Impressions 28 Table of Contents
20 In This Issue
23 Harunobu and the Stylishly Informal: “Fūryū Yatsushi” as Aesthetic Convention
Alfred Haft41 Wild Boars and Dirty Rats: Kyōka Surimono Celebrating Ichikawa Danjūrō VII as Arajushi Otokonosuke
John T. Carpenter61 Conservation of Japanese Woodblock Prints: Display, Storage and Treatment
Betty J. Fiske77 Remembering the Japan Society
Rand Castile101 B.W. Robinson (1912–2005): Curator and Collector
David B. Waterhouse105 William S. Lieberman (1923-2005): Curator and Collector
Julia Meech
Review Articles
121 Hokusai on the World Stage
Donald Jenkins122 Hokusai: Still Making Waves
Elizabeth de Sabato Swinton
128 Ellen Varshavskaya, Heroes of the Grand Pacification: Kuniyoshi’s Taiheki eiyū den
Merlin C. Dailey131 Letters to the Editor
133 Glossary of Print Terms
134 Contributors