focused Collector (Julia Meech and Jan Stuart with Louise Allison Cort), 43 Part 1 2022: 179

Jones, Meghen

Kitaōji Rosanjin in New York, 43 Part 1 2022: 63



Kabuki Theater

The Double Identity of Chūshingura: Theater and History in Nineteenth-Century Prints (Chelsea Foxwell), 26 2004: 23

Edo Kabuki: The Actor’s World (Samuel L. Leiter), 31 2010: 117

Engekikai: Kabuki’s Magazine of Record (Samuel L. Leiter), 37 2016: 75

Heroes of the Kabuki Stage. By Arendie and Henk Herwig; review by Laurence Kominz, 27 2005–06: 124

Kabuki at the Crossroads: Years of Crisis, 1952–1965. By Samuel L. Leiter; review by Katherine Saltzman-Li, 36 2015: 225

Kabuki’s Nineteenth Century: Stage and Print in Early Modern Edo. By Jonathan E. Zwicker; review by Samuel L. Leiter  45 Part 2 2024: 162

Kabuki—Spooky and Kooky—Returns to New York (Samuel L. Leiter), 36 2015: 123

Meiji Kabuki: Japanese Theatre through Foreign Eyes. Edited by Samuel L. Leiter; review by William D. Fleming, 45 Part 2 2024: 170

Memorial Portraits of Kabuki Actors: Fanfare in the Floating World (Christine Guth), 27 2005–06: 23

Kajiya, Kenji

Reimagining the Imagined: Depictions of Dreams and Ghosts in the Early Edo Period, 23 2001: 87

Kakudo, Yoshiko

Yoshiko Kakudo (1934–2016): Curator, Artist, Philanthropist (Richard Mellot), 38 2017: 177

Kamakura Period

Revealing the Unseen: The Master Sculptor Unkei and the Meaning of Dedicatory Objects in Kamakura-Period Sculpture (Samuel C. Morse), 31 2010: 25

Kamakura Pilgrimage

Adapting to the Times: Jizō Statues Along the Kamakura Pilgrimage Route (Mark Schumacher), 35 2014: 153


Kamikaze-gō: The Plane That Sold Newspapers, Kimonos and National Pride (Klaus J. Friese), 45 Part 1 2024: 107

Kamiya, Kristine

Kimono Under the Microscope: Japanese Fashion at the Cusp of the Chemical Revolution (Nobuko Shibayama, Maria Goretti Mieites Alonso, Kamiya, Monika Bincsik and Marco Leona), 44 Part 2 2023: 91

Kamoda Shōji

Kamoda Shōji—The Art of Change. By Yokobori Satoshi  and Aaron Rio; review by Samuel C. Morse, 43 Part 2 2022: 157


Collecting Kannon (Richard Fishbein), 35 2014: 177

Senility-Preventing Kannon (Mark Schumacher), 37 2016: 149

Karhu, Clifton

Clifton Karhu (1927–2007): A Personal Tribute (Norman Tolman), 29 2007–08: 151

Katoh, Amy

Otafuku Origins; Impressions of Japan, 39 Part 1 2018: 235

Katsukawa Shunshō

The Katsukawa (Lawrence Bickford), 14 Spring 1988: 1

Three Aspects of Ukiyo-e Woodblock Printmaking: I. Prussian (Berlin) Blue; II. Concerning the Ukiyo-e Quartet Theory; III. A Much-Revised Shunshō Print (Lawrence Bickford), 18 Autumn 1994: 5

Katsushika Hokusai

Hokusai. By Gian Carlo Calza, with essays by Roger S. Keyes, Matthi Forrer, John M. Rosenfield, Richard Lane, Asano Shūgō, Tsuji Nobuo and Kobayashi Tadashi; review essay by Donald Jenkins, 27 2005–06: 120

Hokusai. By Ann Yonemura, with essays by Nagata Seiji, Kobayashi Tadashi, Yonemura and Asano Shūgõ; catalogue entries by Timothy Clark, Asano, Naitō Masato and Yonemura; review essay by Elizabeth deSabato Swinton, 28 2006–07: 122

Hokusai and His Age: Ukiyo-e Painting, Printmaking and Book Illustration in Late Edo Japan. Edited by John T. Carpenter; review essay, “Hokusai on the World Stage,” by Donald Jenkins, 28 2006–07: 113

Hokusai: Still Making Waves; review essay of Hokusai (Yonemura et al.) by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 28 2006–07: 122

Hokusai’s Chie No Umi, “The Oceans of Wisdom” (Sebastian Izzard), 9 Spring 1984: 8

Hokusai’s Great Wave: Biography of a Global Icon. By Christine M. E. Guth; review by Bruce Coats, 37 2016: 186

Interpreting Sexual Imagery in Japanese Prints: A Fresh Approach to Hokusai’s Diver and Two Octopi (Danielle Talerico), 23 2001: 25

Late Hokusai: Society, Thought, Technique, Legacy. Edited By Timothy Clark; review by Elizabeth Lillehoj, 45 Part 2 2024: 148

“My Master is Creation”: Prints by Hokusai Sōri (1795–1798) (Roger Keyes), 20 1998: 39

Pink Fuji: The Print Hokusai Saw (Roger Keyes), 29 2007–08: 69

Unpeeling the Orange: Reinterpreting a Surimono by Hokusai (Roger Keyes), 27 2005–06: 55

Katz, Janice

Roger Weston: Unlocking New Doors, 32 2011: 129

The Weston Collection Paints the Floating World in Chicago, 39 Part 2 2018: 95

Kawada Kikuji

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant; Impressions of Japan, 38 2017: 207

Counter-mapping: Kawada Kikuji’s The Map in an Age of Anxiety (Maggie Mustard), 45 Part 1 2024: 121

Kawanabe Kyōsai

A Japanese Menagerie: Animal Pictures by Kawanabe Kyōsai. By Rosina Buckland, Timothy Clark and Shigeru Oikawa; review by John Stevenson, 29 2007–08: 196

The Stuff of Dreams: Kawanabe Kyōsai’s Nirvana Painting of Matsuura Takeshirō (Henry D. Smith II), 35 2014: 97

Kawase Hasui

Hasui’s True Views; review essay by Peter Dailey of Kawase Hasui: The Complete Woodblock Prints, by Kendall H. Brown, 25 2003:117

Kawase Hasui: Collecting a Versatile Modern Master (René Balcer), 34 2013: 109

Water and Shadow: Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints. Edited by Kendall H. Brown; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 37 2016: 192

Kawashima Tadashi

Special Tōbi Art Fair 2020: Looking Forward and Back, 41 2020: 127

Keene, Donald

Portraits of the Emperor Meiji, 21 1999: 17

Kern, Adam I.

Manga from the Floating World: Comicbook Culture and the Kibyōshi of Edo Japan. By Kern; review essay, “Ephemera for Insiders,” by Melinda Takeuchi 29 2007–08: 165

Kessler, Thomas

Reflections of the President, 1 March 1976: 1

Keyes, Roger S.

“Chance favors the prepared mind”: Memories of Arthur (1922–2012) and Charlotte (1924–2000) Vershbow, 36 2015: 158

Ehon: The Artist and the Book in Japan. By Keyes; review by Donald Jenkins, 29 2007–08: 184

Kunimasa: A Fictional Memoir, 19 1997: 54

“My Master is Creation”: Prints by Hokusai Sōri (1795–1798), 20 1998: 39

A Note on Harunobu’s Lovers Sharing an Umbrella, 26 2004: 115

Pink Fuji: The Print Hokusai Saw, 29 2007–08: 69

Ukiyo-e Prints and Paintings from the Early Masters to Shunsho. By Luigi Bernabò Bera and Eiko Kondo; translated by Máire McHugh Barisone; review by Keyes, 6 Autumn 1981: 6

Unpeeling the Orange: Reinterpreting a Surimono by Hokusai, 27 2005–06: 55

Keyes, Roger S.

A Conversation with Roger S. Keyes, 41 2020: 71

Kibyōshi (little yellow comicbooks)

Ephemera for Insiders; review essay by Melinda Takeuchi of Manga from the Floating World: Comicbook Culture and the Kibyōshi of Edo Japan, by Adam I. Kern, 29 2007–08: 165


Hunting for Used Kimonos in Japan (Elizabeth Fulder Wilson), 38 2017: 55

Kamikaze-gō: The Plane That Sold Newspapers, Kimonos and National Pride (Klaus J. Friese), 45 Part 1 2024: 107

Kimono: A Modern History. By Terry Satsuki Milhaupt; review by Joyce Denney, 36 2015: 203

Kimono Style: John C. Weber in Conversation with Monika Bincsik, 43 Part 1 2022: 75

Kimono Under the Microscope: Japanese Fashion at the Cusp of the Chemical Revolution (Nobuko Shibayama, Maria Goretti Mieites Alonso, Kristine Kamiya, Monika Bincsik and Marco Leona), 44 Part 2 2023: 91

Louis V. Ledoux: Collector of Japanese Textiles (Julia Meech), 43 Part 1 2022: 99

Kimura-Tilford, Yuiko

Worldly Pleasures, Earthly Delights: Japanese Prints from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, by Kimura-Tilford and Matthew Welch; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 34 2013: 219

Kinoshita, Kyoko

The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated, by John T. Carpenter and Melissa McCormick, with Monika Binscik and Kinoshita; review by Rosina Buckland, 41 2020: 191

Kinoshita Naoyuki

Kisaburō, Kuniyoshi and the “Living Doll,” 31 2010: 101

A Response to Kinoshita Naoyuki: Foreign Perspectives on “Living Dolls” at Asakusadera (Allen Hockley), 32 2011: 167

Kisaburō. See Matsumoto Kisaburō

Kita, S.

A Hidden Treasure. By S. Kita; review by Julie Nelson Davis, 19 1997: 72

Kitagawa Utamaro

A Second Look at Utamaro (Jack Hillier), 19 1997: 48

Kitaōji Rosanjin (1883–1959)

Cardozo and Rosanjin: The Brooklyn Connection (Joan Cummins), 43 Part 1 2022: 53

Kitaōji Rosanjin in New York (Meghen Jones), 43 Part 1 2022: 63

Rosanjin: Creating His Image (Louise Allison Cort), 43 Part 1 2022: 39

Kobayashi Tadashi

A Classroom Like No Other, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 132

The Rediscovery of the “Tendō Hiroshiges”; translated by Henry D. Smith II, 22 2000: 17

Koizumi Kishio

Tokyo, The Imperial Capital: Woodblock Prints by Koizumi Kishio, 1928–1940. By Marianne Lamonaca, Frederic A. Sharf and James T. Ulak; review by Donald Jenkins, 26 2004: 134

Kominz, Laurence R.

Heroes of the Kabuki Stage. By Arendie and Henk Herwig; review by Kominz, 27 2005–06: 124

Kōno Bairei

A Note on Kōno Bairei’s Birds (William Harkins), 13 Spring 1987: 7

Korean Art

Ch’aekkðri Painting: A Korean Jigsaw Puzzle. By Kay E. Black; review by Eleanor Soo-ah Hyun, 42 Part 2 2021: 139

Kōrin. See Ogata Kōrin

Koryūsai. See Isoda Koryūsai

Koson. See Ohara Koson

Kruml, Richard

The Body Beautiful: The Illusory World of Ukiyo-e, 16 Summer 1991: 10

Multiple Impressions, 14 Spring 1988: 6

Kubota Kazuhiro

A Short History of the Ukiyo-e Society of Japan, 26 2004: 95

Kuchiki, Yuriko

The Enemy Trader: The United States and the End of Yamanaka, 34 2013: 33

Kumanokanjin jikkai mandara

Hell’s Kitchen and the Joy of Cooking: Culinary Themes in Kumano kanjin jikkai mandara (Eric Rath), 37 2016: 107

The Visual Narratives of the Kumano Nun: Picturing Anxiety and Promising Hope (Talia Andrei), 45 Part 1 2024: 59

Kunimasa. See Utagawa Kunimasa

Kunisada. See Utagawa Kunisada

Kuniyoshi. See Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Kuniyoshi, Yasuo

The Artistic Journey of Yasuo Kuniyoshi. By Tom Wolf; review by Susan G. Lewis, 38 2017: 197

Kuwahara, Noriko

Onchi’s Portrait of Hagiwara Sakutarō: Emblem of the Creative Print Movement for American Collectors, 29 2007–08: 121

Kyōka (light verse)

Wild Boars and Dirty Rats: Kyōka Surimono Celebrating Ichikawa Danjūrō VII as Arajishi Otokonosuke (Carpenter), 28 2006–07:41




Benjamin Altman’s Little-Known Collection of Japanese Lacquers (Monika Binscik), 36 2015: 61

Japanese Exported Lacquer: Reassessments and Summary of Sources; review essay by Monika Binscik of “Japan––Makie / Export Lacquer: Reflection of the West in Black and Gold Makie,” Kyoto National Museum and Suntory Museum, 31 2010: 158

Lamonaca, Marianne

Tokyo, The Imperial Capital: Woodblock Prints by Koizumi Kishio, 1928–1940. By Lamonaca, Frederic A. Sharf and James T. Ulak; review by Donald Jenkins, 26 2004: 134


Making Mountains: Mini-Fujis, Edo Popular Religion, and Hiroshige’s One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Melinda Takeuchi), 24 2002: 25

Startled Bamboo and Wizened Mountains: Through the Eyes of Kodōjin, the “Old Daoist”; review by Hollis Goodall, 45 Part 1 2024: 193

Lane, Richard

Moronobu Anniversary: Three Centuries of the Floating World, 18 Autumn 1994: 8

Pax David Waterhouse: A Letter to the Editor, 7 Autumn 1982: 7

An Ukiyo-e Pilgrim’s Progress, 7 Autumn 1982: 7

With Sugimura and Morofusa on the Yoshida Highway, 8 Summer 1983: 1

Lane, Richard

Richard Lane (1926–2002), Scholar and Collector (Julia Meech), 26 2004: 107

Lantz, Jack

A Word on “Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints,” 41 2020: 165

Lantz, Paulette and Jack

Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Paulette and Jack Lantz Collection. By Andreas Marks, with contributions from Bruce A. Coats, Michael Emmerich, Susanne Formanek, Sepp Linhart and Rhiannon Paget; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 43 Part 1 2022: 203

Ledoux, Louis Vernon (1880–1948)

Louis V. Ledoux: Collector of Japanese Textiles (Julia Meech), 43 Part 1 2022: 99

Leiter, Samuel L.

Edo Kabuki: The Actor’s World, 31 2010: 117

Engekikai: Kabuki’s Magazine of Record, 37 2016: 75

Ichikawa Ebizō XI at Carnegie Hall, 38 2017: 123

In Memoriam: Ichikawa Danjūrō XII (1946–2013), by Watanabe Tamotsu; translated and adapted by Leiter, 35 2014: 222

In Remembrance of Benito Ortolani (1928–2022): Leading Light in Asian Theater Studies, 44 Part 1 2023: 121

Kabuki at the Crossroads: Years of Crisis, 1952–1965. By Leiter; review by Katharine Saltzman-Li, 36 2015: 225

Kabuki’s Nineteenth Century: Stage and Print in Early Modern Edo. By Jonathan E. Zwicker; review by Leiter  45 Part 2 2024: 162

Kabuki—Spooky and Kooky—Returns to New York, 36 2015: 123

Letter to the Editor, 35 2014: 296

Meiji Kabuki: Japanese Theatre through Foreign Eyes. Edited by Leiter; review by William D. Fleming, 45 Part 2 2024: 170

Leona, Marco

Beneath the Blue: A Scientific Analysis of Kōrin’s Irises at Yatsuhashi (Leona and Jennifer Perry), 37 2016: 129

Kimono Under the Microscope: Japanese Fashion at the Cusp of the Chemical Revolution (Nobuko Shibayama, Maria Goretti Mieites Alonso, Kamiya, Monika Bincsik and Leona), 44 Part 2 2023: 91

Letters to the Editor

Addiss, Stephen, 27 2005–06: 128

Castile, Rand, 27 2005–06: 127

Cohen, Joan Lebold, 37 2016: 209

Conant, Ellen P., 30 2009: 164

Cunningham, Michael, 34 2013: 261

Dirks, Lee E., 34 2013: 265

Ham, Lesley, 40 2019: 195

Izzard, Sebastian, 37 2016: 209

Lane, Richard, 7 Autumn 1982: 7

Leiter, Samuel L., 35 2014: 296

Oliver, Geoffrey, 28 2006–07: 132; 37 2016: 210

Pekarik, Andrew, 28 2006–07: 131

Reed, Orrel P., Jr, 26 2004: 138

Valenstein, Suzanne G., 37 2016: 208

Varashavskaya, Elena, 22 2000: 108

Virata, Luis, 39 Part 2 2018: 104

Waterhouse, David, 25 2003: 147

Levine, Edna S., and Green, William

The Cosmetic Mystique of Old Japan, 4 Winter–Spring 1980: 1

Levine, Gary

Posthumously Published Print Album by Kuniyoshi (Levine and William Harkins), 11 Summer 1985: 5

Levy, Dana

Impressions of Japan, 34 2013: 266

Levy, Dana

Dana Levy (1936–2017): An Appreciation (Peter Grilli), 39 Part 1 2018: 213

A Life Well-Lived and Happily Shared: Dana Levy (Tish O’Connor), 39 Part 1 2018: 219

Lewis, Susan G.

The Artistic Journey of Yasuo Kuniyoshi. By Tom Wolf; review by Lewis, 38 2017: 197

Gutai at the Guggenheim; review essay by Lewis of “Gutai: Splendid Playground,” Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, and eponymous catalogue by Alexandra Munroe and Ming Tiampo, 35 2014: 259

Lichtner, Marvin

Memories of Munakata, 26 2004: 67

Lieberman, William S.

William S. Lieberman (1923–2005): Curator and Collector (Julia Meech), 28 2006–07: 105

Lilleho, Elizabeth

Late Hokusai: Society, Thought, Technique, Legacy. Edited By Timothy Clark; review by Lillehoj, 45 Part 2 2024: 148

Little, Stephen

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): An Astute Collector, 44 Part 1 2023: 146

Linhart, Sepp

Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Paulette and Jack Lantz Collection. By Andreas Marks, with contributions from Bruce A. Coats, Michael Emmerich, Susanne Formanek, Linhart and Rhiannon Paget; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 43 Part 1 2022: 203

Lippit, Yukio

The Studious Dealer, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 130

“Living Dolls”

Kisaburō, Kuniyoshi and the “Living Doll” (Kinoshita Naoyuki), 31 2010: 101

A Response to Kinoshita Naoyuki: Foreign Perspectives on “Living Dolls” at Asakusadera (Allen Hockley), 32 2011: 167

Longhi, Leighton R.

Reflections: George Gund III (1937–2013), 35 2014: 229

Yabumoto Sōshirō: The Way of an Art Dealer, 32 2011: 65

Lorber, Martin Barnes

Japanese Smoking Accoutrements in the Carolyn Hsu-Balcer Collection, 38 2017: 171

Ludvik, Catherine

Uga-Benzaiten: The Goddess and the Snake, 33 2012: 95

Lurie, David Barnett

The Suda Hachiman Shrine Mirror and Its Inscription, 30 2009: 27




Engekikai: Kabuki’s Magazine of Record (Samuel L. Leiter), 37 2016: 75

Japan’s First Modern Manga Magazine (Peter Duus), 21 1999: 31

Maki Kaneko

Mirroring the Japanese Empire: The Male Figure in Yōga Paintings, 1930­–1950. By Maki; review by Asato Ikeda, 37 2016: 200

Makihara, Kumiko

Snapshots from the Iwasaki Family Album: The Founders of Mitsubishi, 44 Part 1 2023: 33


Ephemera for Insiders; review essay by Melinda Takeuchi of Manga from the Floating World: Comicbook Culture and the Kibyōshi of Edo Japan, by Adam I. Kern, 29 2007–08: 165

Japan’s First Modern Manga Magazine (Peter Duus), 21 1999: 31

One Hundred Dystopian Views of Japan: Urban Poverty in the Graphic Narratives of Tsuge Tadao (Stephen Salel), 44 Part 2 2023: 157

Mann, H. George

Osamu Ueda (1928–2011), 33 2012: 113

Passionate Pursuit: My Adventures in Ukiyo-e, 25 2003: 77

Mansfield, Howard

Japanese Prints, 10 Autumn 1984: 1

Marishiten, Buddhist god

The Buddhist Goddess Marishiten: A Study of the Evolution and Impact of Her Cult on the Japanese Warrior, by David A. Hall; review by David Waterhouse, 36 2015: 252

Marks, Andreas

A Country Genji: Kunisada’s Single-Sheet Genji Series, 27 2005–06:59

Funada Gyokuju; Complex and Compulsive; Impressions of Japan, 42 Part 2 2021: 144

Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Paulette and Jack Lantz Collection. By Marks, with contributions from Bruce A. Coats, Michael Emmerich, Susanne   Formanek, Sepp Linhart and Rhiannon Paget; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 43 Part 1 2022: 203

The Hundred Poets Compared: A Print Series by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. By Henk J. Herwig and Joshua S. Mostow; review by Marks, 29 2007–08: 188

Seven Masters: 20th–Century Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Wells Collection. By Marks and contributors; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 38 2017: 189

Tōkaidō Texts and Tales: Tōkaidō gojusan tsui by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. Edited by Marks, with contributions by Laura W. Allen and Ann Wehmeyer; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 38 2017: 189

Marvin, Stephen E.

Heaven Has a Face; So Does Hell: The Art of the Noh Mask. By Marvin; review by Melinda Takeuchi, 33 2012: 129


Documenting Mashiko in 1934: Minagawa Masu (Marty Gross), 36 2015: 84

Maske, Andrew L.

An Innovative Takatori Dish for Chanoyu, 42 Part 1 2021: 125


Heaven Has a Face; So Does Hell: The Art of the Noh Mask. By Stephen E. Marvin; review by Melinda Takeuchi, 33 2012: 129

Materassi, Mario

Some Notes on Kuniyoshi, the Projected Shadow, and Yoshitsune (Materassi and Marco Fagioli), 11 Summer 1985: 1

Matsubara, Naoko

Munakata and Matsubara: An Artist’s Memoir, 26 2004: 89

Matsumoto Kisaburō

Kisaburō, Kuniyoshi and the “Living Doll” (Kinoshita Naoyuki), 31 2010: 101

Matsuura Takeshirō

The Stuff of Dreams: Kawanabe Kyōsai’s Nirvana Painting of Matsuura Takeshirō (Henry D. Smith II), 35 2014: 97

McCormick, Melissa

The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated. By John T. Carpenter and McCormick, with Monika Bincsik and Kyoko Kinoshita; review by Rosina Buckland, 41 2020: 191  

Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan. By McCormick; review by Donald Jenkins, 32 2011: 189

McDonald, Aya Louisa

Art and War in Japan and Its Empire, 1931–1960. Edited by Asato Ikeda, McDonald and Ming Tiampo; review by Catherine Bae, 35 2014: 247

McKelway, Matthew Phillip

After Rosetsu, 41 2020: 109

The Kōichi I Knew, 44 Part 1 2023: 155

Screens for a Young Warrior, 30 2009: 42

Meech, Julia

Barbra Teri Okada (1937–2012): Vigorous, Versatile, Valued, 34 2013: 173

David Scott Utterberg (1946–2019): A Very Private Collector, 42 Part 2 2021: 77

Discovery. By Robert Hatfield Ellsworth. Edited by Meech and Jane Oliver, with Anita Christy), 38 Companion Issue 2017

The Early Years of Japanese Print Collecting in North America: 1. The Early Years; 2. The Collectors: Brief Biographies (1860s–1950s), 25 2003: 15

Edwin Grabhorn: Printer and Print Collector, 25 2003: 55

Following Her Bliss: Mary Griggs Burke (1916–2012); and four additional tributes by others delivered at memorial service, 35 2014: 201

Gunhild Avitabile (1941–2021): Never in the Slow Lane, 43 Part 1 2022: 163

JASA at the Forefront: The 2014 Fortieth-Anniversary Colloquium, 36 2015: 131

Louis V. Ledoux: Collector of Japanese Textiles, 43 Part 1 2022: 99

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): Plenty of Charm and Taishō Chic, 44 Part 1 2023: 125

Rare Correspondence: Letters from Harry Packard to Edwin Grabhorn 1950–64. Edited by Meech and Jane Oliver, 36 Companion Issue 2015

Richard Lane (1926–2002), Scholar and Collector, 26 2004: 107

Shirley Z. Johnson (1940–2021): A Focused Collector, 43 Part 1 2022: 179

The Ukiyo-e Society of America: Approaching Thirty-Five (Meech and Ann Yonemura), 27 2005–06: 99

Overwhelmed by a Yanagi (Julia Meech), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 249

Who Was Harry Packard?, 32 2011: 83

William Green and Amherst College: A Perfect Match, 39 Part 2 2018: 65

William S. Lieberman (1923–2005): Curator and Collector, 28 2006–07: 105

Meech-Pekarik, Julia

Beyond Decadence: Rethinking Early Meiji Woodblock Prints, 10 Autumn 1984: 6

Meiji, Emperor

Portraits of the Emperor Meiji (Donald Keene), 21 1999: 17

Meiji Period, in titles

Beyond Decadence: Rethinking Early Meiji Woodblock Prints (Meech-Pekarik), 10 Autumn 1984: 6

Bridging Edo and Meiji: Shōsai Ikkei’s Comic Views of Early Tokyo (Jonathan Solomon), 21 1999: 43

Seeking the Modern in Meiji-period Arts (Hollis Goodall), 45 Part 2 2024: 194

The True Colors of Meiji Prints:  Science Tells a Different Story (Henry D. Smith II), 44 Part 2 2023: 127

The Woodblock Print in the Meiji Era (William Harkins), 7 Autumn 1982: 5

Meiji Prints

Beyond Decadence: Rethinking Early Meiji Woodblock Prints (Julia Meech-Pekarik), 10 Autumn 1984: 6

The True Colors of Meiji Prints:  Science Tells a Different Story (Henry D. Smith II), 44 Part 2 2023: 127

Mellott, Richard

. . . with a Little Help from My Friends . . .  (Richard Mellott), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 118

Yoshiko Kakudo (1934–2016): Curator, Artist, Philanthropist, 38 2017: 177

Metalwork, Japanese

Shirley Z. Johnson (1940–2021): A Focused Collector (Julia Meech and Jan Stuart with Louise Allison Cort), 43 Part 1 2022: 179

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

How and Why the Arthur and Charlotte Vershbow Collection of Japanese Illustrated Books Came to The Metropolitan Museum of Art (John T. Carpenter), 36 2015: 145

Photo Tour of “Anxiety and Hope in Japanese Art” at The Met, 45 Part 1 2024: 39

An Unusual Reliquary at The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Impressions of Japan (Miriam Chusid), 43 Part 1 2022: 220


A Midwife’s Bag (Julie Rousseau), 30 2009: 92


A Woman of Parts: In Conversation with Mika, 45 Part 1 2024: 137

Milhaupt, Terry Satsuki

Kimono: A Modern History; review by Joyce Denney, 36 2015: 203

Miller, Alison J.

Conflicts of Interest: Art and War in Modern Japan. Edited by Philip Hu; review by Miller, 39 Part 1 2018: 225

Miller, Lilian

Lilian Miller: An American Artist in Japan (Kendall Brown), 27 2005–06: 81

Miller, Veronica

Herbert Egenolf (1938–2002), 24 2002: 108

Shimizu Hisao (1953–2020): A Man of Parts, 42 Part 1 2021: 168

Minagawa Masu

Documenting Mashiko in 1934: Minagawa Masu (Marty Gross), 36 2015: 84


Personal History: The Magic of Untranslatable Words in Minamiyamashiro Village (Lori Van Houten), 38 2017: 35


Imagine Again and Again: Copies of the Portrait of Minamoto no Yoritomo by Yamaguchi Akira (Miwako Tezuka), 30 2009: 143

Minneapolis Institute of Art

How and Why the Clark Collection Moved to Minneapolis (Willard G. Clark and Matthew Welch), 35 2014: 181

Worldly Pleasures, Earthly Delights: Japanese Prints from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, by Matthew Welch and Yuiko Kimura-Tilford; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 34 2013: 219

Mintz, Robert

Japanese Cloisonné Enamels: The Steven W. Fisher Collection. By Mintz; review by Fredric T. Schneider, 32 2011: 197

Mirror. See Suda Hachiman Shrine

Mirviss, Joan B.

A Tribute to Robert O. Muller (1911–2003), 25 2003: 109

“Earth”: The Missing Element from a Surimono Series by Hokkei, 20 1998: 53


Mitate-e: Some Thoughts and a Summary of Recent Writings (Timothy Clark), 19 1997: 6

Parody and Poetry: Japan versus China in Two Eighteenth-Century Ukiyo-e Prints (Sarah Thompson), 24 2002: 73

Some Confucian, Buddhist, and Taoist Mitate-e by Harunobu (David Waterhouse), 19 1997: 28


Snapshots from the Iwasaki Family Album: The Founders of Mitsubishi (Kumiko Makihara), 44 Part 1 2023: 33

Miwa Hanako

Hanako’s Teahouse, 32 2011: 29

Mizutani, Ishinosuke

Ishinosuke Mizutani (1920–2006): An Appreciation (Stephen Addiss), 29 2007–08: 148

Mobile Phones

The N501i: Mobile Phone as Portable New World (Giles Richter), 30 2009: 149

Moeran, Brian D.

Art of the Japanese Postcard: The Leonard A. Lauder Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Anne Nishimura Morse, J. Thomas Rimer and Kendall H. Brown; review by Moeran, 26 2004: 127

Moerman, D. Max

Burying Anxiety and Preserving Hope in the Age of the Final Dharma, 45 Part 1 2024: 51

Dying Like the Buddha: Intervisuality and the Cultic Image, 29 2007–08: 25

Momoyama Period, in title

A Chinese Green Jar in Japan: Source of a New Color Aesthetic in the Momoyama Period (Louise Allison Cort), 30 2009: 32

Mori, Mariko

Impressions of Japan, 35 2014: 298

Morioka, Michiyo

An American Artist in Tokyo: Frances Blakemore. By Morioka; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 32 2011: 193


With Sugimura and Morofusa on the Yoshida Highway (Richard Lane), 8 Summer 1983: 1

Moronobu. See Hishikawa Moronobu

Morse, Anne Nishimura

Always Looking, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 190

Art of the Japanese Postcard: The Leonard A. Lauder Collection at the Museum of Fine

Arts, Boston. By Morse, J. Thomas Rimer and Kendall H. Brown; review by Brian D. Moeran, 26 2004: 12

The Brittle Decade: Visualizing Japan in the 1930s. By John Dower, Morse, Jacqueline M. Atkins and Frederic A. Sharf; review by Catherine Bae, 34 2013: 199

The Dawn of the Floating World (1650–1765): Early Ukiyo-e Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Timothy Clark, Morse and Louise E. Virgin, with Allen Hockley; review by Helen Nagata, 24 2002: 99

An Exploration of Finality: Conservator and Curator Examine the Ceramic Sculpture of Nishida Jun (Morse and Abigail Hykin), 35 2014: 85

Kōichi Yanagi (1965–2022): Nothing but the Best, 43 Part 2 2022: 77

Morse, Edward S.

Edward S. Morse’s Writings on Japanese Vernacular Architecture as Ethnography (Jonathan Reynolds), 35 2014: 137

Morse, Samuel C.

Always Looking, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 190

Heartwarming Generosity (Samuel C. Morse), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 127

Kamoda Shōji—The Art of Change. By Yokobori Satoshi  and Aaron Rio; review by Morse, 43 Part 2 2022: 157

Kōichi Yanagi (1965–2022): Nothing but the Best, 43 Part 2 2022: 77

Reinventing Tokyo: Japan’s Largest City in the Artistic Imagination. Edited by Samuel C. Morse, with foreword by Elizabeth E. Barker and essays by John W. Dower, Trent E. Maxey, Samuel C. Morse, Timothy J. Van Compernolle and Yamashita Yūji; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 35 2014: 274

Remembering John Max Rosenfeld (1924–2013), 36 2015: 167

Revealing the Unseen: The Master Sculptor Unkei and the Meaning of Dedicatory Objects in Kamakura-Period Sculpture, 31 2010: 25

Shimada Kiyonori: The Transformation of Cloth, 33 2012: 43

Mostow, Joshua S.

Reading Surimono: The Interplay of Text and Image in Japanese Prints. Edited by John T. Carpenter; review by Mostow, 31 2010: 180

The Hundred Poets Compared: A Print Series by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. By Henk J. Herwig and Mostow; review by Andreas Marks, 29 2007–08: 188

Mount Fuji

Making Mountains: Mini-Fujis, Edo Popular Religion and Hiroshige’s One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Melinda Takeuchi), 24 2002: 25

Pink Fuji: The Print Hokusai Saw (Roger Keyes), 29 2007–08: 69

Movies, Movie Posters

Godzilla: A Monster in Midtown (Gregory M. Pflugfelder), 36 2015: 115

“There Was No East or West When Their Lips Met”: A Movie Poster for Japanese War Bride as Transnational Artifact (Kim Brandt), 30 2009: 119

Muller, Robert O.

A Tribute to Robert O. Muller (1911–2003) (Joan Mirviss), 25 2003: 109

Munakata Shikō

A Letter from Munakata (Julie Nelson Davis), 38 2017: 129

Memories of Munakata (Marvin Lichtner), 26 2004:67

Munakata and Matsubara: An Artist’s Memoir (Naoko Matsubara), 26 2004:89

The Zenning of Munakata Shikō (Allen Hockley), 26 2004: 77

Munroe, Alexandra

Gutai: Splendid Playground. By Munroe and Ming Tiampo; review essay, “Gutai at the Guggenheim,” by Susan G. Lewis, 35 2014: 259

The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860–1989. By Munroe; review essay, “The Third Mind,” by Ryan Holmberg, 31 2010: 142

Murakami Fuminobu

Reading the Tale of Genji: Its Picture–Scrolls, Texts and Romance. Edited by Richard Stanley-Baker, Murakami and Jeremy Tambling; review by Kristopher L. Reeves, 36 2015: 260

Murase, Miyeko

The Murase Era: A Conversation with Miyeko Murase (Miwako Tezuka), 42 Part 2 2021: 11

Mustard, Maggie

Counter-mapping: Kawada Kikuji’s The Map in an Age of Anxiety, 45 Part 1 2024: 121

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

The Dawn of the Floating World (1650–1765): Early Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Timothy Clark, Anne Nishimura Morse and Louise E. Virgin, with Allen Hockley; review by Helen M. Nagata, 24 2002: 99

The Harunobu Decade: A Catalogue of Woodcuts by Suzuki Harunobu and His Followers in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By David Waterhouse; review by Donald Jenkins, 36 2015: 243




An Appreciation of Nabeshima (Monika Bincsik), 37 2016: 35

Nagasaki Iwao

Saving a Noh Robe, 41 2020: 139

Nagasawa Rosetsu

After Rosetsu (Matthew McKelway), 41 2020: 109

Journey to the Land of Rosetsu: Jack Hillier’s Letters from Japan, 1970. Edited by Mary Hillier and Peter Dailey, 20 1998: 83

Nagata, Helen M.

Defining the Dawn; review by Nagata of The Dawn of the Floating World (1650–1765): Early Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Timothy Clark, Anne Nishimura Morse and Louise E. Virgin, with Allen Hockley, 24 2002: 99

Naitō Sakae

Filling the Gaps at the Nara National Museum, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 141

Nakamachi Keiko

Kōrin’s Iris Screens: An Exhibition at the Nezu Museum, exhibition review by Nakamachi, 34 2013: 194

Ukiyo-e Memories of Ise Monogatari; translated and adapted by Hendy D. Smith II and Miriam Wattles, 22 2000: 55

National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

“Colorful Realm: Japanese Bird-and-Flower Paintings by Itō Jakuchū,” National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC; exhibition review by Andrew Pekarik, 34 2013: 184

Natsume Sōseki

Photography, Handwriting and Memory in the Obituary of Natsume Sōseki (Satow Morihiro), 30 2009: 73

Naumann, Klaus F.

Helmut Brinker (1939–2012): Spreading Enlightenment, 34 2013: 170

Naumann, Klaus F.

“Still Learning”: A Conversation with Klaus F. Naumann, Collector and Dealer, 40 2019: 37


The Ephrussi Netsuke: Roots and Remnants; exhibition review by Evgeny Steiner, 43 Part 2 2022: 109

Netsuke: 100 Miniature Masterpieces from Japan. By Noriko Tsuchiya; review by Bruce Coats, 36 2015: 250

New York Public Library

An Appreciation: The Japanese Print Collection of the New York Public Library (William Green), 9 Spring 1984: 1

Newland, Amy Reigle

The Commercial and Cultural Climate of Japanese Printmaking. Edited by Newland; review by David Pollack, 27 2005–06: 114

An Interview with Toyohara Kunichika, 29 2007–08: 99

An Interview with Toyohara Kunichika: The Sequel, 31 2010: 133

Yoshitoshi: Masterpieces from the Ed Freis Collection. By Newland and Chris Uhlenbeck; review by Donald Jenkins, 34 2013: 227

Nezu Museum

Kōrin’s Iris Screens: An Exhibition at the Nezu Museum, exhibition review by Nakamachi Keiko, 34 2013: 194


Eight Views of Nikkō: An Underappreciated Theme in Japanese Art (Timon Screech), 45 Part 2 2024: 126

Nirvana painting

The Stuff of Dreams: Kawanabe Kyōsai’s Nirvana Painting of Matsuura Takeshirō (Henry D. Smith II), 35 2014: 97

Nise Murasaki Inaka Genji (A rustic Genji by a fraudulent Murasaki)

Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Paulette and Jack Lantz Collection. By Andreas Marks, with contributions from Bruce A. Coats, Michael Emmerich, Formanek, Sepp Linhart and Rhiannon Paget; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 43 Part 1 2022: 203

Nishida Jun

An Exploration of Finality: Conservator and Curator Examine the Ceramic Sculpture of Nishida Jun (Abigail Hykin and Anne Nishimura Morse), 35 2014:85


Heaven Has a Face; So Does Hell: The Art of the Noh Mask. By Stephen E. Marvin; review by Melinda Takeuchi, 33 2012: 129

Saving a Noh Robe (Nagasaki Iwao), 41 2020: 139

Tsukioka Kōgyo’s Noh Prints: Revival and Performance (Katherine Saltzman-Li), 37 2016: 53

Nonrepresentational Arts

Representation in the Nonrepresentational Arts: Poetry and Pots in Sixteenth-Century Japan (Andrew Watsky), 34 2013: 141

North, Alice

Halsey Miller North (1947–2022): Advocate of Arts, Cuisine, Conversation & Clay (Louise Allison Cort and Alice North), 44 Part 2 2023: 179

Listening to Clay: Conversations with Contemporary Japanese Ceramic Artists. By Alice North, Halsey North and Louise Allison Cort; review by Bert Winther-Tamaki, 44 Part 1 2023: 173

North, Halsey

Listening to Clay: Conversations with Contemporary Japanese Ceramic Artists. By Alice North, Halsey North and Louise Allison Cort; review by Bert Winther-Tamaki, 44 Part 1 2023: 173

North, Halsey Miller

Halsey Miller North (1947–2022): Advocate of Arts, Cuisine, Conversation & Clay (Louise Allison Cort and Alice North), 44 Part 2 2023: 179

Listening to Clay: Conversations with Contemporary Japanese Ceramic Artists. By Alice North, Halsey North and Louise Allison Cort; review by Bert Winther-Tamaki, 44 Part 1 2023: 173




Notes on Zen Calligraphy: The Daitoku-ji and Ōbaku Traditions (Stephen Addiss), 41 2020: 143

Obituaries. See Tributes

O’Connnor, Tish [Letitia B. O’Connor]

A Life Well-Lived and Happily Shared: Dana Levy, 39 Part 1 2018: 219


Interpreting Sexual Imagery in Japanese Prints: A Fresh Approach to Hokusai’s

Diver and Two Octopi (Danielle Talerico), 23 2001:25

Ogata Kōrin

Beneath the Blue: A Scientific Analysis of Kōrin’s Irises at Yatsuhashi (Marco Leona and Jennifer Perry), 37 2016: 129

Kōrin’s Iris Screens: An Exhibition at the Nezu Museum, exhibition review by Nakamachi Keiko, 34 2013: 194

Ogata Kōrin: Stumbling Into His Artistic Legacy (Frank Feltens), 40 2019: 163

Ohara Koson (1877–1945)

Marketing Koson in America, 43 Part 1 2022: 129

Oikawa, Shigeru

A Japanese Menagerie: Animal Pictures by Kawanabe Kyōsai. By Rosina Buckland, Timothy Clark and Oikawa; review by John Stevenson, 29 2007–08: 196


The Ghost of Oiwa in Actor Prints: Confronting Disfigurement (Shimazaki Satoko), 29 2007–08: 77

Okada, Barbra Teri

Barbra Teri Okada (1937–2012): Vigorous, Versatile, Valued (Julia Meech), 34 2013: 173

Okada House

Watanabe Yoshio’s Photograph of the Okada House (Ken Tadashi Oshima), 30 2009: 81

Ōkubo, Noriko

Supersize Sumo Wrestlers: Selected Imagery, 42 Part 1 2021: 131

Oliver, Geoffrey

Anders Rikardson (1953–2020): A Lifelong Devotion to Art, 42 Part 1 2021: 171

Letter to the Editor, 28 2006–07: 132; 37 2016: 208

Oliver, Jane

Discovery. By Robert Hatfield Ellsworth. Edited by Oliver and Julia Meech, with Anita Christy, 38 Companion Issue 2017

Rare Correspondence: Letters from Harry Packard to Edwin Grabhorn 1950–64. Edited by Oliver and Julia Meech, 36 Companion Issue 2015

Onchi Kōshirō

Onchi’s Portrait of Hagiwara Sakutarō: Emblem of the Creative Print Movement for American Collectors (Noriko Kuwahara), 29 2007–08: 121

Ortolani, Benito

In Remembrance of Benito Ortolani (1928–2022): Leading Light in Asian Theater Studies (Samuel L. Leiter), 43 Part 1 2022: 99

Oshima, Ken Tadashi

Watanabe Yoshio’s Photograph of the Okada House, 30 2009: 81


Berlin Ostasiatica in Russian Cellars (Evgeny Steiner), 45 Part 2 2024: 28


Otafuku Origins; Impressions of Japan (Amy Katoh), 39 Part 1 2018: 235



Packard, Harry

Harry Packard’s Japanese Pots (Louise Cort), 32 2011: 115

Rare Correspondence: Letters from Harry Packard to Edwin Grabhorn 1950–64. Edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver, 36 Companion Issue 2015

Who Was Harry Packard? (Julia Meech), 32 2011: 83

Paden, William

William Paden (1930–2004): Printmaker and Teacher (Yoshiaki Shimizu), 27 2005–06: 110

Paget, Rhiannon

Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Paulette and Jack Lantz Collection. By Andreas Marks, with contributions from Bruce A. Coats, Michael Emmerich, Susanne Formanek, Sepp Linhart and Paget; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 43 Part 1 2022: 203

Saitō Kiyoshi: Graphic Awakening. By Paget; review by Hollis Goodall, 43 Part 1 2022: 209

Parody. See also mitate-e

Parody and Poetry: Japan versus China in Two Eighteenth-Century Ukiyo-e Prints (Sarah Thompson), 24 2002: 73

Patchowsky, Borys

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Cranes by Toyohiro, 1 March 1976: 4

Pearl, William

Impressions Nos. 1–20 (1976–1998) Indexes, compiled by Pearl, 20 1998: 100

Pekarik, Andrew J.

Chigusa and the Art of Tea. Edited by Louise Allison Cort and Andrew M. Watsky; review by Pekarik, 36 2015: 213

Colorful Realm and Masters of Mercy: Two Exhibitions in Washington, DC; review by Pekarik of “Colorful Realm: Japanese Bird-and-Flower Paintings by Itō Jakuchū,” National Gallery of Art and “Masters of Mercy: Buddha’s Amazing Disciples,” The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, 34 2013: 184

Letter to the Editor, 28 2006–07: 131

“The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated”; exhibition review by Pekarik, 41 2020: 173

The Thirty-Six Immortal Women Poets, 17 Summer 1993: 4

Perry, E. Caswell

Lilla S. Perry: A Retrospective, 14 Spring 1988: 12

Perry, Jennifer

Beneath the Blue: A Scientific Analysis of Kōrin’s Irises at Yatsuhashi (Perry and Marco Leona), 37 2016: 129

Perry, Lilla S.

Introduction to a Catalogue: The Perry Collection of Japanese Prints, 14 Spring 1988: 8

Perry, Lilla S.

Collecting Japanese Prints in America: Adventures of Lilla S. Perry (1882–1971) (William Green), 14 Spring 1988: 7

Lilla S. Perry: A Retrospective (E. Caswell Perry), 14 Spring 1988: 12

Pflugfelder, Gregory M.

Foreword, by Pflugfelder and Jordan Sand, to Pictures and Things: Bridging Visual and Material Culture in Japan; Essays in Honor of Henry DeWitt Smith II, 30 2009: 23–158

Godzilla: A Monster in Midtown, 36 2015: 115

The Tiger, a Toy Gun, 30 2009: 128


Cameras, Photographs and Photography in Nineteenth-Century Japanese Prints (Allen Hockley), 23 2001: 43

Counter-mapping: Kawada Kikuji’s The Map in an Age of Anxiety (Maggie Mustard), 45 Part 1 2024: 121

Dietrich Seckel’s Private Photos: An Archive at Heidelberg University (Anne-Laure Bodin), 39 Part2 2018:11

Domon Ken’s Murōji [photographs of Buddhist sculpture] (Alice Y. Tseng), 30 2009: 114

Fragility and Resilience: The Memory Fabric of Ishiuchi Miyako, Photo Weaver (Motoko Shimizu), 45 Part 2 2024: 12

Kyoto 2009, from the photo project Sea of Meanings: A Monster Walks the Earth, by René Balcer; Impressions of Japan, 32 2011: 204

Photography, Handwriting and Memory in the Obituary of Natsume Sōseki (Satow Morihiro), 30 2009: 73

The Sky in Flames: Photographs of Tōmatsu Shōmei (Peter Yeoh), 34 2013: 97

Watanabe Yoshio’s Photograph of the Okada House (Ken Tadashi Oshima), 30 2009: 81


The Pigment Story (Lawrence R. Bickford), 7 Autumn 1982: 1

Rejoiner: The Pigment Story Revisited (Lawrence R. Bickford), 9 Spring 1984: 12

Three Aspects of Ukiyo-e Woodblock Printmaking: I. Prussian (Berlin) Blue; II. Concerning the Ukiyo-e Quartet Theory; III. A Much-Revised Shunshō Print (Lawrence Bickford), 18 Autumn 1994: 1


Adapting to the Times: Jizō Statues Along the Kamakura Pilgrimage Route (Mark Schumacher), 35 2014: 153

Pilgrimage and Buddhist Art. Edited by Adriana Proser; review by Cynthea Bogel, 32 2011: 180

Pitelka, Morgan

Handmade Culture: Raku Potters, Patrons, and Tea Practitioners in Japan. By Pitelka; review essay “The Collected Secrets of Raku Ceramics,” by Peter Dailey, 29 2007–08: 175

A Raku Wastewater Container and the Problem of Monolithic Sincerity, 30 2009: 67


Dressing Up, Dressing Down: Poetry, Image and Transposition in the Eight Views (Haruo Shirane), 31 2010: 51

The Hishikawa Mode (David Waterhouse), 31 2010: 43

The Hundred Poets Compared: A Print Series by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. By Henk J. Herwig and Joshua S. Mostow; review by Andreas Marks, 29 2007–08: 188

Parody and Poetry: Japan versus China in Two Eighteenth-Century Ukiyo-e Prints (Sarah Thompson), 24 2002: 73

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Mono Saizuri, an album of kyōka poetry (Jon Rettich), 3 Spring 1979: 6

Postscript: A Poetry Primer from Sugamo Prison, 1945–52 (Lindsey Powell), 36 2015: 87

A Precious Life: Eulogy for the Poets of Sugamo (Midori Sato), 35 2014: 35

Reading Surimono: The Interplay of Text and Image in Japanese Prints. Edited by John T. Carpenter; review by Joshua Mostow, 31 2010: 180

Representation in the Nonrepresentational Arts: Poetry and Pots in Sixteenth-Century Japan (Andrew Watsky), 34 2013: 141

Summoning the Thirty-six Poets: A Look at a Poet-Portrait Screen (Tomoko Sakomura), 32 2011: 145

The Thirty-Six Immortal Women Poets (Andrew Pekarik), 17 Summer 1993: 4

Wild Boars and Dirty Rats: Kyōka Surimono Celebrating Ichikawa Danjūrō VII as Arajishi Otokonosuke (John T. Carpenter), 28 2006–07: 41

Pollack, David

The Commercial and Cultural Climate of Japanese Printmaking. Edited by Amy Reigle Newland; review by David Pollack, 27 2005–06: 114

The Cultural Environment of Edo Shunga, 31 2010: 73

Pollard, Jeffrey W.

Jeffrey W. Pollard: A Collection Growing in Scotland (Rosina Buckland), 42 Part 1 2021: 101

Pollock, Naomi

Hitoshi Abe. By Pollock; review by Jonathan Reynolds, 31 2010: 188

Japan’s New, New Thing: Young Designers Invigorating Aging Industries, 39 Part 1 2018: 201


Imagine Again and Again: Copies of the Portrait of Minamoto no Yoritomo by Yamaguchi Akira (Miwako Tezuka), 30 2009: 143

Likenesses and Signatures (Lawrence Bickford), 13 Spring 1987: 1

Memorial Portraits of Kabuki Actors: Fanfare in the Floating World (Christine Guth), 27 2005–06: 23

Portraits of Chōgen: The Transformation of Buddhist Art in Early Medieval Japan. By John M. Rosenfield; review by Chari Pradel, 34 2013: 243

Reassessing the Jingo-ji Portraits: Personages and Period (Yonekura Michio), 39 Part 2 2018: 11

Portland Art Museum

The Artist’s Touch The Craftsman’s Hand: Three Centuries of Japanese Prints from the Portland Art Museum. Edited by Maribeth Graybill; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 34 2013: 219


Art of the Japanese Postcard: The Leonard A. Lauder Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Anne Nishimura Morse, J. Thomas Rimer and Kendall H. Brown; review by Brian D. Moeran, 26 2004: 127

Poster, Robert L.

Robert Hatfield Ellsworth: A Lifetime of Friendship and Loyalty, 37 2016: 160


Collecting Japanese Posters: Merrill C. Berman in Conversation with Erin Schoneveld, 45 Part 2 2024: 62

Pottery. See Ceramics; Raku Pottery

Powell, Lindsey

Postscript: A Poetry Primer from Sugamo Prison, 1945–52, 36 2015: 87

Pradel, Chari

Portraits of Chōgen: The Transformation of Buddhist Art in Early Medieval Japan. By John M. Rosenfield; review by Pradel, 34 2013: 243

Prints, Impressions of

Multiple Impressions (Richard Kruml), 14 Spring 1988: 6

Printmaking Techniques

The Commercial and Cultural Climate of Japanese Printmaking. Edited by Amy Reigle Newland; review by David Pollack, 27 2005–06:114

Hokusai and His Age: Ukiyo-e Painting, Printmaking and Book Illustration in Late Edo Japan. Edited by John T. Carpenter; review essay by Donald Jenkins, 28 2006–07, 113

Japanese Woodblock Printing. By Rebecca Salter; review by Irwin Weinberg, 25 2003: 142

William Paden (1930–2004): Printmaker and Teacher (Yoshiaki Shimizu), 27 2005–06:110

Prison Arts

A Precious Life: Eulogy for the Poets of Sugamo (Midori Sato), 35 2014: 35

Sugamo Life: Prison Arts Under American Occupation, 1945–52 (Bill Barrette), 34 2013: 55

Proser, Adriana

Pilgrimage and Buddhist Art. Edited by Proser; review by Cynthea Bogel, 32 2011: 180

Purdy, R. W.

Hakkō Ichiu™: Projecting “Greater East Asia,” 30 2009: 106

Pushkin Museum

The Kitaev Collection of Japanese Art in the Pushkin Museum: Historia Calamitatum (Evgeny Steiner), 32 2011: 37

Vanished Grandeur of the Kitaev Collection (Evgeny Steiner), 44 Part 2 2023: 153



Raku Pottery

The Collected Secrets of Raku Ceramics; review essay by Peter Dailey of Handmade Culture: Raku Potters, Patrons, and Tea Practitioners in Japan, by Morgan Pitelka, 29 2007–08: 175

A Raku Wastewater Container and the Problem of Monolithic Sincerity (Morgan Pitelka), 30 2009: 67

Rath, Eric C.

Hell’s Kitchen and the Joy of Cooking: Culinary Themes in Kumano kanjin jikkai mandara, 37 2016: 107


The Aesthetics of Rayskin in Edo-period Japan: Materials, Making and Meaning (Christine Guth), 37 2016: 89

Reed, Orrell P., Jr

Appraising the Frank Lloyd Wright Collection: A Personal Memoir, 24 2002: 93

Letter to the Editor, 26 2004: 138

Reeves, Kristopher L.

Reading the Tale of Genji: Its Picture–Scrolls, Texts and Romance. Edited by Richard Stanley-Baker, Murakami Fuminobu and Jeremy Tambling; review by Reeves, 36 2015: 260

Reiser, Lynn

Shopping with Fred [Fredric T. Schneider], 43 Part 1 2022: 13

Reliquary, Buddhist

An Unusual Reliquary at The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Impressions of Japan (Miriam Chusid), 43 Part 1 2022: 220

Resig, John

An Ukiyo-e Database for Everyone, 38 2017: 149


The Lost Art of Resistance (Linda Hoaglund), 33 2012: 31

Response from author

Szostak, John, 22 2000:109

Response to author

A Response to Kinoshita Naoyuki: Foreign Perspectives on “Living Dolls” at Asakusadera (Allen Hockley), 32 2011: 167

Rettich, Jon

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Mono Saizuri, an album of kyōka poetry, 3 Spring 1979: 6

Review essays

The Collected Secrets of Raku Ceramics [Handmade Culture: Raku Potters, Patrons, and Tea Practitioners in Japan. By Morgan Pitelka] (Peter Dailey), 29 2007–08: 175, 29 2007–08: 175

Ephemera for Insiders [Manga from the Floating World: Comicbook Culture and the Kibyōshi of Edo Japan. By Adam L. Kern] (Melinda Takeuchi), 29 2007–08: 165

Gutai at the Guggenheim [“Gutai: Splendid Playground,” Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York] (Susan G. Lewis), 35 2014: 259

Harunobu in Chiba [“Seishun no ukiyoe-shi Suzuki Harunobu––Edo no kararisuto tōjō / Suzuki Harunobu, Ukiyo-e Master of the Springtime of Youth: Entry on Stage of the Edo Colorist,” Chiba City Museum and Hagi Uragami Museum] (David Waterhouse), 26 2004: 118

Hasui’s True Views [Kawase Hasui: The Complete Woodblock Prints. By Kendall H. Brown] (Peter Dailey), 25 2003: 117

Hokusai on the World Stage [Hokusai and His Age: Ukiyo-e Painting, Printmaking and Book Illustration in Late Edo Japan. Edited by John T. Carpenter] (Donald Jenkins), 28 2006–07: 121

Hokusai: Still Making Waves [“Hokusai,” The Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Washington, DC] (Swinton), 28 2006–07: 122

Japanese Exported Lacquer: Reassessments and Summary of Sources [“Japan––Makie / Export Lacquer: Reflection of the West in Black and Gold Makie,” Kyoto National Museum and Suntory Museum] (Monika Bincsik), 31 2010: 58

Seducing Mind and Body in the World of Commerce, Theater and Literacy [“Seduction: Japan’s Floating World––The John C. Weber Collection,” Asian Art Museum of San Francisco] (Catherine Bae), 37 2016: 168

Seeking the Modern in Meiji-period Arts (Hollis Goodall), 45 Part 2 2024: 194

Seifū Yohei III: Master of Finesse (Hollis Goodall), 45 Part 2 2024: 178

Startled Bamboo and Wizened Mountains: Through the Eyes of Kodōjin, the “Old Daoist” [The Art and Life of Fukuda Kodōjin: Japan’s Great Poet and Landscape Artist, Andreas Marks] (Hollis Goodall), 45 Part 1 2024: 193

The Third Mind [“The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860–1989,” Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York] (Ryan Holmberg), 31 2010: 142

Reviews. See Book Reviews; Exhibition Reviews

Reynolds, Jonathan M.

Edward S. Morse’s Writings on Japanese Vernacular Architecture as Ethnography, 35 2014: 137

Hitoshi Abe. By Naomi Pollock; review by Reynolds, 31 2010: 188

Richter, Giles

The N501i: Mobile Phone as Portable New World, 30 2009: 149

Rikardson, Anders

Anders Rikardson (1953–2020): A Lifelong Devotion to Art (Geoffrey Oliver), 42 Part 1 2021: 171

Rimer, J. Thomas

Art of the Japanese Postcard: The Leonard A. Lauder Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Anne Nishimura Morse, Rimer and Kendall H. Brown; review by Brian D. Moeran, 26 2004: 127

Ringling Museum; The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art

Saitō Kiyoshi: Graphic Awakening. By Rhiannon Paget; book and exhibition review by Hollis Goodall, 43 Part 1 2022: 209

Robinson, B. W.

B. W. Robinson (1912–2005): Curator and Collector (David Waterhouse), 28 2006–07: 101

Rogers, Howard and Mary Ann

An Oasis in Kyoto (Howard and Mary Ann Rogers), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 164

Rogers, Mary Ann

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): Remembering Pat, 44 Part 1 2023: 142

Rosanjin. See Kitaōji Rosanjin

Rosenfield, John Max

Portraits of Chōgen: The Transformation of Buddhist Art in Early Medieval Japan. By Rosenfield; review by Chari Pradel, 34 2013: 243

Rosenfeld, John Max

My First Encounters with John Rosenfeld (Timon Screech), 36 2015: 184

Remembering John Max Rosenfeld (1924–2013) (Samuel C. Morse), 36 2015: 167

Rosetsu. See Nagasawa Rosetsu

Rousseau, Julie

A Midwife’s Bag, 30 2009: 92



Sackler Gallery. The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery; National Museum of Asian Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

Shirley Z. Johnson (1940–2021): A Focused Collector (Julia Meech and Jan Stuart with Louise Allison Cort), 43 Part 1 2022: 179

Saitō Kiyoshi (1907–1997)

Saitō Kiyoshi: Graphic Awakening. By Rhiannon Paget; review by Hollis Goodall, 43 Part 1 2022: 209

Sakamoto Gorō

Eight Parts Full: A Life in the Tokyo Art Trade, Special Issue 2011

Sakomura, Tomoko

Summoning the Thirty-six Poets: A Look at a Poet-Portrait Screen, 32 2011: 145

Salel, Stephen

The Evolution of Sugoroku Imagery: From Expressions of Religious Devotion to Comic Art (Stephen Salel), 45 Part 2 2024: 98

One Hundred Dystopian Views of Japan: Urban Poverty in the Graphic Narratives of Tsuge Tadao (Stephen Salel), 44 Part 2 2023: 157

Why So Much Shunga at the Honolulu Museum of Art? (Salel and Shawn Eichman), 36 2015: 133

Salter, Rebecca

Japanese Woodblock Printing. By Salter; review by Irwin Weinberg, 25 2003: 142

Saltzman-Li, Katherine

Kabuki at the Crossroads: Years of Crisis, 1952–1965. By Samuel L. Leiter; review by Saltzman-Li, 36 2015: 225

Tsukioka Kōgyo’s Noh Prints: Revival and Performance, 37 2016: 53

Salmon, Patricia Ann

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): An Appreciation (Kendall H. Brown), 44 Part 1 2023: 147

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): An Astute Collector (Stephen Little), 44 Part 1 2023: 146

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): Memories of Patricia (Michael Dunn), 44 Part 1 2023: 138

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): Plenty of Charm and Taishō Chic (Julia Meech), 44 Part 1 2023: 125

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): Remembering Pat (Mary Ann Rogers), 44 Part 1 2023: 142

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): The Last Trip to Tokyo (Douglas Akagi), 44 Part 1 2023: 149

Sand, Jordan

Foreword, by Gregory M. Pflugfelder and Sand, to Pictures and Things: Bridging Visual and Material Culture in Japan; Essays in Honor of Henry DeWitt Smith II, 30 2009: 23–158

The Kodera Family Folding Table, 30 2009: 98

Sato, Midori

A Precious Life: Eulogy for the Poets of Sugamo, 35 2014: 35

Satō Mitsunobu

The Legacy of Uragami Toshirō (1926–2020), 42 Part 2 2021: 131

Satow Morihiro

Photography, Handwriting and Memory in the Obituary of Natsume Sōseki, 30 2009: 73

Saunders, Rachel

Secrets of the Sedgwick Shōtoku, 40 2019: 83

Sawers, Robert G.

Swiss Bliss, 25 2003: 71

Schneider, Fredric T.

Japanese Cloisonné Enamels: The Steven W. Fisher Collection. By Robert Mintz; review by Schneider, 32 2011: 197

Collecting in a Specialized Field: A Conversation with Fredric T. Schneider. 43 Part 2 2022: 13

Schoneveld, Erin

Collecting Japanese Posters: Merrill C. Berman in Conversation with Erin Schoneveld, 45 Part 2 2024: 62

von der Schulenberg, Stephan

Passione per la Vita: In Memory of Gunhild Avitabile (1941–2021), 43 Part 1 2022: 155

Schumacher, Mark

Adapting to the Times: Jizō Statues Along the Kamakura Pilgrimage Route, 35 2014: 153

Medicine Master Buddha: The Iconic Worship of Yakushi in Heian Japan. By Yui Suzuki; review by Schumacher, 34 2013: 234

Senility-Preventing Kannon, 37 2016: 149

Scientific Analysis

Beneath the Blue: A Scientific Analysis of Kōrin’s Irises at Yatsuhashi (Marco Leona and Jennifer Perry), 37 2016: 129

Screech, Timon

Bubbles, East and West: An Iconic Encounter in 18th-Century Ukiyo-e, 22 2000: 87

Eight Views of Nikkō: An Underappreciated Theme in Japanese Art, 45 Part 2 2024: 126

The Lens within the Heart: The Western Scientific Gaze and Popular Imagery in Later Edo Japan. By Timon Screech; review by David Waterhouse, 25 2003: 127

My First Encounters with John Rosenfeld, 36 2015: 184

The New Year’s Gift and a Painting of Jupiter, 30 2009: 52

Screens, in titles

Beneath the Blue: A Scientific Analysis of Kōrin’s Irises at Yatsuhashi (Marco Leona and Jennifer Perry), 37 2016: 129

Japanese Screens: Through a Break in the Clouds.  Under the direction of Anne-Marie Christin;  edited by Claire-Akiko Brisset and Torahiko Terada; review by Rosina Buckland, 43 Part 2 2022: 139

Screens for a Young Warrior (Matthew McKelway), 30 2009: 42


Anointing with Eyes, Raiment and Relic: Insights from the Cologne Jizō (Helmut Brinker), 34 2013: 151

Behold the Buddha: Religious Meanings of Japanese Buddhist Icons. By James C. Dobbins; review by Melinda Takeuchi, 43 Part 1 2022: 189

Domon Ken’s Murōji [photographs of Buddhist sculpture] (Alice Y. Tseng), 30 2009: 114

An Exploration of Finality: Conservator and Curator Examine the Ceramic Sculpture of Nishida Jun (Abigail Hykin and Anne Nishimura Morse), 35 2014: 85

Kisaburō, Kuniyoshi and the “Living Doll” (Kinoshita Naoyuki), 31 2010: 101

A Response to Kinoshita Naoyuki: Foreign Perspectives on “Living Dolls” at Asakusadera (Allen Hockley), 32 2011: 167

Revealing the Unseen: The Master Sculptor Unkei and the Meaning of Dedicatory Objects in Kamakura-Period Sculpture (Samuel C. Morse), 31 2010: 25

Secrets of the Sedgwick Shōtoku (Rachel Saunders), 40 2019: 83

Seckel, Dietrich

Dietrich Seckel’s Private Photos: An Archive at Heidelberg University (Anne-Laure Bodin), 39 Part 2 2018: 11

Seidensticker, Edward

Edward Seidensticker (1921–2007): In His Own Words (Mary Richie Smith), 29 2007–08: 145

Seifū Yohei III

Seifū Yohei III: Master of Finesse (Hollis Goodall), 45 Part 2 2024: 178

Sekiya Shirō

Sekiya Shirō: Master & Mentor (Shirley Z. Johnson),  44 Part 2 2023: 13

Sesshū Tōyō

Rediscovering an Iconic Painting by Sesshū (Yao Wu), 39 Part 1 2018: 165

Setsu Tadashi

Recollections of My Father, Setsu Yoshihira (1932–2017), 40 2019: 185

Setsu Yoshihira

Recollections of My Father, Setsu Yoshihira (1932–2017) (Setsu Tadashi), 40 2019: 185

Sexual imagery. See also shunga

Interpreting Sexual Imagery in Japanese Prints: A Fresh Approach to Hokusai’s Diver and Two Octopi (Danielle Talerico), 23 2001: 25

Sharf, Frederic A.

The Brittle Decade: Visualizing Japan in the 1930s. By John Dower, Anne Nishimura Morse, Jacqueline M. Atkins and Sharf; review by Catherine Bae, 34 2013: 199

Tokyo, The Imperial Capital: Woodblock Prints by Koizumi Kishio, 1928–1940. By Marianne Lamonaca, Sharf and James T. Ulak; review by Donald Jenkins, 26 2004: 134

Shiba Kōkan

The Heirs of Harunobu: Shiba Kōkan and Others (David Waterhouse), 16 Summer 1991: 1

Shibayama, Nobuko

Kimono Under the Microscope: Japanese Fashion at the Cusp of the Chemical Revolution (Shibayama, Maria Goretti Mieites Alonso, Kamiya, Monika Bincsik and Marco Leona), 44 Part 2 2023: 91

Shimada Kiyonori

Shimada Kiyonori: The Transformation of Cloth (Samuel C. Morse), 33 2012: 43

Shimazaki Satoko

The Ghost of Oiwa in Actor Prints: Confronting Disfigurement, 29 2007–08: 77

Shimizu Hisao

Shimizu Hisao (1953–2020): A Man of Parts (Veronica Miller), 42 Part 1 2021: 168

Shimizu Motoko

Fragility and Resilience: The Memory Fabric of Ishiuchi Miyako, Photo Weaver, 45 Part 2 2024: 12

Shimizu Yoshiaki

Ukiyo and Ukiyo-e, 16 Summer 1991:11

William Paden (1930–2004): Printmaker and Teacher, 27 2005–06:110

Shinoda Tōkō

Homage to Shinoda Tōkō (1913–2021); Impressions of Japan (Aprile Gallant), 42 Part 2 2021: 148

A Painting by Shinoda Tōkō; Impressions of Japan, 40 2019: 198

Shirane, Haruo

Envisioning The Tale of Genji: Media, Gender, and Cultural Production. Edited by Shirane; review by Melinda Takeuchi, 31 2010: 171

Dressing Up, Dressing Down: Poetry, Image and Transposition in the Eight Views, 31 2010: 51

Shosai Ikkei

Bridging Edo and Meiji: Shōsai Ikkei’s Comic Views of Early Tokyo (Jonathan Solomon), 21 1999: 43

Shōtoku Taishi

Secrets of the Sedgwick Shōtoku (Rachel Saunders), 40 2019: 83


The Cultural Environment of Edo Shunga (David Pollack), 31 2010: 73

Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art. Edited by Timothy Clark, C. Andrew Gerstle, Aki Ishigami and Akiko Yano; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 36 2015: 232

Shunga: Erotic Art in Japan. By Rosina Buckland; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 33 2012: 134

Why So Much Shunga at the Honolulu Museum of Art? (Shawn Eichman and Stephen Salel), 36 2015: 133


Likenesses and Signatures (Lawrence Bickford), 13 Spring 1987: 1

Smith, Henry DeWitt II

Afterword (p. 156) of Pictures and Things: Bridging Visual and Material Culture in Japan; Essays in Honor of Henry DeWitt Smith II, 30 2009: 23–158

Lessons from the One-Mat Room: Piety and Playfulness among Nineteenth-Century Japanese Antiquarians, 33 2012: 55

Re-creating Ukiyo-e: The Art and Craft of Tachihara Inuki, 38 2017: 153

The Rediscovery of the “Tendō Hiroshiges” (Kobayashi Tadashi; translated by Smith), 22 2000: 17

The Stuff of Dreams: Kawanabe Kyōsai’s Nirvana Painting of Matsuura Takeshirō, 35 2014: 97

The True Colors of Meiji Prints:  Science Tells a Different Story, 44 Part 2 2023: 127

Ukiyo-e Memories of Ise Monogatari (Nakamachi Keiko; translated and adapted by Smith and Miriam Wattles), 22 2000:55

Smith, Mary Richie

Edward Seidensticker (1921–2007): In His Own Words, 29 2007–08: 145


Japanese Smoking Accoutrements in the Carolyn Hsu-Balcer Collection (Martin Barnes Lorber), 38 2017: 171

Sneider, David A.

Lea Sneider (1925–2020): Art Lover, 42 Part 1 2021: 177

Sneider, Lea

Lea Sneider (1925–2020): Art Lover (David A. Sneider), 42 Part 1 2021: 177

Solomon, Jonathan

Bridging Edo and Meiji: Shōsai Ikkei’s Comic Views of Early Tokyo, 21 1999: 43

Sōsaku hanga, Creative Prints

Onchi’s Portrait of Hagiwara Sakutarō: Emblem of the Creative Print Movement for American Collectors (Noriko Kuwahara), 29 2007–08: 121

Spangenberg, Kristin

Darkness Over, Matsushima; Impressions of Japan, 39 Part 2 2018: 108

Spencer, Edson W.

Remembering Edson W. Spencer (1926–2012) (Matthew Welch), 34 2013: 176

Stanley-Baker, Richard

Reading the Tale of Genji: Its Picture–Scrolls, Texts and Romance. Edited by Stanley-Baker, Murakami Fuminobu and Jeremy Tambling; review by Kristopher Reeves, 36 2015: 260

Statler, Oliver Hadley

Oliver Hadley Statler (1915–2002) (Donald Jenkins), 24 2002: 105

Steiner, Evgeny

Berlin Ostasiatica in Russian Cellars, 45 Part 2 2024: 28

The Ephrussi Netsuke: Roots and Remnants; review by Steiner, 43 Part 2 2022: 109

Hiroshige Fans in Paris; review by Steiner, 45 Part 1 2024: 209

The Kitaev Collection of Japanese Art in the Pushkin Museum: Historia Calamitatum, 32 2011: 37

Pas de Trois: An Artist, An Actor & A Ballerina—Iacovleff, Utaemon and Pavlova, 44 Part 1 2023: 105

Vanished Grandeur of the Kitaev Collection, 44 Part 2 2023: 153

Stevenson, John

A Japanese Menagerie: Animal Pictures by Kawanabe Kyōsai. By Rosina Buckland, Timothy Clark and Shigeru Oikawa; review by Stevenson, 29 2007–08: 196

Stinchecum, Amanda Mayer

Yours Forever More?: A Narrow Ikat Sash from Yaeyama, 30 2009: 135

Strauss, Rochelle

Selected Readings on the Art and Times of Ukiyo-e, Ukiyo-e Society of America; review by Strauss, 1 March 1976: 4

Stuart, Jan

Shirley Z. Johnson (1940–2021): A Focused Collector, 43 Part 1 2022: 179

Su, Stephanie

The Politics of Painting: Fascism and Japanese Art during the Second World War. By Asato Ikeda; review by Su, 42 Part 1 2021: 185

Suda Hachiman Shrine

The Suda Hachiman Shrine Mirror and Its Inscription (David Barnett Lurie), 30 2009: 27

Sugamo Prison

Postscript: A Poetry Primer from Sugamo Prison, 1945–52 (Lindsey Powell), 36 2015: 87

A Precious Life: Eulogy for the Poets of Sugamo (Midori Sato), 35 2014: 35

Sugamo Life: Prison Arts Under American Occupation, 1945–52 (Bill Barrette), 34 2013: 55

Sugimura Jihei

With Sugimura and Morofusa on the Yoshida Highway (Richard Lane), 8 Summer 1983: 1


The Evolution of Sugoroku Imagery: From Expressions of Religious Devotion to Comic Art (Stephen Salel), 45 Part 2 2024: 98

Sumo Wrestlers

Sumo and the Japanese Print Artists (Lawrence R. Bickford), 2 October 1978: 1

Supersize Sumo Wrestlers: Selected Imagery (Noriko Ōkubo), 42 Part 1 2021: 131


Drama in the Surimono Style Prints of Hokuei (John Fiorillo), 20 1998: 61

“Earth”: The Missing Element from a Surimono Series by Hokkei (Joan Mirviss), 20 1998: 53

An Oversize Surimono (Asano Shūgō; translated by Timothy Clark), 20 1998: 17

Reading Surimono: The Interplay of Text and Image in Japanese Prints. Edited by John T. Carpenter; review by Joshua Mostow, 31 2010: 180

Reflections and Random Notes on an Uncommon Surimono (William Green), 11 Summer 1985: 2

The Shijō Surimono (William Harkins), 6 Autumn 1981: 1

The Shijō Surimono and the New Year Festival (William Harkins), 17 Summer 1993: 1

Unpeeling the Orange: Reinterpreting a Surimono by Hokusai (Roger Keyes), 27 2005–06: 55

Wild Boars and Dirty Rats: Kyōka Surimono Celebrating Ichikawa Danjūrō VII as Arajishi Otokonosuke (John T. Carpenter), 28 2006–07: 41

Suzuki, Yui

The Face of Jizō: Image and Cult in Medieval Japanese Buddhism, by Hank Glassman; review by Suzuki, 34 2013: 253

Medicine Master Buddha: The Iconic Worship of Yakushi in Heian Japan. By Suzuki; review by Mark Schumacher, 34 2013: 234

Suzuki Harunobu

Harunobu and the Stylishly Informal: “Fūryū Yatsushi” as Aesthetic Convention (Alfred Haft), 28 2006–07: 23

Seishun no ukiyoe-shi Suzuki Harunobu––Edo no kararisuto tōjō / Suzuki Harunobu, Ukiyo-e Master of the Springtime of Youth: Entry on Stage of the Edo Colorist, catalogue of an exhibition at Chiba City Museum and Hagi Uragami Museum; review essay, “Harunobu in Chiba,” by David Waterhouse, 26 2004: 118

The Harunobu Decade: A Catalogue of Woodcuts by Suzuki Harunobu and His Followers in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By David Waterhouse; review by Donald Jenkins, 36 2015: 243

The Heirs of Harunobu: Shiba Kōkan and Others (David Waterhouse), 16 Summer 1991: 1

New Light on the Life and Work of Suzuki Harunobu (David Waterhouse), 5 Spring 1981: 1

A Note on Harunobu’s Lovers Sharing an Umbrella (Roger Keyes), 26 2004: 115

Some Confucian, Buddhist, and Taoist Mitate-e by Harunobu (David Waterhouse), 19 1997: 28

Swinton, Elizabeth de Sabato

An American Artist in Tokyo: Frances Blakemore. By Michio Morioka; review by Swinton, 32 2011: 193

The Artist’s Touch The Craftsman’s Hand: Three Centuries of Japanese Prints from the Portland Art Museum. Edited by Maribeth Graybill; review by Swinton, 34 2013: 219

The Beauty of the Moment: Women in Japanese Woodblock Prints. Edited by Katherina Epprecht; review by Swinton, 35 2014: 282

Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Paulette and Jack Lantz Collection.           By Andreas Marks, with contributions from Bruce A. Coats, Michael Emmerich, Susanne Formanek, Sepp Linhart and Rhiannon Paget; review by Swinton, 43 Part 1 2022: 203

Hokusai: Still Making Waves, review essay by Swinton of Hokusai, by Ann Yonemura, with essays by Nagata Seiji, Kobayashi Tadashi, Yonemura and Asano Shūgõ; catalogue entries by Timothy Clark, Asano, Naitō Masato and Yonemura 28 2006–07: 122

Kuniyoshi: From the Arthur R. Miller Collection. By Timothy Clark; review by Swinton, 31 2010: 185

Picturing the Floating World: Ukiyo-e in Context. By Julie Nelson Davis; review by Swinton, 43 Part 2 2022: 147

Reinventing Tokyo: Japan’s Largest City in the Artistic Imagination. Edited by Samuel C. Morse; review by Swinton, 35 2014: 274

Seven Masters: 20th–Century Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Wells Collection. By Andreas Marks and contributors; review by Swinton, 38 2017: 189

Shunga: Erotic Art in Japan. By Rosina Buckland; review by Swinton, 33 2012: 134

Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art. Edited by Timothy Clark, C. Andrew Gerstle, Aki Ishigami and Akiko Yano; review by Swinton, 36 2015: 232

Terrific Tokyo: A Panorama in Prints from the 1860s to the 1930s. By Swinton; review by Donald Jenkins, 26 2004:132

Tōkaidō Texts and Tales: Tōkaidō gojūsan tsui by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. Edited by Andreas Marks with contributions by Laura W. Allen and Ann Wehmeyer; review by Swinton, 38 2017: 189

Water and Shadow: Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints. [Carolyn and René Balcer Collection, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts]. Edited by Kendall H. Brown; review by Swinton, 37 2016: 192

The Women of the Pleasure Quarters. Edited by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton; review by Julie Nelson Davis, 19 1997: 72

Worldly Pleasures, Earthly Delights: Japanese Prints from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. By Matthew Welch and Yuiko Kimura-Tilford; review by Swinton, 34 2013: 219

Syz, Patrick

Kōichi Yanagi (1965–2022): Nothing but the Best, 43 Part 2 2022: 77

Szostak, John

Ukiyo-e Tabloids: Illustrations of the Taiwan Expedition of 1874, 21 1999: 55

Response to Letter to the Editor, 22 2000: 109



Tachihara Inuki

Re-creating Ukiyo-e: The Art and Craft of Tachihara Inuki (Henry D. Smith II), 38 2017: 153

Taishō prints

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): Plenty of Charm and Taishō Chic (Julia Meech), 44 Part 1 2023: 125

Yorozu Tetsugorō and Taishō prints: When the Japanese Print Became Avant-Garde (Alicia Volk), 26 2004: 45

Tajima Mitsuru

The Story of a Tokyo Art Dealer; interview with Tajima, 38 2017: 71

Takatori. See Ceramics

Takeda, Sharon S.

Jacqueline Avant (1940–2021): A Life in Black and Gold, 43 Part 2 2022: 59

Takeuchi, Melinda

Behold the Buddha: Religious Meanings of Japanese Buddhist Icons. By James C. Dobbins; review by Takeuchi, 43 Part 1 (2022): 189

Envisioning The Tale of Genji: Media, Gender, and Cultural Production. Edited by Haruo Shirane; review by Takeuchi, 31 2010: 171

Ephemera for Insiders, review essay by Takeuchi of Manga from the Floating World: Comicbook Culture and the Kibyōshi of Edo Japan, by Adam I. Kern, 29 2007–08: 165

Heaven Has a Face; So Does Hell: The Art of the Noh Mask. By Stephen E. Marvin; review by Takeuchi, 33 2012: 129

Heavenly Horses of the Heart, exhibition review by Takeuchi of “Tenba––shiruku roodo o kakeru yume no uma / Pegasus and the Heavenly Horses: Thundering Hoofs on the Silk Road,” Nara National Museum, 30 2009: 159

Making Mountains: Mini-Fujis, Edo Popular Religion and Hiroshige’s One Hundred Famous Views of Edo, 24 2002:25

Takeuchi Seihō

Cut from Kyoto Cloth: Takeuchi Seihō and His Artistic Milieu (Ellen P. Conant), 33 2012: 71

The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari), in titles. See also Genji

Reading the Tale of Genji: Its Picture–Scrolls, Texts and Romance. Edited by Richard Stanley-Baker, Murakami Fuminobu and Jeremy Tambling; review by Kristopher Reeves, 36 2015: 260

The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated. By John T. Carpenter and Melissa McCormick, with Monika Binscik and Kyoko Kinoshita; review by Rosina Buckland, 41 2020: 191

Talerico, Danielle

Interpreting Sexual Imagery in Japanese Prints: A Fresh Approach to Hokusai’s Diver and Two Octopi, 23 2001: 25

Tambling, Jeremy

Reading the Tale of Genji: Its Picture–Scrolls, Texts and Romance. Edited by Richard Stanley-Baker, Murakami Fuminobu and Tambling; review by Kristopher Reeves, 36 2015: 260

Tanaka Sao

A Primordial Landscape, 2020; Impressions of Japan, 42 Part 2 2021: 144

Tateyama mandara

Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama Mandara: Painting and Religious Practice at a Japanese Mountain. By Caroline Hirasawa; review by Akiko Walley, 35 2014: 288

Tea. See also Ceramics

Chigusa and the Art of Tea. Edited by Louise Allison Cort and Andrew M. Watsky; review by Andrew Pekarik, 36 2015: 213

Creating Chigusa (Louise Allison Cort), 32 2011: 135

The Collected Secrets of Raku Ceramics; review essay by Peter Dailey of Handmade Culture: Raku Potters, Patrons, and Tea Practitioners in Japan, by Morgan Pitelka, 29 2007–08: 175

A Raku Wastewater Container and the Problem of Monolithic Sincerity (Morgan Pitelka), 30 2009: 67


Hanako’s Teahouse (Miwa Hanako), 32 2011: 29

Tendō Hiroshige

The Rediscovery of the “Tendō Hiroshiges” (Kobayashi Tadashi; translated by Henry D. Smith II), 22 2000: 17

Tekagami (Calligraphy albums)

The Vogue for Tekagami: Calligraphy Albums and Appraisers of the Edo Period (Akiko Walley), 44 Part 1 2023: 81

Textiles. See also Kimono

Louis V. Ledoux: Collector of Japanese Textiles (Julia Meech), 43 Part 1 2022: 99

Propaganda Textiles Reconsidered (Klaus J. Friese), 44 Part 1 2023: 61

Shimada Kiyonori: The Transformation of Cloth (Samuel C. Morse), 33 2012: 43

Yours Forever More?: A Narrow Ikat Sash from Yaeyama (Amanda Mayer Stinchecum), 30 2009: 135

Tezuka, Miwako

Imagine Again and Again: Copies of the Portrait of Minamoto no Yoritomo by Yamaguchi Akira, 30 2009: 143

The Murase Era: A Conversation with Miyeko Murase, 42 Part 2 2021: 11

Thal, Sarah

Two Votive Plaques for a Rescue at Sea, 30 2009: 87

Theater. See also Kabuki and Noh

The Double Identity of Chūshingura: Theater and History in Nineteenth-Century Prints (Chelsea Foxwell), 26 2004: 23


Lessons from the One-Mat Room: Piety and Playfulness among Nineteenth-Century Japanese Antiquarians, 33 2012: 55

Pictures and Things: Bridging Visual and Material Culture in Japan; Essays in Honor of Henry DeWitt Smith II, 30 2009: 23–158

The Stuff of Dreams: Kawanabe Kyōsai’s Nirvana Painting of Matsuura Takeshirō (H. Smith II), 35 2014: 97

Thirty-Six Poets

Summoning the Thirty-six Poets: A Look at a Poet-Portrait Screen (Tamoko Sakomura), 32 2011: 145

Thompson, Sarah E.

Parody and Poetry: Japan versus China in Two Eighteenth-Century Ukiyo-e Prints, 24 2002: 73

Thomsen, Erik

Jacqueline Avant (1940–2021): A Life in Black and Gold, 43 Part 2 2022: 59

Thomsen, Hans Bjarne

The Other Hiroshige: Connoisseur of the Good Life, 24 2002: 49

Tiampo, Ming

Art and War in Japan and Its Empire, 1931–1960. Edited by Asato Ikeda, Aya Louisa McDonald and Tiampo; review by Catherine Bae, 35 2014: 247

Gutai: Splendid Playground. By Tiampo and Alexandra Munroe; review essay, “Gutai at the Guggenheim,” by Susan G. Lewis, 35 2014: 259

Tinios, Ellis

The Fragrance of Female Immortals: Celebrity Endorsement from the Afterlife, 27 2005–06: 43

Kuniyoshi and Chinese Subjects: Pushing the Boundaries, 31 2010: 89

To the Editor. See Letters to the Editor

Tōbi Art Fair 2020

Special Tōbi Art Fair 2020: Looking Forward and Back (Kawashima Tadashi), 41 2020: 127


Bridging Edo and Meiji: Shōsai Ikkei’s Comic Views of Early Tokyo (Jonathan Solomon), 21 1999: 43

Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923. By Gennifer Weisenfeld; review by Donald Jenkins, 35 2014: 243

Reinventing Tokyo: Japan’s Largest City in the Artistic Imagination. Edited by Samuel C. Morse; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 35 2014: 274

Terrific Tokyo: A Panorama in Prints from the 1860s to the 1930s. By Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton; review by Donald Jenkins, 26 2004: 132

Tokyo, The Imperial Capital: Woodblock Prints by Koizumi Kishio, 1928–1940. By Marianne Lamonaca, Frederic A. Sharf and James T. Ulak; review by Donald Jenkins, 26 2004: 134

Visions of Tokyo in Japanese Contemporary Art (Adrian Favell), 35 2014: 69

Tolman, Allison

Visiting Arthur Vershbow (Tolman and Edmond Freis), 36 2015: 163

Tolman, Norman H.

Clifton Karhu (1927–2007): A Personal Tribute, 29 2007–08: 151

Tōmatsu Shōmei

The Sky in Flames: Photographs of Tōmatsu Shōmei (Peter Yeoh), 34 2013: 97

Tosa Mitsunobu

Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan. By Melissa McCormick; review by Donald Jenkins, 32 2011: 189

Totoya Hokkei

“Earth”: The Missing Element from a Surimono Series by Hokkei (Joan Mirviss), 20 1998:53

Toyohara Kunichika

An Interview with Toyohara Kunichika (Amy Reigle Newland), 29 2007–08: 99

An Interview with Toyohara Kunichika: The Sequel (Amy Reigle Newland), 31 2010: 133

Toyohiro. See Utagawa Toyohiro

Toyonobu. See Ishikawa Toyonobu


The Tiger, a Toy Gun (Gregory M. Pflugfelder), 30 2009: 128


Avant, Jacqueline (1940–2021), 43 Part 2 2022: 59

Avitabile, Gunhild (1941–2021), 43 Part 1 2022: 155; 163

Brinker, Helmut (1939–2012), 34 2013: 170

Burke, Mary Griggs (1916–2012), 35 2014:201

Burto, William Charles (1921–2013), 35 2014:219

Cahill, James (1926–2014), 36 2015: 187

Drucker, Peter F. (1908–2005), 29 2007–08:140

Edson, Catherine Halff (1938–2010), 32 2011: 177

Egenolf, Herbert (1938–2002), 24 2002:108

Ehrman, Edith, 1 March 1976:3

Ellsworth, Robert Hatfield, 37 2016:150; 37 2016:160

Gund, George III (1937–2013), 35 2014: 229

Ichikawa Danjūrō XII (1946–2013), 35 2014: 222

Johnson, Shirley Z. (1940–2021), 43 Part 1 2022: 179

Kakudo, Yoshiko (1934–2016), 38 2017:177

Karhu, Clifton (1927–2007), 28 2007–08: 151

Lane, Richard (1926–2002), 26 2004: 107

Levy, Dana (1936–2017), 39 Part1 2018:213; 39 Part1 2018:219

Lieberman, William S. (1923–2005), 28 2006–07:105

Mizutani Ishinosuke (1920–2006), 29 2007-08: 148

Muller, Robert O. (1911–2003), 25 2003:109

North, Halsey Miller (1947–2022), 44 Part 2 2023: 179

Okada, Barbra Teri (1937–2020), 34 2013: 173

Ortolani, Benito (1928–2022): Leading Light in Asian Theater Studies (Leiter), 44 Part 1 2023: 121

Paden, William (1930–2004), 27 2005–06:110

Perry, Lilla S. (1882–1971), 14 Spring 1988:12

Rikardson, Anders (1953–2020), 42 Part 1 2021: 171

Robinson, B. W. (1912–2005), 28 2006–07:101

Rosenfeld, John Max (1924–2013), 36 2015: 167 and 184

Salmon, Patricia Ann (1933–2022), 44 Part 1 2023: 125

Seidensticker, Edward (1921–2007), 29 2007–08: 145

Setsu Yoshihira (1932–2017), 40 2019: 185

Shimizu Hisao (1953–2020), 42 Part 1 2021:168

Shinoda Tōkō (2013–2021), 42 Part 2 2021: 144

Sneider, Lea, 42 Part 1 2021:177

Spencer, Edson W. (1926–2012), 34 2013: 176

Statler, Oliver Hadley (1915–2002), 24 2002: 105

Ueda Osamu (1928–2011), 33 2012:113

Uragami Toshirō (1926–2020), 42 Part 2 2021: 131

Vershbow, Arthur (1922–2012), 36 2015: 158; and 163

Vershbow, Charlotte (1924–2000), 36 2015: 158

Waterhouse, David B. (1936–2017), 39 Part 2 2018: 99

Yanagi,  Kōichi (1965–2022), 43 Part 2 2023: 77

Yanagi,  Kōichi (1965–2022), 44 Part 1 2023: 155

Tseng, Alice Y.

Domon Ken’s Murōji, 30 2009: 114

Tsuchiya, Noriko

Netsuke: 100 Miniature Masterpieces from Japan. By Noriko Tsuchiya; review by Bruce Coats, 36 2015: 250

Tsuge Tadao

One Hundred Dystopian Views of Japan: Urban Poverty in the Graphic Narratives of Tsuge Tadao (Stephen Salel), 44 Part 2 2023: 157

Tsukioka Kōgyo

Tsukioka Kōgyo’s Noh Prints: Revival and Performance (Katherine Saltzman-Li), 37 2016: 53

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Yoshitoshi: Masterpieces from the Ed Freis Collection. By Chris Uhlenbeck and Amy Reigle Newland; review by Donald Jenkins, 34 2013: 227



Ueda, Mai

Impressions of Japan, 36 2015: 279

Ueda Osamu

Osamu Ueda (1928–2011) (H. George Mann), 33 2012: 113


Uga-Benzaiten: The Goddess and the Snake (Catherine Ludvik), 33 2012: 95

Uhlenbeck, Chris and Newland, Amy Reigle

Yoshitoshi: Masterpieces from the Ed Freis Collection. By Amy Reigle Newland and Uhlenbeck; review by Donald Jenkins, 34 2013: 227

Ukiyo-e, in titles

The Body Beautiful: The Illusory World of Ukiyo-e (Richard Kruml), 16 Summer 1991: 10

Bubbles, East and West: An Iconic Encounter in 18th-Century Ukiyo-e (Timon Screech), 22 2000: 87

Defining Ukiyo-e, 1 March 1976: 6

The Grolier Club and Ukiyo-e (Jean Horblit), 10 Autumn 1984: 4

Hagurodō: Training Ground for Ukiyo-e Painting Dealers (Asano Shūgō), 37 2016: 141

Hokusai and His Age: Ukiyo-e Painting, Printmaking and Book Illustration in Late Edo Japan. Edited by John T. Carpenter; review essay by Donald Jenkins, 28 2006–07: 113

Parody and Poetry: Japan versus China in Two Eighteenth-Century Ukiyo-e Prints (Sarah Thompson), 24 2002: 73

Passionate Pursuit: My Adventures in Ukiyo-e (H. George Mann), 25 2003: 77

Picturing the Floating World: Ukiyo-e in Context. By Julie Nelson Davis; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 43 Part 2 2022: 147

Prostitute as Bodhisattva: The Eguchi Theme in Ukiyo-e (Timothy Clark), 22 2000: 37

Re-creating Ukiyo-e: The Art and Craft of Tachihara Inuki (Henry D. Smith II), 38 2017:  153

Seducing Mind and Body in the World of Commerce, Theater and Literacy; review essay by Catherine Bae of the exhibition “Seduction: Japan’s Floating World––The John C. Weber Collection,” Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, and the eponymous catalogue by Allen, with essays by Julia Meech, Eric C. Rath and Melinda Takeuchi, 37 2016: 168

Three Aspects of Ukiyo-e Woodblock Printmaking: I. Prussian (Berlin) Blue; II. Concerning the Ukiyo-e Quartet Theory; III. A Much-Revised Shunshō Print (Lawrence Bickford), 18 Autumn 1994: 3

Ukiyo and Ukiyo-e (Yoshiaki Shimizu), 16 Summer 1991: 11

An Ukiyo-e Database for Everyone (John Resig), 38 2017: 149

Ukiyo-e Memories of Ise Monogatari (Nakamachi Keiko; translated and adapted by Henry D. Smith II and Miriam Wattles), 22 2000: 55

An Ukiyo-e Pilgrim’s Progress (Richard Lane), 7 Autumn 1982: 7

Ukiyo-e Print History (Lawrence Bickford), 17 Summer 1993: 6

Ukiyo-e Prints and Non-Ukiyo-e Styles (William Harkins), 11 Summer 1985: 7

Ukiyo-e Tabloids: Illustrations of the Taiwan Expedition of 1874 (Jon Szostak), 21 1999: 55

Ukiyo-e Society of America. See Japanese Art Society of America

Ukiyo-e Society of Japan

A Short History of the Ukiyo-e Society of Japan (Kubota Kazuhiro), 26 2004: 95

Ulak, James T.

Tokyo, The Imperial Capital: Woodblock Prints by Koizumi Kishio, 1928–1940. By Marianne Lamonaca, Frederic A. Sharf and Ulak; review by Donald Jenkins, 26 2004: 134


Revealing the Unseen: The Master Sculptor Unkei and the Meaning of Dedicatory Objects in Kamakura-Period Sculpture (Samuel C. Morse), 31 2010: 25

Uragami Toshirō

The Legacy of Uragami Toshirō (1926–2020) (Satō Mitsunobu), 42 Part 2 2021: 131

Utaemon V, Nakamura

Pas de Trois: An Artist, An Actor & A Ballerina—Iacovleff, Utaemon and Pavlova (Evgeny Steiner), 44 Part 1 2023: 105

Utagawa Hiroshige

Hiroshige Fans in Paris; review by Evgeny Steiner, 45 Part 1 2024: 209

The Hundred Poets Compared: A Print Series by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. By Henk J. Herwig and Joshua S. Mostow; review by Andreas Marks, 29 2007–08: 188

Making Mountains: Mini-Fujis, Edo Popular Religion and Hiroshige’s One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Melinda Takeuchi), 24 2002: 25

The Other Hiroshige: Connoisseur of the Good Life (Hans Thomsen), 24 2002: 49

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Uozukushi Ayu [river trout] by Hiroshige (Stanley L. Wallace), 5 Spring 1981: 7

The Rediscovery of the “Tendō Hiroshiges” (Kobayashi); translated by Henry D. Smith II, 22 2000: 17

Tōkaidō Texts and Tales: Tōkaidō gojusan tsui by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. Edited by Andreas Marks; review by Elizabeth deSabato Swinton, 38 2017: 189

Utagawa Kunimasa

Kunimasa: A Fictional Memoir (Roger Keyes), 19 1997: 54

Utagawa Kunisada

The Bijin-ga of Utagawa Kunisada (Sebastian Izzard), 3 Spring 1979: 1

A Country Genji: Kunisada’s Single-Sheet Genji Series (Andreas Marks), 27 2005–06: 59

Courtesan Emerging from a Mosquito Net: A Late Painting by Kunisada (Sebastian Izzard), 19 1997: 68

The Hundred Poets Compared: A Print Series by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. By Henk J. Herwig and Joshua S. Mostow; review by Andreas Marks, 29 2007–08: 188

A New Actor Painting by Utagawa Kunisada (Sebastian Izzard), 20 1998: 79

Tōkaidō Texts and Tales: Tōkaidō gojusan tsui by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. Edited by Andreas Marks; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 38 2017: 189

Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Heroes of the Grand Pacification: Kuniyoshi’s Taiheki eiyū den. By Elena Varshavskaya; review by Merlin C. Dailey, 28 2006–07: 128

The Hundred Poets Compared: A Print Series by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. By Henk J. Herwig and Joshua S. Mostow; review by Andreas Marks, 29 2007–08: 188

Kisasburō, Kuniyoshi and the “Living Doll” (Kinoshita Naoyuki), 31 2010: 101

Kuniyoshi: From the Arthur R. Miller Collection. By Timothy Clark; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 31 2010: 185

Kuniyoshi and Chinese Subjects: Pushing the Boundaries (Ellis Tinios), 31 2010: 89

Posthumously Published Print Album by Kuniyoshi (Edna Levine and William Harkins), 11 Summer 1985: 5

Some Notes on Kuniyoshi, the Projected Shadow, and Yoshitsune (Marco Fagioli and Mario Materassi), 11 Summer 1985: 1

Tōkaidō Texts and Tales: Tōkaidō gojusan tsui by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada. Edited by Andreas Marks; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 38 2017: 189

Utagawa Toyohiro

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Cranes by Toyohiro (Borys Patchowsky), 1 March 1976: 4

Utamaro. See Kitagawa Utamaro

Utterberg, David Scott

David Scott Utterberg (1946–2019): A Very Private Collector (Julia Meech), 42 Part 2 2021: 77



Valenstein, Suzanne G.

To the Editor, 37 2016: 208

Van Houten, Lori

Personal History: The Magic of Untranslatable Words in Minamiyamashiro Village, 38 2017: 35

Varashavskaya, Elena

Heroes of the Grand Pacification: Kuniyoshi’s Taiheki eiyū den. By Varshavskaya; review by Merlin C. Dailey, 28 2006–07: 128

Letter to the Editor, 22 2000: 108

Vernacular Architecture. See Architecture, Japanese

Vershbow, Arthur and Charlotte

“Chance favors the prepared mind”: Memories of Arthur (1922–2012) and Charlotte (1924–2000) Vershbow (Roger Keyes), 36 2015: 158

How and Why the Arthur and Charlotte Vershbow Collection of Japanese Illustrated Books Came to The Metropolitan Museum of Art (John T. Carpenter), 36 2015: 145

Visiting Arthur Vershbow (Edmond Freis and Allison Tolman), 36 2015: 163

Vever, Henri, auctions at Sotheby’s, London

Behind the Gavel: The Auctioneer’s Personal Viewpoint (Neil K. Davey), 42 Part 2 2021: 123

Virata, Luis

To the Editor, 39 Part 2 2018: 104

Virgin, Louise E.

The Dawn of the Floating World (1650–1765): Early Ukiyo-e Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Timothy Clark, Anne Nishimura Morse and Virgin, with Allen Hockley; review by Helen Nagata, 24 2002: 99

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Water and Shadow: Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints. [Carolyn and René Balcer Collection, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts]. Edited by Kendall H. Brown; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 37 2016: 192

Volk, Alicia

Yorozu Tetsugorō and Taishō Prints: When the Japanese Print Became Avant-Garde, 26 2004: 45

Votive Plaques (ema)

Two Votive Plaques for a Rescue at Sea (Sarah Thal), 30 2009: 87



Wallace, Stanley L.

The History of Japanese Printing and Book Illustration. By David Chibbett; review by Wallace, 3 Spring 1979: 5

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Uozukushi Ayu [river trout] by Hiroshige, 5 Spring 1981: 7

A Shoal of Fishes (Hiroshige); review by Wallace, 7 Autumn 1982: 8

Walley, Akiko

Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama Mandara: Painting and Religious Practice at a Japanese Mountain. By Caroline Hirasawa; review by Walley, 35 2014: 288

The Vogue for Tekagami: Calligraphy Albums and Appraisers of the Edo Period, 44 Part 1 2023: 81

War. See also World War II

Conflicts of Interest: Art and War in Modern Japan. Edited by Philip Hu. Review by Alison J. Miller, 39 Part 2 2018: 225

Watanabe Seitei

“And the bird’s beak became a bird”: Watanabe Seitei’s Pigeons at Sensō-ji (Kit Brooks), 42 Part 1 2021: 149

Watanabe Tamotsu

In Memoriam: Ichikawa Danjūrō XII (1946–2013); translated and adapted by Samuel L. Leiter, 35 2014: 222

Watanabe Yoshio

Watanabe Yoshio’s Photograph of the Okada House (Ken Tadashi Oshima), 30 2009: 81

Waterhouse, David B.

The Buddhist Goddess Marishiten: A Study of the Evolution and Impact of Her Cult on the Japanese Warrior, by David A. Hall; review by Waterhouse, 36 2015: 252

B.W. Robinson (1912–2005): Curator and Collector, 28 2006–07: 101

Harunobu in Chiba; review essay by David Waterhouse of Seishun no ukiyoe-shi Suzuki Harunobu––Edo no kararisuto tōjō / Suzuki Harunobu, Ukiyo-e Master of the Springtime of Youth: Entry on Stage of the Edo Colorist, catalogue of an exhibition at Chiba City Museum and Hagi Uragami Museum, 26 2004:118

The Harunobu Decade: A Catalogue of Woodcuts by Suzuki Harunobu and His Followers in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. By Waterhouse; review by Donald Jenkins, 36 2015: 243

The Heirs of Harunobu: Shiba Kōkan and Others, 16 Summer 1991: 1

The Hishikawa Mode, 31 2010: 43

Icons and Iconoclasm in Japanese Buddhism: Kūkai and Dōgen on the Art of Enlightenment. By Pamela D. Winfield; review by Waterhouse, 35 2014: 285

Images from the Floating World. By Richard Lane; review by Waterhouse, 6 Autumn 1981: 5

Japanese Prints in My Life, 5 Spring 1981: 6

The Lens within the Heart: The Western Scientific Gaze and Popular Imagery in Later Edo Japan. By Timon Screech; review by Waterhouse, 25 2003: 127

Letter to the editor, 25 2003: 147

Masterful Illusions: Japanese Prints in the Anne van Biema Collection. By Ann Yonemura; review by Waterhouse, 25 2003: 138

New Light on the Life and Work of Suzuki Harunobu, 5 Spring 1981: 1

Some Confucian, Buddhist, and Taoist Mitate-e by Harunobu, 19 1997: 28

With a Single Glance: Buddhist Icon And Early Mikkyō Vision. By Cynthea J. Bogel; review by Waterhouse, 33 2012: 137

Waterhouse, David B.

David B. Waterhouse in His Own Words; tribute, 39 Part 2 2018: 99

Pax David Waterhouse: A Letter to the Editor (Richard Lane), 7 Autumn 1982: 7

Watsky, Andrew M.

Chigusa and the Art of Tea (Louise Allison Cort and Watsky); review by Andrew Pekarik, 36 2015: 213

Representation in the Nonrepresentational Arts: Poetry and Pots in Sixteenth-Century Japan, 34 2013: 141

Wattles, Miriam

The Longevity of a Dirty Little Dictionary, 30 2009: 59

Ukiyo-e Memories of Ise Monogatari (Nakamachi Keiko; translated and adapted by Henry D. Smith II and Wattles), 22 2000: 55

Weber, John C.

Kimono Style: John C. Weber in Conversation with Monika Bincsik, 43 Part 1 2022: 75

Weber, John C.

Kimono Style: John C. Weber in Conversation with Monika Bincsik, 43 Part 1 2022: 75

Weinberg, Irwin

Japanese Woodblock Printing. By Rebecca Salter; review by Weinberg, 25 2003: 142

Weisenfeld, Jennifer

Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923. By Weisenfeld; review by Donald Jenkins, 35 2014: 243

Welch, Matthew

Artistic Remix: Contemporary Takes on Timeless Prints, 34 2013: 123

How and Why the Clark Collection Moved to Minneapolis (Willard G. Clark and Welch), 35 2014: 181

Remembering Edson W. Spencer (1926–2012), 34 2013: 176

Worldly Pleasures, Earthly Delights: Japanese Prints from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, By Yuiko Kimura-Tilford and Welch; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 34 2013: 219

Weston, Roger

Roger Weston: Unlocking New Doors (Janice Katz), 32 2011: 129

The Weston Collection Paints the Floating World in Chicago (Janice Katz), 39 Part 2 2018: 95

Wilson, Elizabeth Fulder

Hunting for Used Kimonos in Japan, 38 2017: 55

Winfield, Pamela D.

Icons and Iconoclasm in Japanese Buddhism: Kūkai and Dōgen on the Art of Enlightenment. By Winfield; review by David Waterhouse, 35 2014: 285

Winther-Tamaki, Bert 

Listening to Clay: Conversations with Contemporary Japanese Ceramic Artists; review by Winther-Tamaki, 44 Part 1 2023: 173

Witke, Roxane

Chikanobu: Modernity and Nostalgia in Japanese Prints. By Bruce A. Coats; review by Witke, 29 2007–08: 191

Women, in titles

The Beauty of the Moment: Women in Japanese Woodblock Prints. Edited by Katherina Epprecht; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 35 2014: 282

The Bijin-ga of Utagawa Kunisada (Sebastian Izzard), 3 Spring 1979: 1

The Fragrance of Female Immortals: Celebrity Endorsement from the Afterlife (Ellis Tinios), 27 2005–06:43

The Thirty-Six Immortal Women Poets (Andrew Pekarik), 17 Summer 1993: 4

Women and the Heike nōkyō: The Dragon Princess, the Jewel and the Buddha (Abé Ryūichi), 40 2019: 99

World War II

Art and War in Japan and Its Empire, 1931–1960. Edited by Asato Ikeda, Aya Louisa McDonald and Ming Tiampo; review by Catherine Bae, 35 2014: 247

Behind Things Left Behind: Ishiuchi Miyako (Linda Hoaglund), 34 2013: 85

Out of the Dark Valley: Japanese Woodblock Prints and War, 1937–1945 (Kendall Brown), 23 2001: 65

The Enemy Trader: The United States and the End of Yamanaka (Yuriko Kuchiki), 34 2013: 33

Wright, Frank Lloyd

Appraising the Frank Lloyd Wright Collection: A Personal Memoir (O[rrell] P. Reed, Jr), 24 2002:93

Wu, Yao

Rediscovering an Iconic Painting by Sesshū, 39 Part 1 2018: 165



Yabumoto Sōshirō

Yabumoto Sōshirō: The Way of an Art Dealer (Leighton R. Longhi), 32 2011: 65

Yaeyama Islands

Yours Forever More?: A Narrow Ikat Sash from Yaeyama (Amanda Mayer Stinchecum), 30 2009: 135

Yakushi Buddha

Medicine Master Buddha: The Iconic Worship of Yakushi in Heian Japan. By Yui Suzuki; review by Mark Schumacher, 34 2013: 234

Yamaguchi Akira

Imagine Again and Again: Copies of the Portrait of Minamoto no Yoritomo by Yamaguchi Akira (Miwako Tezuka), 30 2009: 143

Yamanaka & Co.

The Enemy Trader: The United States and the End of Yamanaka (Yuriko Kuchiki), 34 2013:  33

Yanagi, Kōichi (1965–2022)

The Kōichi I Knew (Matthew P. McKelway), 44 Part 1 2023: 155

Kōichi Yanagi (1965–2022): Nothing but the Best (Anne Nishimura Morse & Samuel C. Morse, Philip K. Hafferty, Richard Danziger, Patrick Syz, Katō Gizan), 43 Part 2 2022: 77

Yano, Akiko

Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art. Edited by Timothy Clark, C. Andrew Gerstle, Aki Ishigami and Yano; review by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 36 2015: 232

Yeoh, Peter

The Sky in Flames: Photographs of Tōmatsu Shōmei, 34 2013: 97

Yōga, Japanese modern painting in Western style

Mirroring the Japanese Empire: The Male Figure in Yōga Paintings, 1930­–1950. By Maki Kaneko; review by Asato Ikeda, 37 2016: 200

Yonekura Michio

Reassessing the Jingo-ji Portraits: Personages and Period, 39 Part 2 2018: 11

Yonemura, Ann

Hokusai. By Ann Yonemura, with essays by Nagata Seiji, Kobayashi Tadashi, Yonemura and Asano Shūgõ; catalogue entries by Timothy Clark, Asano, Naitō Masato and Yonemura; review essay, “Hokusai: Still Making Waves,” by Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton, 28 2006–07: 122

Masterful Illusions: Japanese Prints in the Anne van Biema Collection. By Yonemura; review by David Waterhouse, 25 2003: 138

The Ukiyo-e Society of America: Approaching Thirty-Five (Julia Meech and Yonemura), 27 2005–06: 99

Something Special, Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 171

Yorozu Tetsugorō

Yorozu Tetsugorō and Taishō Prints: When the Japanese Print Became Avant-Garde (Alicia Volk), 26 2004: 45

Yoshimoto, Midori

“Bye Bye Kitty!!!”; exhibition review of “Bye Bye Kitty!!! Between Heaven and Hell in Contemporary Japanese Art,” 33 2012: 119


Some Notes on Kuniyoshi, the Projected Shadow, and Yoshitsune (Marco Fagioli and Mario Materassi), 11 Summer 1985: 1

Yōshū Chikanobu

Chikanobu: Modernity and Nostalgia in Japanese Prints. By Bruce A. Coats; review by Roxane Witke, 29 2007–08: 191



Zen Calligraphy

Notes on Zen Calligraphy: The Daitoku-ji and Ōbaku Traditions (Stephen Addiss), 41 2020: 143

Zwicker, Jonathan E.

Kabuki’s Nineteenth Century: Stage and Print in Early Modern Edo. By Zwicker; review by Samuel L. Leiter  45 Part 2 2024: 162

Alphabetical List of Essay Titles and Special Issues

Adapting to the Times: Jizō Statues Along the Kamakura Pilgrimage Route (Mark Schumacher), 35 2014: 153

The Aesthetics of Rayskin in Edo-period Japan: Materials, Making and Meaning (Christine Guth), 37 2016: 89

After Rosetsu (Matthew McKelway), 41 2020: 109

Always at Another Level (Paul Berry), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 155

Always Looking (Anne Nishimura Morse and Samuel C. Morse), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 190

“And the bird’s beak became a bird”: Watanabe Seitei’s Pigeons at Sensō-ji (Kit Brooks), 42 Part 1 2021: 149

Anders Rikardson (1953–2020): A Lifelong Devotion to Art; tribute by Geoffrey Oliver, 42 Part 1 2021: 171

Anointing with Eyes, Raiment and Relic: Insights from the Cologne Jizō (Helmut Brinker), 34 2013: 151

Appraising the Frank Lloyd Wright Collection: A Personal Memoir (O[rrell]. P. Reed, Jr), 24 2002: 93

An Appreciation of Nabeshima (Monika Bincsik), 37 2016: 35

An Appreciation: The Japanese Print Collection of the New York Public Library (William Green), 9 Spring 1984: 1

Artistic Remix: Contemporary Takes on Timeless Prints (Matthew Welch), 34 2013: 123

Asai Chū and Ikebe Yoshikata: A Unique Collaboration (Donald Jenkins), 39 Part 1 2018: 35


Barbra Teri Okada (1937–2012): Vigorous, Versatile, Valued; tribute by Julia Meech, 34 2013: 173

Behind the Gavel: The Auctioneer’s Personal Viewpoint (Neil Davey), 42 Part 2 2021: 123

Behind Things Left Behind: Ishiuchi Miyako (Linda Hoaglund), 34 2013: 85

Beneath the Blue: A Scientific Analysis of Kōrin’s Irises at Yatsuhashi (Marco Leona and Jennifer Perry), 37 2016: 129

Benjamin Altman’s Little-Known Collection of Japanese Lacquers (Monika Bincsik), 36 2015: 61

Berlin Ostasiatica in Russian Cellars (Evgeny Steiner), 45 Part 2 2024: 28

Beyond Decadence: Rethinking Early Meiji Woodblock Prints (Julia Meech-Pekarik), 10 Autumn 1984: 6

The Bijin-ga of Utagawa Kunisada (Sebastian Izzard), 3 Spring 1979: 1

Biographical Sketch (Jack Hillier), 4 Winter–Spring 1980: 7

The Body Beautiful: The Illusory World of Ukiyo-e (Richard Kruml), 16 Summer 1991: 10

Bridging Edo and Meiji: Shōsai Ikkei’s Comic Views of Early Tokyo (Jonathan Solomon), 21 1999: 43`

Bubbles, East and West: An Iconic Encounter in 18th-Century Ukiyo-e (Timon Screech), 22 2000: 87

Burying Anxiety and Preserving Hope in the Age of the Final Dharma (D. Max Moerman), 45 Part 1 2024: 51

B. W. Robinson (1912–2005): Curator and Collector; tribute by David Waterhouse, 28 2006–07: 101

“Bye Bye Kitty!!!”; exhibition review by Midori Yoshimoto, 33 2012: 119


Calling on Red Shōki, the Demon Queller, in Times of Death and Disease (John T.  Carpenter), 43 Part 2 2022: 170

Cameras, Photographs and Photography in Nineteenth-Century Japanese Prints (Allen Hockley), 23 2001: 43

Cardozo and Rosanjin: The Brooklyn Connection (Joan Cummins), 43 Part 1 2022: 53

Catherine Halff Edson (1938–2010): Remembering an Esteemed Collector; tribute by Sebastian Izzard, 32 2011: 177

“Chance favors the prepared mind”: Memories of Arthur (1922–2012) and Charlotte (1924–2000) Vershbow; tribute by Roger Keyes, 36 2015: 158

Charles Lang Freer and Japanese Ceramics (Louise Cort), 39 Part 1 2018: 131

Cheney Cowles: A Seattle Collector Makes A Statement, 41 2020: 37

A Chinese Green Jar in Japan: Source of a New Color Aesthetic in the Momoyama Period (Louise Cort), 30 2009: 32

A Classroom Like No Other (Kobayashi Tadashi), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 132

Clifton Karhu (1927–2007): A Personal Tribute; tribute by Norman Tolman, 29 2007–08: 151

Coincidence and Chance: Becoming a Collector in the 1960s (Lawrence Bickford), 25 2003: 93

The Collected Secrets of Raku Ceramics; review essay by Peter Dailey of Handmade Culture: Raku Potters, Patrons, and Tea Practitioners in Japan, by Morgan Pitelka, 29 2007–08: 175

Collecting Hakuin (Richard Fishbein), 33 2012: 111

Collecting in a Specialized Field: A Conversation with Fredric T. Schneider; Shopping with Fred (Lynn Reiser), Postscript (Kendall H. Brown), 43 Part 2 2022: 13

Collecting Japanese Posters: Merrill C. Berman in Conversation with Erin Schoneveld, 45 Part 2 2024: 62

Collecting Japanese Prints in America: Adventures of Lilla S. Perry (1882–1971) (William Green), 14 Spring 1988: 7

Collecting Kannon (Richard Fishbein), 35 2014: 177

Colorful Realm and Masters of Mercy: Two Exhibitions in Washington, DC; exhibition reviews by Andrew Pekarik, 34 2013: 184

Conservation of Japanese Woodblock Prints: Display, Storage and Treatment (Betty J. Fiske), 28 2006–07: 61

A Conversation with Roger S. Keyes, 41 2020: 71

The Cosmetic Mystique of Old Japan (Edna Levine and William Green), 4 Winter–Spring 1980: 1

Counter-mapping: Kawada Kikuji’s The Map in an Age of Anxiety (Maggie Mustard), 45 Part 1 2024: 121

A Country Genji: Kunisada’s Single-Sheet Genji Series (Andreas Marks), 27 2005–06: 59

Courtesan Emerging from a Mosquito Net: A Late Painting by Kunisada (Sebastian Izzard), 19 1997: 68

Creating Chigusa (Louise Allison Cort), 32 2011: 135

The Cultural Environment of Edo Shunga (David Pollack), 31 2010: 73

Cut from Kyoto Cloth: Takeuchi Seihō and His Artistic Milieu (Ellen P. Conant), 33 2012: 71


Daidōzan (Lawrence R. Bickford), 15 Summer 1989: 1

Dana Levy (1936–2017): An Appreciation; tribute by Peter Grilli, 39 Part 1 2018: 213

Dancing in Japan: Doors Once Open—Open Again Even Wider (Lonny Gordon), 38 2017: 93

David B. Waterhouse in His Own Words; tribute, 39 Part 2 2018: 99

David Scott Utterberg (1946–2019): A Very Private Collector (Julia Meech), 42 Part 2 2021: 77

Defining the Dawn; review by Helen Nagata of The Dawn of the Floating World (1650–1765): Early Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, by Timothy Clark, Anne Nishimura Morse and Louise E. Virgin, with Allen Hockley, 24 2002: 99

Dietrich Seckel’s Private Photos: An Archive at Heidelberg University (Anne-Laure Bodin), 39 Part 2 2018: 11

Discovery. By Robert Hatfield Ellsworth. Edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver, with Anita Christy, 38 Companion Issue 2017

Documenting Mashiko in 1934: Minagawa Masu (Marty Gross), 36 2015: 84

Domon Ken’s Murōji (Alice Y. Tseng), 30 2009: 114

The Double Identity of Chūshingura: Theater and History in Nineteenth-Century Prints (Chelsea Foxwell), 26 2004: 23

Drama in the Surimono Style Prints of Hokuei (John Fiorillo), 20 1998: 61

Dressing Up, Dressing Down: Poetry, Image and Transposition in the Eight Views (Haruo Shirane), 31 2010: 51

Dying Like the Buddha: Intervisuality and the Cultic Image (D. Max Moerman), 29 2007–08: 25


The Early Years of Japanese Print Collecting in North America: The Early Years; The Collectors: Brief Biographies (1860s–1950s) (Julia Meech), 25 2003: 15

“Earth”: The Missing Element from a Surimono Series by Hokkei (Joan Mirviss), 20 1998: 53

Editorial Chats: At Long Last (William Green), 1 March 1976: 2

Edo Kabuki: The Actor’s World (Samuel L. Leiter), 31 2010: 117

Edward S. Morse’s Writings on Japanese Vernacular Architecture as Ethnography (Jonathan Reynolds), 35 2014: 137

Edward Seidensticker (1921–2007): In His Own Words; tribute by Mary Richie Smith, 29 2007–08: 145

Edwin Grabhorn: Printer and Print Collector (Julia Meech), 25 2003: 55

Eight Parts Full: A Life in the Tokyo Art Trade. By Sakamoto Gorō, Special Issue 2011

Eight Views of Nikkō: An Underappreciated Theme in Japanese Art (Timon Screech), 45 Part 2 2024: 126

The Enemy Trader: The United States and the End of Yamanaka (Yuriko Kuchiki), 34 2013: 33

Engekikai: Kabuki’s Magazine of Record (Samuel L. Leiter), 37 2016: 75

Ephemera for Insiders; review essay by Melinda Takeuchi of Manga from the Floating World: Comicbook Culture and the Kibyōshi of Edo Japan, by Adam I. Kern, 29 2007–08: 165

Essays in honor of Henry DeWitt Smith II, 30 2009: 27–156

The Evolution of Sugoroku Imagery: From Expressions of Religious Devotion to Comic Art (Stephen Salel), 45 Part 2 2024: 98

An Exploration of Finality: Conservator and Curator Examine the Ceramic Sculpture of Nishida Jun (Abigail Hykin and Anne Nishimura Morse), 35 2014: 85


A Faux Pas (Cheney Cowles), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 152

Filling the Gaps at the Nara National Museum (Naitō Sakae), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 141

Following Her Bliss: Mary Griggs Burke (1916–2012); tribute by Julia Meech; and four additional tributes by others delivered at memorial service, 35 2014: 201

The Fragrance of Female Immortals: Celebrity Endorsement from the Afterlife (Ellis Tinios), 27 2005–06: 43

Fragility and Resilience: The Memory Fabric of Ishiuchi Miyako, Photo Weaver (Motoko Shimizu), 45 Part 2 2024: 12

The Functional Beauty of the Japanese Box (Shirley Z. Johnson), 42 Part 1 2021: 37


The Ghost of Oiwa in Actor Prints: Confronting Disfigurement (Shimazaki Satoko), 29 2007–08: 77

Giving Away Our Collection (Sylvan Barnet), 36 2015: 31

Godzilla: A Monster in Midtown (Gregory M. Pflugfelder), 36 2015: 115

The Grolier Club and Ukiyo-e (Jean Horblit), 10 Autumn 1984: 4

Gunhild Avitabile (1941–2021): Never in the Slow Lane; tribute by Julia Meech, 43 Part 1 2022: 163


Hagurodō: Training Ground for Ukiyo-e Painting Dealers (Asano Shūgō), 37 2016: 141

Hakkō Ichiu ™: Projecting “Greater East Asia” (R. W. Purdy), 30 2009: 106

Halsey Miller North (1947–2022): Advocate of Arts, Cuisine, Conversation & Clay; tribute by Louise Allison Cort & Alice North, 44 Part 2 2023: 179

Hamilton Easter Field (1873–1922): Artist from Brooklyn and Early Connoisseur of Japanese Prints (William Green), 8 Summer 1983: 4

Hanako’s Teahouse (Miwa Hanako), 32 2011: 29

Harry Packard’s Japanese Pots (Louise Cort), 32 2011: 115

Harunobu and the Stylishly Informal: “Fūryū Yatsushi” as Aesthetic Convention (Alfred Haft), 28 2006–07: 23

Harunobu in Chiba; review essay by David Waterhouse of Seishun no ukiyoe-shi Suzuki Harunobu––Edo no kararisuto tōjō / Suzuki Harunobu, Ukiyo-e Master of the Springtime of Youth: Entry on Stage of the Edo Colorist, catalogue of an exhibition at Chiba City Museum and Hagi Uragami Museum, 26 2004: 118

Hasui’s True Views; review essay by Peter Dailey, 25 2003: 117

Heartwarming Generosity (Samuel C. Morse), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 127

Heavenly Horses of the Heart; exhibition review by Melinda Takeuchi of “Tenba––shiruku roodo o kakeru yume no uma / Pegasus and the Heavenly Horses: Thundering Hoofs on the Silk Road,” Nara National Museum, 30 2009: 159

The Heirs of Harunobu: Shiba Kōkan and Others (David Waterhouse), 16 Summer 1991: 1

Hell’s Kitchen and the Joy of Cooking: Culinary Themes in Kumano kanjin jikkai mandara (Eric Rath), 37 2016: 107

Helmut Brinker (1939–2012): Spreading Enlightenment; tribute by Klaus F. Naumann, 34 2013: 170

Herbert Egenolf (1938–2002); tribute by Veronica Miller, 24 2002: 108

Hiroshige Fans in Paris (Evgeny Steiner), 45 Part 1 2024: 209

The Hishikawa Mode (David Waterhouse), 31 2010: 43

Hokusai on the World Stage; review essay by Donald Jenkins, 28 2006–07: 121

Hokusai: Still Making Waves; review essay by Elizabeth deSabato Swinton of Hokusai, catalogue and exhibition at The Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Washington, DC, 28 2006–07: 122

Hokusai’s Chie No Umi, “The Oceans of Wisdom” (Sebastian Izzard), 9 Spring 1984: 8

How and Why the Arthur and Charlotte Vershbow Collection of Japanese Illustrated Books Came to The Metropolitan Museum of Art (John T. Carpenter), 36 2015: 145

How and Why the Clark Collection Moved to Minneapolis (Willard G. Clark and Matthew Welch), 35 2014: 181

Hunting for Used Kimonos in Japan (Elizabeth Fulder Wilson), 38 2017: 55


Ichikawa Ebizō XI at Carnegie Hall (Samuel L. Leiter), 38 2017: 123

Imagine Again and Again: Copies of the Portrait of Minamoto no Yoritomo by Yamaguchi Akira (Miwako Tezuka), 30 2009: 143

Impressions Nos. 1–20 (1976–98) Indexes (compiled by William Pearl), 20 1998: 100

Impressions of Japan, short feature essays that conclude selected issues of Impressions. See Impressions of Japan, Index, Part 1

In Memoriam: Ichikawa Danjūrō XII (1946–2013); tribute by Watanabe Tamotsu; translated and adapted by Samuel L. Leiter, 35 2014: 222

An Innovative Takatori Dish for Chanoyu (Andrew Maske), 42 Part 1 2021: 125

In Remembrance of Benito Ortolani (1928–2022): Leading Light in Asian Theater Studies; tribute by Samuel L. Leiter, 44 Part 1 2023: 121

Interpreting Sexual Imagery in Japanese Prints: A Fresh Approach to Hokusai’s Diver and Two Octopi (Danielle Telarico), 23 2001: 25

An Interview with Toyohara Kunichika (Amy Reigle Newland), 29 2007–08: 99

An Interview with Toyohara Kunichika: The Sequel (Amy Reigle Newland), 31 2010: 133

Introduction to a Catalogue: The Perry Collection of Japanese Prints (Lilla Perry), 14 Spring 1988: 8

Ishinosuke Mizutani (1920–2006): An Appreciation; tribute by Stephen Addiss, 29 2007–08: 148


Jacqueline Avant (1940–2021): A Life in Black and Gold; tributes by Monika Bincsik, Robert Hori, Erik Thomsen, Sharon S. Takeda & Hollis Goodall, 43 Part 2 2022: 59

Japanese Animal Prints (William Harkins), 15 Summer 1989: 10

Japanese Exported Lacquer: Reassessments and Summary of Sources; review essay by Monika Binscik of “Japan––Makie / Export Lacquer: Reflection of the West in Black and Gold Makie,” Kyoto National Museum and Suntory Museum, 31 2010: 158

The Japanese Fan in Japanese Prints (William Harkins), 18 Autumn 1994: 10

Japanese Prints (Howard Mansfield), 10 Autumn 1984: 1

Japanese Prints in My Life (David Waterhouse), 5 Spring 1981: 6

Japanese Smoking Accoutrements in the Carolyn Hsu-Balcer Collection (Martin Barnes Lorber), 38 2017: 171

Japan’s First Modern Manga Magazine (Peter Duus), 21 1999:31

Japan’s New, New Thing: Young Designers Invigorating Aging Industries (Naomi Pollock), 39 Part 1 2018: 201

JASA at the Forefront: The 2014 Fortieth-Anniversary Colloquium (Julia Meech), 36 2015:  131

JASA’s Fiftieth Anniversary: An Appreciation to Members, 45 Part 2 2024: 252

Jeffrey W. Pollard: A Collection Growing in Scotland (Rosina Buckland), 42 Part 1 2021: 101

Journey to the Land of Rosetsu: Jack Hillier’s Letters from Japan, 1970; edited by Mary Hillier and Peter Dailey, 20 1998: 83

Just One Thing After Another (James Freeman), 39 Part 1 2018: 67


Kabuki—Spooky and Kooky—Returns to New York (Samuel L. Leiter), 36 2015: 123

Kamikaze-gō: The Plane That Sold Newspapers, Kimonos and National Pride (Klaus J. Friese), 45 Part 1 2024: 107

The Katsukawa (Lawrence R. Bickford), 14 Spring 1988: 1

Kawase Hasui: Collecting a Versatile Modern Master (René Balcer), 34 2013: 109

Kimono Style: John C. Weber in Conversation with Monika Bincsik, 43 Part 1 2022: 75

Kimono Under the Microscope: Japanese Fashion at the Cusp of the Chemical Revolution (Nobuko Shibayama, Maria Goretti Mieites Alonso, Kristine Kamiya, Monika Bincsik and Marco Leona), 44 Part 2 2023: 91

Kisaburō, Kuniyoshi and the “Living Doll” (Kinoshita Naoyuki), 31 2010: 101

The Kitaev Collection of Japanese Art in the Pushkin Museum: Historia Calamitatum (Evgeny Steiner), 32 2011: 37

Kitaōji Rosanjin in New York (Meghen Jones), 43 Part 1 2022: 63

The Kodera Family Folding Table (Jordan Sand), 30 2009: 98

The Kōichi I Knew; tribute by Matthew P. McKelway, 44 Part 1 2023: 155

Kōichi Yanagi (1965–2022): Nothing but the Best; tributes by Anne Nishimura Morse & Samuel C. Morse, Philip K. Hafferty, Richard Danziger, Patrick Syz; 43 Part 2 2022: 77

Kōrin’s Iris Screens: An Exhibition at the Nezu Museum; review by Nakamachi Keiko, 34 2013: 194

Kunimasa: A Fictional Memoir (Roger Keyes), 19 1997: 54

Kuniyoshi and Chinese Subjects: Pushing the Boundaries (Ellis Tinios), 31 2010: 89


Lea Sneider (1925–2020): Art Lover; tribute by David Sneider, 42 Part 1 2021: 177

Lee E. Dirks: In Print; interview, 42 Part 1 2021: 63

The Legacy of Uragami Toshirō (1926–2020); tribute by Satō Mitsunobu, 42 Part 2 2021: 131

Lessons from the One-Mat Room: Piety and Playfulness among Nineteenth-Century Japanese Antiquarians (Henry D. Smith II), 33 2012: 55

A Letter from Munakata (Julie Nelson Davis), 38 2017: 129

A Life Well-Lived and Happily Shared: Dana Levy; tribute by Tish [Letitia B.] O’Connor), 39 Part 1 2018: 219

Likenesses and Signatures (Lawrence R. Bickford), 13 Spring 1987: 1

Lilian Miller: An American Artist in Japan (Kendall Brown), 27 2005–06: 81

Lilla S. Perry: A Retrospective (E. Caswell Perry), 14 Spring 1988: 12

The Longevity of a Dirty Little Dictionary (Miriam Wattles), 30 2009: 59

The Lost Art of Resistance (Linda Hoaglund), 33 2012: 31

Louis V. Ledoux: Collector of Japanese Textiles (Julia Meech), 43 Part 1 2022: 99


Making Mountains: Mini-Fujis, Edo Popular Religion and Hiroshige’s One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Melinda Takeuchi), 24 2002: 25

Marketing Koson in America (Kendall H. Brown), 43 Part 1 2022: 129

Mary A. Ainsworth: Pioneer American Woman Collector of Japanese Prints (William Green), 12 Summer 1986: 1

Meeting in Boston (Judith Dowling), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 167

A Memorable First Visit (Peggy Danziger), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 115

Memorial Portraits of Kabuki Actors: Fanfare in the Floating World (Christine Guth), 27 2005–06: 23

Memories of Munakata (Marvin Lichtner), 26 2004: 67

A Midwife’s Bag (Julie Rousseau), 30 2009: 92

The Miraculous Descent of Amida Buddha (Miriam Chusid), 45 Part 1 2024: 75

Mitate-e: Some Thoughts and a Summary of Recent Writings (Timothy Clark), 19 1997: 6

Moronobu Anniversary: Three Centuries of the Floating World (Richard Lane), 18 Autumn 1994: 8

Multiple Impressions (Richard Kruml), 14 Spring 1988: 6

Munakata and Matsubara: An Artist’s Memoir (Naoko Matsubara), 26 2004: 89

The Murase Era: A Conversation with Miyeko Murase (Miwako Tezuka), 42 Part 2 2021: 11

Museum Collections in the New York Area: The Brooklyn Museum (William Harkins), 3 Spring 1979: 8

My Affection for Two of the Yanagi Brothers (James Freeman), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 251

My First Encounters with John Rosenfeld (Timon Screech), 36 2015: 184

“My Master is Creation”: Prints by Hokusai Sōri (1795–1798) (Roger Keyes), 20 1998: 39


The N501i: Mobile Phone as Portable New World (Giles Richter), 30 2009: 149

A New Actor Painting by Utagawa Kunisada (Sebastian Izzard), 20 1998: 79

New Light on the Life and Work of Suzuki Harunobu (David Waterhouse), 5 Spring 1981: 1

The New Year’s Gift and a Painting of Jupiter (Timon Screech), 30 2009: 52

New Year’s Tea (Philip K. Hafferty), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 192

A Note on Facial Posture in Japanese Prints (William Harkins), 16 Summer 1991: 15

A Note on Harunobu’s Lovers Sharing an Umbrella (Roger Keyes), 26 2004: 115

A Note on Kōno Bairei’s Birds (William Harkins), 13 Spring 1987: 7

Notes on Zen Calligraphy: the Daitoku-ji and Ōbaku Traditions (Stephen Addiss), 41 2020: 143


An Oasis in Kyoto (Howard and Mary Ann Rogers), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 164

Ogata Kōrin: Stumbling Into His Artistic Legacy (Frank Feltens), 40 2019: 163

Oliver Hadley Statler (1915–2002); tribute by Donald Jenkins, 24 2002: 105

Onchi’s Portrait of Hagiwara Sakutarō: Emblem of the Creative Print Movement for American Collectors (Noriko Kuwahara), 29 2007–08: 121

One Hundred Dystopian Views of Japan: Urban Poverty in the Graphic Narratives of Tsuge Tadao (Stephen Salel), 44 Part 2 2023: 157

Osamu Ueda (1928–2011); tribute by H. George Mann, 33 2012: 113

The Other Hiroshige: Connoisseur of the Good Life (Hans Thomsen), 24 2002: 49

Out of the Dark Valley: Japanese Woodblock Prints and War, 1937–1945 (Kendall Brown), 23 2001: 65

An Oversize Surimono (Asano Shūgō; translated by Timothy Clark), 20 1998: 17

Overwhelmed by a Yanagi (Julia Meech), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 249


Parody and Poetry: Japan versus China in Two Eighteenth-Century Ukiyo-e Prints (Sarah Thompson), 24 2002: 73

Pas de Trois: An Artist, An Actor & A Ballerina—Iacovleff, Utaemon and Pavlova (Evgeny Steiner), 44 Part 1 2023: 105

Passionate Pursuit: My Adventures in Ukiyo-e (H. George Mann), 25 2003: 77

Passione per la Vita: In Memory of Gunhild Avitabile (1941–2021); tribute by Stephan von der Schulenberg, 43 Part 1 2022: 155

Patricia Ann Salmon (1933–2022): Plenty of Charm and Taishō Chic; tribute by Julia Meech, with Michael Dunn, Mary Ann Rogers, Stephen Little, Kendall H. Brown.and Douglas Akagi, 44 Part 1 2023: 125

Pax David Waterhouse: A Letter to the Editor (Richard Lane), 7 Autumn 1982: 7

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Boy at Play by Ishikawa Toyomasa (William Green), 2 October 1978: 5

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Cranes by Toyohiro (Borys Patchowsky), 1 March 1976: 4

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Fuzoku Shiki Kassen [Seasonal Poems in Contemporary Settings] (Ran Hettena), 4 Winter–Spring 1980: 6

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Ichikawa Danjūrō VIII in the Shibaraku role (Robert Enequist), 6 Autumn 1981: 8

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Mono Saizuri, an album of kyōka poetry (Jon Rettich), 3 Spring 1979: 6

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: The Young Flute Player by Toyonobu (William Harkins), 9 Spring 1984: 7

A Personal Choice: Select Prints from Members’ Collections: Uozukushi Ayu [river trout] by Hiroshige (Stanley Wallace), 5 Spring 1981: 7

Personal History: The Magic of Untranslatable Words in Minamiyamashiro Village (Lori Van Houten), 38 2017: 35

A Person of Culture (Louise Allison Cort), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 117

Peter F. Drucker (1908–2005): Ahead of the Curve (Joan Baekeland), 29 2007–08: 140

Photography, Handwriting and Memory in the Obituary of Natsume Sōseki (Satow Morihiro), 30 2009: 67

Photo Tour of “Anxiety and Hope in Japanese Art” at The Met, 45 Part 1 2024: 39

Pictures and Things: Bridging Visual and Material Culture in Japan; Essays in Honor of Henry DeWitt Smith II, 30 2009: 23–158

The Pigment Story (Lawrence R. Bickford), 7 Autumn 1982: 1

Pink Fuji: The Print Hokusai Saw (Roger Keyes), 29 2007–08: 69

Portraits of the Emperor Meiji (Donald Keene), 21 1999: 17

Posthumously Published Print Album by Kuniyoshi (Gary Levine and William Harkins), 11 Summer 1985: 5

Postscript: A Poetry Primer from Sugamo Prison, 1945–52 (Lindsey Powell), 36 2015: 87

A Precious Life: Eulogy for the Poets of Sugamo (Midori Sato), 35 2014: 35

Print Auction Happy Fund Raising Event, 1 March 1976: 2

A Promised Gift (Robert and Betsy Feinberg), 36 2015: 49

Propaganda Textiles Reconsidered (Klaus J. Friese), 44 Part 1 2023: 61

Prostitute as Bodhisattva: The Eguchi Theme in Ukiyo-e (Timothy Clark), 22 2000: 37


A Raku Wastewater Container and the Problem of Monolithic Sincerity (Morgan Pitelka), 30 2009: 67

Rare Correspondence: Letters from Harry Packard to Edwin Grabhorn 1950–64. Edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver, 36 Companion Issue 2015

Reassessing the Jingo-ji Portraits: Personages and Period (Yonekura Michio), 39 Part 2 2018: 11

Recollections of My Father, Setsu Yoshihira (1932–2017); tribute by Setsu Tadashi, 40 2019: 185

Re-creating Ukiyo-e: The Art and Craft of Tachihara Inuki (Henry D. Smith II), 38 2017: 153

Rediscovering an Iconic Painting by Sesshū (Yao Wu), 39 Part 1 2018: 165

The Rediscovery of the “Tendō Hiroshiges” (Kobayashi Tadashi; translated by Henry D. Smith II) 22 2000: 17

Reflections and Random Notes on an Uncommon Surimono (William Green), 11 Summer 1985: 2

Reflections: George Gund III (1937–2013); tribute by Leighton R. Longhi, 35 2014: 229

Reflections of a Collector (Kurt A. Gitter), 39 Part 1 2018: 169

Reflections of the President (Thomas Kessler), 1 March 1976: 1

Reimagining the Imagined: Depictions of Dreams and Ghosts in the Early Edo Period (Kenji Kajiya), 23 2001: 87

Rejoiner: The Pigment Story Revisited (Lawrence Bickford), 9 Spring 1984: 12

Remembering Edson W. Spencer (1926–2012) (Matthew Welch), 34 2013: 176

Remembering the Japan Society (Rand Castile), 28 2006–07: 77

Remembering John Max Rosenfeld (1924–2013); tribute by Samuel C. Morse, 36 2015: 167

Representation in the Nonrepresentational Arts: Poetry and Pots in Sixteenth-Century Japan (Andrew Watsky), 34 2013: 141

A Response to Kinoshita Naoyuki: Foreign Perspectives on “Living Dolls” at Asakusadera (Allen Hockley), 32 2011: 167

Revealing the Unseen: The Master Sculptor Unkei and the Meaning of Dedicatory Objects in Kamakura-Period Sculpture (Samuel C. Morse), 31 2010: 25

Richard Lane (1926–2002), Scholar and Collector (Julia Meech), 26 2004: 107

Robert Hatfield Ellsworth: A Lifetime of Friendship and Loyalty; tribute by Robert Poster, 37 2016: 160

Robert Hatfield Ellsworth Remembered; tribute by Anita Christy, 37 2016: 150

Roger Weston: Unlocking New Doors (Janice Katz), 32 2011: 129

The Role of Discovery in Conservation: Reading History from Japanese Prints (Elizabeth Coombs), 21 1999: 71

Rosanjin: Creating His Image (Louise Allison Cort), 43 Part 1 2022: 39


Saving a Noh Robe (Nagasaki Iwao), 41 2020: 139

Screens for a Young Warrior (Matthew McKelway), 30 2009: 42

A Second Look at Utamaro (Jack Hillier), 19 1997: 48

Secrets of the Sedgwick Shōtoku (Rachel Saunders), 40 2019: 83

Seducing Mind and Body in the World of Commerce, Theater and Literacy; review essay by Catherine Bae of of the exhibition “Seduction: Japan’s Floating World––The John C. Weber Collection,” Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, and the eponymous catalogue by Laura W. Allen, with essays by Julia Meech, Eric C. Rath and Melinda Takeuchi, 37 2016:168

Sekiya Shirō: Master & Mentor (Shirley Z. Johnson),  44 Part 2 2023: 13

Senility-Preventing Kannon (Mark Schumacher), 37 2016: 149

Shijō Bird, Animal and Flower Prints in the Meiji Period (William Harkins), 12 Summer 1986: 10

The Shijō Surimono (William Harkins), 6 Autumn 1981: 1

The Shijō Surimono and the New Year Festival (William Harkins), 17 Summer 1993: 1

Shimada Kiyonori: The Transformation of Cloth (Samuel C. Morse), 33 2012: 43

Shimizu Hisao (1953–2020): A Man of Parts; tribute by Veronica Miller, 42 Part 1 2021: 168

Shirley Z. Johnson (1940–2021): A Focused Collector; tribute by Julia Meech and Jan Stuart with Louise Allison Cort, 43 Part 1 2022: 179

A Short History of the Ukiyo-e Society of Japan (Kubota Kazuhiro), 26 2004: 95

The Sky in Flames: Photographs of Tōmatsu Shōmei (Peter Yeoh), 34 2013: 97

Snapshots from the Iwasaki Family Album: The Founders of Mitsubishi (Kumiko Makihara), 44 Part 1 2023: 33

Snowflakes (Amemiya Toshiko), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 172

Some Confucian, Buddhist, and Taoist Mitate-e by Harunobu (David Waterhouse), 19 1997: 28

Some Notes on Kuniyoshi, the Projected Shadow, and Yoshitsune (Marco Fagioli and Mario Materassi), 11 Summer 1985: 1

Something Special (Ann Yonemura), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 171

Special Tōbi Art Fair 2020: Looking Forward and Back (Kawashima Tadashi), 41 2020: 127

Startled Bamboo and Wizened Mountains: Through the Eyes of Kodōjin, the “Old Daoist” (Hollis Goodall), 45 Part 1 2024: 193

“Still Learning”: A Conversation with Klaus F. Naumann, Collector and Dealer, 40 2019: 37

The Story of a Tokyo Art Dealer; interview with Tajima Mitsuru, 38 2017: 71

The Studious Dealer (Yukio Lippit), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 130

The Stuff of Dreams: Kawanabe Kyōsai’s Nirvana Painting of Matsura Takeshirō (Henry D. Smith II), 35 2014: 97

The Suda Hachiman Shrine Mirror and Its Inscription (David Barnett Lurie), 30 2009: 27

Sugamo Life: Prison Arts Under American Occupation, 1945–52 (Bill Barrette), 34 2013: 55

Summoning the Thirty-six Poets: A Look at a Poet-Portrait Screen (Tomoko Sakomura), 32 2011: 145

Sumo and the Japanese Print Artists (Lawrence Bickford), 2 October 1978: 1

Supersize Sumo Wrestlers: Selected Imagery (Noriko Ōkubo), 42 Part 1 2021: 131

Swiss Bliss (Robert G. Sawers), 25 2003: 71


“The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated”; exhibition review by Andrew Pekarik, 41 2020: 173

Tales from 419A: As Told by James Cahill’s Students, 36 2015: 187

“There Was No East or West When Their Lips Met”: A Movie Poster for Japanese War Bride as Transnational Artifact (Kim Brandt), 30 2009: 119

Thinking about Pictures: Reflections on Segments of a Medieval Illustrated Handscroll (Sylvan Barnet and William Burto), 29 2007–08: 59

The Third Mind; review essay by Ryan Holmberg of The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860–1989, by Alexandra Munroe, 31 2010: 142

The Thirty-Six Immortal Women Poets (Andrew Pekarik), 17 Summer 1993: 4

Three Aspects of Ukiyo-e Woodblock Printmaking: I. Prussian (Berlin) Blue; II. Concerning the Ukiyo-e Quartet Theory; III. A Much-Revised Shunshō Print (Lawrence Bickford), 18 Autumn 1994: 1

The Tiger, a Toy Gun (Gregory M. Pflugfelder), 30 2009: 128

To Donate or Not to Donate (Raymond Bushell), 42 Part 2 2021: 101

A Tribute to Robert O. Muller (1911–2003); tribute by Joan Mirviss, 25 2003: 109

The True Colors of Meiji Prints:  Science Tells a Different Story (Henry D. Smith II), 44 Part 2 2023: 127

Tsukioka Kōgyo’s Noh Prints: Revival and Performance (Katherine Saltzman-Li), 37 2016: 53

Two Votive Plaques for a Rescue at Sea (Sarah Thal), 30 2009: 87


Uga-Benzaiten: The Goddess and the Snake (Catherine Ludvik), 33 2012: 95

Ukiyo and Ukiyo-e (Yoshiaki Shimizu), 16 Summer 1991: 11

An Ukiyo-e Database for Everyone (John Resig), 38 2017: 149

Ukiyo-e Memories of Ise Monogatari (Nakamachi Keiko; translated and adapted by Henry D. Smith II and Miriam Wattles), 22 2000: 55

An Ukiyo-e Pilgrim’s Progress (Richard Lane), 7 Autumn 1982: 7

Ukiyo-e Print History (Lawrence Bickford), 17 Summer 1993: 6

Ukiyo-e Prints and Non-Ukiyo-e Styles (William Harkins), 11 Summer 1985: 7

Ukiyo-e Society Enters Third Year of Activity (William Green), 1 March 1976: 1

The Ukiyo-e Society of America: Approaching Thirty-Five (Julia Meech and Ann Yonemura), 27 2005–06: 99

Ukiyo-e Tabloids: Illustrations of the Taiwan Expedition of 1874 (John Szostak), 21 1999: 55

Unpeeling the Orange: Reinterpreting a Surimono by Hokusai (Roger Keyes), 27 2005–06: 55

An Unusual Reliquary at The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Impressions of Japan (Miriam Chusid), 43 Part 1 2022: 220


Vanished Grandeur of the Kitaev Collection (Evgeny Steiner), 44 Part 2 2023: 153

Visions of Tokyo in Japanese Contemporary Art (Adrian Favell), 35 2014: 69

Visiting Arthur Vershbow; tribute by Edmond Freis and Allison Tolman, 36 2015: 163

The Visual Narratives of the Kumano Nun: Picturing Anxiety and Promising Hope (Talia Andrei), 45 Part 1 2024: 59

The Vogue for Tekagami: Calligraphy Albums and Appraisers of the Edo Period (Akiko Walley), 44 Part 1 2023: 81


Watanabe Yoshio’s Photograph of the Okada House (Ken Tadashi Oshima), 30 2009: 81

The Weber Jizō: A Vision of Grace in a Tumultuous Age (Hank Glassman), 45 Part 1 2024: 97

The Weston Collection Paints the Floating World in Chicago (Janice Katz), 39 Part 2 2018: 95

Who Was Harry Packard? (Julia Meech), 32 2011: 83

Why So Much Shunga at the Honolulu Museum of Art? (Shawn Eichman and Stephen Salel), 36 2015: 133

Wild Boars and Dirty Rats: Kyōka Surimono Celebrating Ichikawa Danjūrō VII as Arajishi Otokonosuke (John T. Carpenter), 28 2006–07: 41

William Charles Burto (1921–2013): Bowing with Respect; tribute by Elizabeth Ten Grotenhuis, 35 2014: 219

William Green and Amherst College: A Perfect Match (Julia Meech), 39 Part 2 2018: 65

William Paden (1930–2004): Printmaker and Teacher; tribute by Yoshiaki Shimizu, 27 2005–06: 110

William S. Lieberman (1923–2005): Curator and Collector; tribute by Julia Meech, 28 2006–07: 105

. . . with a Little Help from My Friends . . .  (Richard Mellott), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 118

With Sugimura and Morofusa on the Yoshida Highway (Richard Lane), 8 Summer 1983: 1

A Woman of Parts: In Conversation with Mika, 45 Part 1 2024: 137

Women and the Heike nōkyō: The Dragon Princess, the Jewel and the Buddha (Abé Ryūichi), 40 2019: 99

The Woodblock Print in the Meiji Era (William Harkins), 7 Autumn 1982: 5


Yabumoto Sōshirō: The Way of an Art Dealer (Leighton R. Longhi), 32 2011: 65

Yanagi: A Family of Art Dealers in Kyoto, Yanagi Special Issue 2025

Yanagi Shigehiko and His Brothers: A Collector’s Appreciation (Robert Feinberg), Yanagi Special Issue 2025: 239

Yorozu Tetsugorō and Taishō Prints: When the Japanese Print Became Avant-Garde (Alicia Volk), 26 2004: 45

Yoshiko Kakudo (1934–2016): Curator, Artist, Philanthropist; tribute by Richard Mellot, 38 2017: 177

Yours Forever More?: A Narrow Ikat Sash from Yaeyama (Amanda Mayer Stinchecum), 30 2009: 135


The Zenning of Munakata Shikō (Allen Hockley), 26 2004: 77